• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


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Slippin' Jimmy
Oct 14, 2001
Chicago Sunroofing
We have seen that MAGA doesn't really mean Make America Great Again. First, America is great, so any American or son of a Scot that says otherwise needs to be booted out of the country. Second, MAGAmmads haven't really moved America in the moar great direction.

So what does it mean?

MAGA = Mueller Ain't Going Away

Take your best stab at it.
First, America is great
America is a terrible place that is causing only problems for the world. Not only through wars, no, you people also export more and more your terrible political culture to Europe. You should be ashamed for yourselves.

MAGA = Make America Go Away
First, America is great,

Have you talked with the rest of the gang? Cause between november '15 and november '16 Democrats were unable to agree as to whether America was great or terrible.
Like, either would have been fine i suppose.
Just, you know, stick with one for a couple of weeks at a time.
Men Are Getting Arrested
Many Are Getting Angry/Angsty

Take your pick.
Meet Awesome Gnome Assassin!!!
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