[MOD] MagisterModmod

I am thinking now that instead of founding the religion automatically at Cartography, I may add a new wonder requiring that tech which founds the faith and act as a holy Shrine
I don't know if it's possible but what do you think about putting the foundation and spreading of the Foxman with the Tali's constellation event ? The event itself doesn't give nothing besides information about the god and its followers. I think, if possible, is a good way to spread a cult that is disorganized and doesn't have hierarquical structure or a holy city. The first civilization that receives the event will have it spread in their cities first. And every time it appears in another civilization or in the player's, the religion is spread in some cities there and in a few turns it changes its place. Or the first event could be the initial spreading and in a few turns the Foxman randomly changes and spread in other cities and civilizations. Also, it's possible to disable the creation of one holy city's faith and only spreading the religion ? I think this would make more sense some cults that doesn't have/need of shrines.

Now that you are speaking of minor religions, what is know about the orcish cult of Bhall ? Because would I suggest to create a unique pagan temple based in the faith of the clans in Bhall (to represent her cult amongst the orcs) and make it a requirement to train Bhall-orcs, that are a powerfull unit to have in the beginning of the game without requirements. It could be named sacred fire, sacred bonfire or sacred flame and could give +1 happiness to fire mana instead of the incense and +1 of culture, instead of the 10%. Or could be +20% instead. What do you think about ?
Thank you for your responses and your time! And for considering and implementing my opinons. :)

This sounds great and appropriate. What exactly are the benefits of their holy city compared to just religion being present?

I was thinking that Holy cities got the extra <HolyCityCommerces>, but it seems those are only applied when you own the holy city and have the religion as your State religion. Since I was not planning on allowing the cults to ever become state religions, I guess the only extra benefits are from the Shrine. The Shrine, as I said, adds Light, removes Heavy, provides +1 Air mana, some culture, and +1 Adventurer GPP.

I'm thinking I might allow the shrine to move to a city that does not yet have the faith too, if it has enough air mana.

Right now I am trying to figure out how to deal with the fact that buildings that spread a religion during normal gameplay do not seem to do so if purchased in an advanced start game. You could build the shrines that way and never get the faith started. I guess I could make the wonders unavailable in advanced starts, as no wonders can be purchased that way in vanilla civ or vanilla FfH2, but I don't really want to. It wouldn't work so well for the Chancels of the Guardians or Planar Gates founding the Brotherhood or Chainbreakers either, although I am now starting to wonder if maybe giving the Elohim and the Sheaim that much of a head start on those faiths is too much anyway.

I'd love to hear from them, in general stability system is weird, but it is also one of my favorite features. I would love if it could be made more interactive, intuitive and balanced.

Yeah, I'm not sure what to do about this. If Melee/Disciple distinction was based on how unit fights, then Paladins (and paramanders, crusaders etc.) should be melee units and not disciples. They use melee infantry tactics, weapons and equipment and should get access to their promotions. Disciple units should be ones that fight with spells and prayers I guess, making them similar to arcane units. But I'm also not sure what other implications on game this has.

It doesn't even seem that there are that many promotions available to disciples that are not available to melee. Maybe they could be tied to "Disciple" promotion, and Disciple unit combat could then be done away with. But again this may have other implications I'm not aware of.

Regarding this specific problem, I think that in the worst case, priests using enchanted weapons is not that bad after all. I guess that they would indeed use some enchanted equipment rather than mundane, and it probably still wouldn't make them overpowered in close combat. Alternatively, you could make two versions of the promotion: enchanted weapons (heavy) and enchanted weapons (light), giving heavy version with bigger bonus to melee, and light version with reduced bonus to disciples.

Thank you. What about giving foreign trade unlimited merchants? This is already tied to guilds, but guilds also allow unlimited sages and so does scholarship. So this would be an alternate source of unlimited merchants for those who do not have guilds. It is useful and also thematically appropriate. Civ running foreign trade could expect many great merchants, which sounds nice. Or, maybe allow Caravans only to those who use foreign trade and make them stronger?
I actually added unlimited Merchants to Foreign trade between the time of my previous post and your reply.

I don't really end up using Caravans much, so I think maybe I will make them require Foreign Trade. I'm less eager to do the same for their naval counterparts, the merchantmen or smugglers ships, though I will consider having merchantment require Foreign Trade and Smugglers require Mercantilsim.
Regarding Mercantilism, it also isn't very powerful compared to Agriculture, and comes in the late game. In our would and probably in the lore, mercantilism is based around accumulation of physical wealth in the form of precious metals, by exporting as much goods as possible in exchange for gold and importing as little as possible. So this is basically a Khazad ideology. Ideally, Mercantilism should be such that dwarves want to use it. Could you make it so that Mercantilism allows a better version of wealth, which converts 100% of hammers into gold instead of 50%? This would allow industrial powerhouses like Khazad to use their industry to amass even more gold. Alternatively, it could give +1 hammer or gold to towns.

I'd be more likely to say that Mercantilism is an exploded fallacy that continues to be advocated by the Stewards of Inequity in order to keep the rich rich and the poor poor.

(In case you cannot tell, I am a supporter of true free trade. I even decided to make the economics tech juxtapose a pro-Mercantilism quote from a Steward of Inequity with a line from my favorite economist, Henry George.)

I did make it give lots of happiness from the Bazaar of Mammon, but and not sure what else I want to give it.

What about extra gold from Workshops, Plantations, and Wineries?
Guilds civic shouldn't really give national instability. It is not as if guilds are hated by the population. Plus, for balance reasons, we don't need more late game instability anyway, and guilds aren't overpowered to need a penalty.
I thought I had it set up so that Guilds made the nation more stable, not less. Is this one of those tags that seems to do the opposite of what I assumed?

Conquest prompt that appears when you discover its tech says that it provides extra gold on city capture, but that it also makes cities lose extra population. Is this still true? Maybe add it in the civic description or remove the info from the prompt.
I was not aware whether it was ever true. I'll have to look into it.

I just now decided to make Conquest increase the rate of Great General generation
Lore-wise I guess it would be appropriate, because Angels of Death would basically send their souls off to Arawn. Game play wise, I'm not sure, maybe it isn't a good idea because the only unit that you'd use to find the souls would also be the unit that forces you to destroy them.

How do you know who can be resurrected? I was curious and used world builder to find the soul of Baron Duin and managed to resurrect him. It was very cool, but without worldbuilder I wouldn't know where to use the spell. For non heroes, it can be even worse as you don't even know if you can find them, let alone where.
The Mouseover PyHelp String should show you details of who can be resurrected by a given caster, including their unit type, promotions, and proper names.
Maybe losing an unit that turns into sluagh should teleport sluagh in some graveyard near owners capital city, or in capital city itself if no graveyard is available, with a popup saying that "legendary warrior was buried in X"? So that you can know where to look at?

This is also where the "reverse hidden nationality" would come handy, one that makes units peaceful to everyone instead of hostile. That way you could find sluaghs without having to kill them.
The code to place a sluagh is complicated enough without it trying to find or create a new graveyard.

Reverse hidden nationality just is not possible, as nice as it would be. I guess I could see about adding a new civ that is always at peace with everyone just to handle Sluaghs and maybe dropped pieces of equipment, but that would likely add a bunch of complications I don't want to deal with in the next release.

I also have been toying with making Angels of Death start with Hidden Nationality recently, so having Sluaghs belonging to a peaceful civ visible only to HN units would be no better than having them still as barbarians.
Sounds nice. In my games, every graveyard had one sluagh inside, so I guess that they spawn and disappear constantly, Does it mean that hallowed graves can eventually collect many sluaghs, if they keep appearing but not disappearing?
Yes. If you have an adept Hallow a grave early on, and go back to hallow it again whenever the Hallowed Ground feature expires, then you will probably have well over a dozen Sluaghs in the graveyard before you get an archmage able to resurrect them.

Note that Life 3 allows resurrecting your civ and religious heroes wherever they are and will let you resurrect a unit on a graveyard, but Life Affinity + Channeling 3 lets you use Mass Resurrection to raise every single sluagh (except heroes not allowed for your civ/religion) on the same or adjacent tiles without any regard to whether there is a graveyard around. It also resurrects Undead units belonging to your rivals. (I decided it was too strong to let you spam Death casters to spam Skeletons and Spectres and let you then resurrect all of them as permanent living units. You can turn your enemies Undead summons into a permanent army for yourself though.)

Also, Undead units summoned on Graveyards will have a Sluagh from that tile converted to the Skeleton/Spectre/Wraith, significantly increasing the potency of the spell as the summon gets the Sluagh's duration, level, promotions, name, etc. That prevents them from being resurrected later. (Since Undead units automatically rob a graveyard when summoned there, they may also destroy the Graveyard improvement.) You cannot do this on a Hallowed Graveyard though, as Hallowed Ground blocks necromancy on the tile as well as making the tile impassible to undead units.

Thank you. Just consider that targeting Air elementals and Chaos marauders first could make them less useful, as they are usually summoned units that you do NOT want to target, as they disappear on their own. Instead, maybe give them bonus against units with Air and Chaos spell promotions, like the Slaying promotions give bonus against racial promotions?
I just made it so that Paramanders do not attack such units first anymore, but they do defend first against them. I also gave them immunity to Lighning Damage and let them start with a new "Elemental Slaying" promotion as well as demon slaying.
Is it ever possible to spread Order in the Veil or Undertow holy city? Would doing so make the holy city disappear? I wasn't able to spread it, cultists always won in the street clashes, so I gave up :/ I wanted to keep the city for its wonders, but maybe I made a wrong choice. :D
Yes, they can spread to each other's cities, although it is not common. Only The Luonnotar (or capture by the Infernal) can cause a Holy City to loose its religion. In the event that the conflict would normally remove the holy city's religion type, they should be able to coexist.

This reminded me that I was meaning to add new events and onReligionSpread code for conflicts involving the new religions.

The Foxmen and Stewards of Inequity are both bitter enemies with the Runes of Kilmorph. The Emrys/Chainbrekers would be viewed just like the Ashen Veil by the good religions. The Order would have a huge problem with the Circle of Gaelan, which might translate to issues with the Laeran Cord in general.

I don't know if it's possible but what do you think about putting the foundation and spreading of the Foxman with the Tali's constellation event ? The event itself doesn't give nothing besides information about the god and its followers. I think, if possible, is a good way to spread a cult that is disorganized and doesn't have hierarquical structure or a holy city. The first civilization that receives the event will have it spread in their cities first. And every time it appears in another civilization or in the player's, the religion is spread in some cities there and in a few turns it changes its place. Or the first event could be the initial spreading and in a few turns the Foxman randomly changes and spread in other cities and civilizations. Also, it's possible to disable the creation of one holy city's faith and only spreading the religion ? I think this would make more sense some cults that doesn't have/need of shrines.
I already added options for each the constellation events for the gods who have major religions grant a Disciple of that religion with Evangelist if the player knows the tech needed to found the religion anyway.

I think I will do the same for each of the minor cults. I cannot make the events have the religion founding tech (Never) as a prereq, but I can give them the prereq a of the techs that allow founding the wonder that founds the religion or training the priests thereof.

I'm thinking that maybe the events that give you a disciple of the minor religions should require you already control a source of that religion's patron Mana. That would give, e.g, the Elohim an advantage at starting the Brotherhood of Wardens, but not a huge of one as the Kuriotates, Sheaim, or Grigori could get from the start too. (I guess I should probably forbid the Grigori from getting such disciples, though I may need to give them some sort of extra bonus to make up for their loss.)

Now that you are speaking of minor religions, what is know about the orcish cult of Bhall ? Because would I suggest to create a unique pagan temple based in the faith of the clans in Bhall (to represent her cult amongst the orcs) and make it a requirement to train Bhall-orcs, that are a powerfull unit to have in the beginning of the game without requirements. It could be named sacred fire, sacred bonfire or sacred flame and could give +1 happiness to fire mana instead of the incense and +1 of culture, instead of the 10%. Or could be +20% instead. What do you think about ?
I'd want more canon lore about this faith first, at least including its name. I know Kael called Bhall's faith in the Age of Magic "The Sanctus Inquisition" (which sounds wrong to me, as Inquisitio is a feminine word so its adjective should take the from "Sancta"), but I doubt that the Orcs would keep the same old name after Ball's fall. I could make it the Insanctus (Unholy) Inquitition, but that does not seem right either. I'd want Kael to confirm an official name.

To be honest the main thing stopping me from implementing that cult is a lack of space in which to display the religions in the city screen.

Now that I have 18 religions displayed in 2 neat rows I am reluctant to change things. I could alter the spacing to allow one or two more per row, but would prefer to keep the same number per row and leave the top row those that can be state religions. (I'd consider adding a third row of minor religions if we had lore on enough, but that would be much more awkward to code and I don't think the tga files can handle that many religions anyway. )

Edit: I just realized I read your post wrong. Adding a new religion for Bhall is not likely, but a new Clan of Embers Unique Building like Sidar's Shrine of Arawn seems like a good idea.

I was kind of viewing the Eternal Flame as their only temple, but I suppose each of their lesser Bonfires or Tophets which get extra happiness from the Eternal Flame. Would it be too much to make this grant Fire Resistance and decrease the unhappiness from sacrificing population too?

(I know that Jonas Edain's pedia entry uses the term Sacred Flame, but I think I'd kind of rather keep that term for the holy fire of the Sanctus Inquisition rather than its evil embers. I'm leaning towards the term Tophet, after the sites where Canaanites performed human sacrifices in fire, often killing their own children to honor a Baal or Molech. I just realized that I already used that as an Infernal city name, but also that I accidentally gave them too different names with the same number so one of them was not appearing in the game anyway. I think I'll repurpose it for Bhall's pagan temples. )
I know that Revolution mod component isn't developed by you, but could you please increase garrison revolt reduction? Like at least double or triple it. I feel that constant revolts are getting out of hand, and that effect of trops in city really isn't strong enough, and it should be quite a simple change, First, both gameplay wise and role-play wise, a recently conquered 3-size town shouldn't be able to revolt if it has 20 units inside. Secondly, would help the AI while making revolts still common enough for really over extended empires. Maybe liberty civic can reduce garrison stability bonus?
I plan to work a bit on revolutions after the next releases of MNAI-U and EMM are out. If everything works out right, afterwards the different effects on stability should be a more transparent and it should be easier to tweak. I do agree that a large garrison should be an effective way to increase stability, especially for small cities. Ideally, there would be multiple strategies to deal with revolutions, of course.
I actually added unlimited Merchants to Foreign trade between the time of my previous post and your reply.
Great :)

I don't really end up using Caravans much, so I think maybe I will make them require Foreign Trade. I'm less eager to do the same for their naval counterparts, the merchantmen or smugglers ships, though I will consider having merchantment require Foreign Trade and Smugglers require Mercantilsim.

For what it's worth, I didn't bother with caravans or merchantmen in neither of my two games. Thing is, to efficiently balance them, you either need to make them low cost - low reward, which makes it really tedious to move them around, or high cost - high reward. If you go with high cost route, making a civic as a requirement for them makes sense, it is more interesting "cost" than simply high hammer cost. Plus, I am a fan of civics that change a bit the way you play and plan your strategy :)

I'd be more likely to say that Mercantilism is an exploded fallacy that continues to be advocated by the Stewards of Inequity in order to keep the rich rich and the poor poor.

(In case you cannot tell, I am a supporter of true free trade. I even decided to make the economics tech juxtapose a pro-Mercantilism quote from a Steward of Inequity with a line from my favorite economist, Henry George.)


I did make it give lots of happiness from the Bazaar of Mammon, but and not sure what else I want to give it.

What about extra gold from Workshops, Plantations, and Wineries?

In general I'm not a fan of civics that give extra yields from special improvements like quarries, pastures, plantations or wineries, simply because 1) it is quite often irrelevant, since they are very rare improvements that exist only on resources, and even the large empires often have only several of them. It is just too trivial and clog up the screen without being meaningful when you decide whether to adapt the civic or not. Compare this to Aristocracy or Agriculture, which can affect literally hundreds of improvements. 2) Even if meaningful, those kinds of bonuses still do not change the way you play. You will still always place those improvements over resources, civic or not. Compare this with Aristocracy actually changing the look of your empire, as you prefer to put farms over cottages, or Arete making you prefer mines over lumber mills. Much more interesting IMO.

Gold from workshops could be fine, but they are already strong as is. Maybe +1 gold per specialist? Then it would synergies with guilds which makes sense. What about improved wealth generation? I saw it in other mods and it works well, but I'm not sure if it requires C++ work.

I thought I had it set up so that Guilds made the nation more stable, not less. Is this one of those tags that seems to do the opposite of what I assumed?

Could be, and it would also explain unyielding order making nation unstable. In general, 0 local stability score is good, while 1000 is rebellion. And for national it's reverse, 0 is bad and 1000 good.

The Mouseover PyHelp String should show you details of who can be resurrected by a given caster, including their unit type, promotions, and proper names.

I noticed this, and it's great. But you still don't know where to search, except by using worldbuilder or trial and error? Maybe spawning sluagh could also spawn some sort of written notification on the map ("remains of battleground"), like unique features and some events do? Is it simpler than adding a graveyard?

Yes. If you have an adept Hallow a grave early on, and go back to hallow it again whenever the Hallowed Ground feature expires, then you will probably have well over a dozen Sluaghs in the graveyard before you get an archmage able to resurrect them.

This is great! :)

It also resurrects Undead units belonging to your rivals. (I decided it was too strong to let you spam Death casters to spam Skeletons and Spectres and let you then resurrect all of them as permanent living units. You can turn your enemies Undead summons into a permanent army for yourself though.)

As fun as this is, is this lore friendly? :D Is there such thing as a living Spectre? OR living skeleton? Wouldn't they just immediately die? Maybe they should be resurrected as warriors and adepts, while keeping their old promotions?

(I guess I should probably forbid the Grigori from getting such disciples, though I may need to give them some sort of extra bonus to make up for their loss.)

You may not need to worry, as I think that small cults would exist in Grigori lands. In fact, they'd probably be more tolerant of small cults/communities fleeing from persecution from other lands than they'd tolerate formation of communities of organised religions. And religions already can spread to Grigori lands, so...

I plan to work a bit on revolutions after the next releases of MNAI-U and EMM are out. If everything works out right, afterwards the different effects on stability should be a more transparent and it should be easier to tweak. I do agree that a large garrison should be an effective way to increase stability, especially for small cities. Ideally, there would be multiple strategies to deal with revolutions, of course.

Thank you, I appreciate the effort! Right now, it is hard to read the numbers or predict how the risk will change in the future. There are many numbers on the mouseover screen, but numbers don't seem to add up, and it is not really explained what most of them mean. National stability is whole other issue, it is not clear how national situation translates to local situation... I am looking forward to new improvements!
As fun as this is, is this lore friendly? :D Is there such thing as a living Spectre? OR living skeleton? Wouldn't they just immediately die? Maybe they should be resurrected as warriors and adepts, while keeping their old promotions?
Oh, they don't stay Skeletons/Spectres/Wraiths/Pyre Zombies/etc when resurrected. If the undead unit has an alternate unit type (it would if raised on a graveyard and converted from a sluagh) then it returns to being that type. If not, then they become Warriors/Axemen/Champions (or associated unique units replacements) based on their unit tier (Skeletons would be warriors, spectres would be axemen/swordsmen, and Wraiths would be Men at Arms.) They would loose the promotions granted by the unit type, like Undead, Fear, or Cannibalize, but keep other perks like Combat and Empower promotions.
Oh, they don't stay Skeletons/Spectres/Wraiths/Pyre Zombies/etc when resurrected. If the undead unit has an alternate unit type (it would if raised on a graveyard and converted from a sluagh) then it returns to being that type. If not, then they become Warriors/Axemen/Champions (or associated unique units replacements) based on their unit tier (Skeletons would be warriors, spectres would be axemen/swordsmen, and Wraiths would be Men at Arms.) They would loose the promotions granted by the unit type, like Undead, Fear, or Cannibalize, but keep other perks like Combat and Empower promotions.

Wow, amazing work :)
I'm leaning towards the term Tophet, after the sites where Canaanites performed human sacrifices in fire, often killing their own children to honor a Baal or Molech
I think its a proper name for them.
I was kind of viewing the Eternal Flame as their only temple, but I suppose each of their lesser Bonfires or Tophets which get extra happiness from the Eternal Flame. Would it be too much to make this grant Fire Resistance and decrease the unhappiness from sacrificing population too?
I think these abilities are quite good. They sinergises with the whole context envolving the Clan and Bhall, but I think you shouldn't give them too much happiness in a single building (as an incentive to war, expansion for resources and make things a bit difficult for them) Maybe you could remove the +1 happiness from incense and put the ability to decreace the unhappiness from sacrificing.
I plan to work a bit on revolutions after the next releases of MNAI-U and EMM are out. If everything works out right, afterwards the different effects on stability should be a more transparent and it should be easier to tweak. I do agree that a large garrison should be an effective way to increase stability, especially for small cities. Ideally, there would be multiple strategies to deal with revolutions, of course.
Do you have any ETA on the next MNAI release? I am close to ready to release the new Magister Modmod, but would prefer to incorporate an MNAI update first if it is coming soon. (Especially if it manages to fix the issue of asserts caused by the game randomly reading certain characters of random xml tags as unreadable special characters.)
I hope to release this weekend, if I don't find a major bug in my test games.

Regarding Unyielding Order and Revolutions: I tried it, and didn't see anything special happen. Is the XML the same as in MNAI?

I am not sure if I have any relevant save file anymore, but what happened to me, in both games, is that when I cast Hope (and I think some other city spells), next turn my national stability was 0 in all cities. And explanation read that most contributing factor was Unyielding order (-100) even though that spell wasn't really cast.

EDIT: Well, here is one save. I just cast Hope (Greater) in capital city and immediately got apparent +200 national stability due to unyielding order. Which shouldn't happen as unyielding order isn't cast at all. And then, next turn my national stability goes to 0 (Dangerously unstable). As if that 200 bonus is actually a penalty.

And also, all national stability modifiers seem to work in reverse. In that save, I have a bunch of positive stability modifiers, like dungeons, and only one negative modifier (large empire) yet my national stability seems to deteriorate every turn. And then I got a golden age, which was supposed to give +40 national stability every turn, but it seems to only accelerate the stability drop,

Either the modifiers are in reverse, so that all the good thing are actually bad, or descriptions are wrong, so that 0 national stability is actually ideal, but it misleadingly says dangerously unstable.

Sadly, I have no idea what national stability does anyway and how it translates to local stability, as only the local stability is actually a factor in revolts. as far as I know.


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I am not sure if I have any relevant save file anymore, but what happened to me, in both games, is that when I cast Hope (and I think some other city spells), next turn my national stability was 0 in all cities. And explanation read that most contributing factor was Unyielding order (-100) even though that spell wasn't really cast.

EDIT: Well, here is one save. I just cast Hope (Greater) in capital city and immediately got apparent +200 national stability due to unyielding order. Which shouldn't happen as unyielding order isn't cast at all. And then, next turn my national stability goes to 0 (Dangerously unstable). As if that 200 bonus is actually a penalty.

And also, all national stability modifiers seem to work in reverse. In that save, I have a bunch of positive stability modifiers, like dungeons, and only one negative modifier (large empire) yet my national stability seems to deteriorate every turn. And then I got a golden age, which was supposed to give +40 national stability every turn, but it seems to only accelerate the stability drop,

Either the modifiers are in reverse, so that all the good thing are actually bad, or descriptions are wrong, so that 0 national stability is actually ideal, but it misleadingly says dangerously unstable.

Sadly, I have no idea what national stability does anyway and how it translates to local stability, as only the local stability is actually a factor in revolts. as far as I know.
I had not remembered that Hope or Hop Greater effected stability, but it looks like I gave them values of <iRevIdxLocal>-1</iRevIdxLocal> and <iRevIdxNational>-1<iRevIdxNational>

It may be important to note that I gave Unyielding Order a python effect that reducing the city's Revolution Index to 0, believing that would prevent that city from ever going into revolt. I'm not sure how or if this effects national stability. This code is called when the unyileding order spell is first cast and also as a passive effect (PyRequirement) of a hidden Maintain Unyielding order spell, plus similar code is called when a city with the Pillar of Chains, Tower of Complacency, Unyielding Order, or Unyielding Order (Greater) is captured.
def spellUnyieldingOrder(pCaster, eSpell=-1):
   pPlot = pCaster.plot()
   if pPlot.isCity():
       pCity = pPlot.getPlotCity()
       iChange = -9
       pTimer = pCity.getHurryAngerTimer()
       if pTimer < 9:
           iChange = 0 - pTimer
       if pCity.getRevolutionIndex() > 0:
I haven't had any game crashes in quite a while.
I am still having issues with the AI's getting killed off early by Barbarians on Prince difficulty (not even on deity)
I turned off Raging Barbarians.
In my last game only 1 opponent remains from a Huge map with the normal number of AIs.
Next I'm turning off huts, dungeons and whatever else produce random barbarians that would kill off my foes.

I was going to ask if people had any recommended settings regarding barbarians, but this pretty much answers my question already.

It's been years since I last played any FFH modmod, so I was very surprised by how much difficulty the AI seems to be having nowadays. Within the first 125 turns of my first game, both of the two AIs I'd encountered had had their capitals conquered by barbarians. And it wasn't even like they were strong barbs either – just the plain crappy goblin units. Within the next 75 turns after that, another two civs had been destroyed.

It seems that the AI is just completely incapable of defending itself if Raging Barbarians is turned on. I'll try turning it off and see if that makes a difference.

Edit: In a second test game, with Raging Barbarians off, I'm observing that the AI is consistently maintaining as little as a single defender in their capital city. No wonder they're so easily getting conquered.

I'm not sure if this is due to the difficulty level (I'm only playing on Noble, because, like I said, it's been years since I last played), but I think the AI needs a little retuning so that they actually build some defence.
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Yes. AI civ early defense does need some anti-barb attention.
Since I still play with all features on, there are still some Barbs that pop out, usually to defend a special tile feature. So, they are not much of a problem.

In the Realism Invictus mod, they created 4 new Promotions to show us getting more civilized than the Barbarians and allows us to design specialized units to protect our cities from Barbarians or fog bust without dying too easily.

Land Tactics grants +10% vs land units and opens up other promotion paths, such as the Pacification path.
Pacification 1, grants an additional 25% vs Barbarians,
Pacification 2, grants an additional 32% vs Barbarians,
Pacification 3, grants an additional 43% vs Barbarians for a total of 100% vs Barbarians if one chose all 3 promotions.
Each level also grants the ability to gain +25 more xp from Barbarians.

This might be one solution here.

As these promotions don't offer any advantage vs. the AI or against us, one doesn't promote all of their units with these promotions.
I just uploaded the new version.

The May 4th updates adds several new religions, all canonical to Erebus, bringing the total number to 18. The Matronae join the faiths from vanilla civ as major religions that can become state religions. It may be founded by the Bane Divine ritual (which now has an AC prereq of 35 instead of 70) or by special spells which Gyra, Condatis, or Brigit can cast while wearing a Mask of the Coven of the Black Candle. The non-state Cult of the Dragon and Children of the One are joined by the Unblemished (founded by Aquae Sucellus), Brotherhood of Wardens (spread by Shrine of Sirona or Hallowing of the Elohim), Laeran Cord (spread by Library of Oghma or Crown of Akharien), Foxmen (spread by the new Slyph Search), Stewards of Inequity (spread by the Bazaar of Mammon), Chainbreakers (spread by the Prophecy of Ragnarok, the Nexus, or Elegy of the Sheaim), and the Occis (spread by Aeron's Chosen unit or the new School of Sadism). Religious shrines no longer provide 3 types of mana. Major religion shrines provide 2 of a single type. The wonders that formerly provided and required the same sort of mana now can be built without mana but are built twice as fast with it. The Slyph Search wonder randomly relocates itself and the Foxmen holy city. It provides Wanderer points, culture, Air mana, and Light. The School of Sadism provides Body mana, adds Unholy Taint, and removes Weak. Several new unique features have been added, including Wode's Oak, the Grave of Asmoday, Herve's Mausoleum, and the Tapestry House Door. Players now get bonus effective mana based on their alignment as well as civ, leader, state religion, unit religion, and mana on the plot. Mana nodes still require specialized techs to construct, but all the mana types can be trades at Knowledge of the Ether. The Sun Affinity + Channeling 4 spell is now Epiphany, which reveals everyone;s line of sight, instead of Summon Seraph. Priests are more likely than before to get a random religion-appropriate affinity. Adepts, Mages, and Arcane units become more expensive the more you have. The level preres of mages, archmages, and high priests have been returned to the vanilla 4 and 6. (It is less thematic but maes for better gameplay.) The Unblemished priests Faith Healers are the best healers in the game. Units of their faith can heal themselves when in the stack without requiring them to use their Heal spell. The Brotherhood of Warden's cleric the Warden of the Meek has a Rescue Refugees spell to transfer population points from oppressive cities (those with starvation, hurry anger, conscript anger, or bad civics) to those of you own that are ready to welcome them. The Calabim instead have Blinded Brothers, whose Pacify spell can end revolts and give units (friendly and otherwise) a promotion that makes them defensive only and grants negative Spirit affinity. The Laeran Cord's Saperes can use the Research ability to transform all their xp into 10x the research, and can upgrade to Mages. The Foxmen's Wanderers are like Adventurers without Hero. They can upgrade unit various units at a discount and may explore lairs no one else sees. They are also faster, starting with Light and Fair Winds. (Light now requires the Foxmen unit religion. The religion also lts units become Winged, gaining the power of Flight.) The Dragon Fanatics and Wyvern Riders now have unique art for every type of dragon. The Rentiers of the Stewards of Inequity can to trade missions, bribe Mercenaries, and Embezzle. The Chainbreaker's Insurrectionists can cause revolts in rival cities and turn rival slaves into your soldiers. The Sheim UU the Emrys instead have the Seduce Sorcerer spell which lets them take control of rival Arcane units. The Occis has no clerics but gives access to the Strong, Aeron's Chosen, Burning Blood, and Unholy Taint promotions. Berserkers and Brujahs are now Occis units.

I was not able to find the cause of or fix the issue where some xml tags are read improperly (usually with unreadable characters) and the game fails to recognize some entry. You may still get some such errors or asserts when launching the game, when generating a map, when loading a save, or when a new player is summoned mid game. They always seem to go away if you close the game and open it again though.

I noticed too late that trying to go to the Promotion Tree page of the pedia may cause the game to freeze and crash.

edit: I just found another very minor python bug. in line 8212 of CvEventManager.py, I should have added the line iRel = gc.getInfoTypeForString('RELIGION_CULT_OF_THE_DRAGON') before calling iRel.

This is in the part of the code which makes sure that a religion gets spread when various buildings are present in the city, buildings that spread the religion anyway in xml/C++ when not in worldbuilder or advanced start.
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I noticed too late that trying to go to the Promotion Tree page of the pedia may cause the game to freeze and crash

Ha...I had to laugh at this as it was one of the first things I did in my first game after installing your mod. I have not played ffh in some years, so wanted to refresh on some of the promo lines. Good that it is known.

I'm playing a bit of a game here, and have a few questions or issues to point out:

1) This Slyph Search alert keeps popping up constantly every turn saying I or someone else has completed it. (I did first early on) I don't know what this means..nothing every happens but the alert keeps going and going ...kind of annoying unless there is actually some purpose to it.

2) In one of the explorable sites, namely "Tapestry House Gates" I achieved a result of spawning Runewyn - a nice unit indeed. However, Runewyn disappeared after 1 turn like some summons do. My question is what is the point of that?

3) Speaking of these sites, I've noticed that they one can explore them indefinitely. This is different from what I recall from playing years ago. Now in one respect this is kinda cool, but in some cases these sites belligerent units like "Grave of Asmoday". I eventually settled with this site in my BFC. Do these sites every get exhausted such that cannot explore them anymore or they stop spawning units?
@MagisterCultuum, If you get enough feedback from everyone this week regarding bugs and errors, do you think you might do a quick correction update rather than wait several months?
I have to download the mod onto 2 computers to multiplay, so I'd like to tell the other that it's working fine.
I just found a few python bugs

In line 3606 of CustomFunctions.py it says
elif pUnit.getRace() == [gc.getInfoTypeForString('PROMOTION_DEMON'), gc.getInfoTypeForString('PROMOTION_UNDEAD')]: instead of elif pUnit.getRace() in [gc.getInfoTypeForString('PROMOTION_DEMON'), gc.getInfoTypeForString('PROMOTION_UNDEAD')]:

This is preventing the Banish spell from working against Demons/Undead units that do not have an evil religion or spell sphere promotion.

In CvSpellInterface.py
in line 11872 of iUnit = pUnit.getUnitType should be iUnit = pUnit.getUnitType()

This is stopping the Exorcism ability from letting to take control of Infernal units that were only Demon Possessed instead of themselves Demons.

in line 14255 iRange = 2 should be iRange = 1

This was making the Apostates "Kill Clerics" ability's help mouseover claim it will damage units that were really out of range.

In CvEventManager.py line 2148 pPlayer.foundReligion(gc.getInfoTypeForString('RELIGION_MATRONAE'), gc.getInfoTypeForString('RELIGION_MATRONAE'), True)
should be moved down to after the loops within that same conditional. The way it is now will grant you some Apostates when the Matrona religion is founded, but then promptly kill them before you can do anything with them.

I'm afraid I have made no progress at solving the crash caused by trying to access the Promotion Tree in the pedia.

Ha...I had to laugh at this as it was one of the first things I did in my first game after installing your mod. I have not played ffh in some years, so wanted to refresh on some of the promo lines. Good that it is known.

I'm playing a bit of a game here, and have a few questions or issues to point out:

1) This Slyph Search alert keeps popping up constantly every turn saying I or someone else has completed it. (I did first early on) I don't know what this means..nothing every happens but the alert keeps going and going ...kind of annoying unless there is actually some purpose to it.

The Slyph Search is intended to move itself from city to city fairly often. Since it is a wonder, the game automatically generates such a notification every time it is created, even when it is done in python. I don't think there is much I can do about that. I should probably dial it back so that it stays in the same place for at least a couple turns though instead of letting it move multiple times in a single turn. .
2) In one of the explorable sites, namely "Tapestry House Gates" I achieved a result of spawning Runewyn - a nice unit indeed. However, Runewyn disappeared after 1 turn like some summons do. My question is what is the point of that?
It is supposed to be a bit of flavor but not too powerful. I think letting the player get Runewyn without duration that early in the game may be too much. The Tapestry House is canonically supposed to be a safe place where Angels, Demons, and denizens of every plane can socialize together without it breaking into battle. You don't get big bad exploration results from the Tapestry House, although the unit will often wind up stranded at a random tile and may end up casting or miscasting a variety of summoning spells.
3) Speaking of these sites, I've noticed that they one can explore them indefinitely. This is different from what I recall from playing years ago. Now in one respect this is kinda cool, but in some cases these sites belligerent units like "Grave of Asmoday". I eventually settled with this site in my BFC. Do these sites every get exhausted such that cannot explore them anymore or they stop spawning units?
Exploring an Epic Lair potentially removing said lair is a vanilla FfH2 mechanic that has never been a part of my modmod.

I really don't like clearing unique features.

I wouldn't mind making them unexplorable for a while, if the code is not too cludgy.

For a while I was using the pPlot.setPythonActive(False) function thinking it would stop explorations or units spawning, but after making the Aifon Isle generate Krakens it soon became clear it does not stop spawns at all. Now that I think of it it would be simple to make it so that lairs cannot be explored when they are Python Inactive. There is not a mechanism which would make their inactive status count down to activate them again, but I could let recurring Events activate them.

I know another modmod used the workaround of having a dummy version of the epic lairs which does not spawn units and cannot be explored but will upgrade to the normal version over time at which point it would resume spawning or being explorable. One benefit of this is that the dummy version need not have the <bExploreTarget>1 tag that tends to make the AI send too many units to a sit on the tile planning to explore and clear it.

I'll consider using such dummy improvements, although I think I tried it before and abandoned the mechanism for some good reason I don't currently recall.

@MagisterCultuum, If you get enough feedback from everyone this week regarding bugs and errors, do you think you might do a quick correction update rather than wait several months?
I have to download the mod onto 2 computers to multiplay, so I'd like to tell the other that it's working fine.

If I get enough feedback, and can manage to fix the bugs, then sure. I have not gotten nearly enough feedback yet though. It seems like I'm the only one finding bugs.
Hey magister, going along with the AI problems that have been brought up, I did some spying with worldbuilder to see why they weren't building new cities, and noticed that although they're building settlers almost constantly, they'd just use add to city in the city that built them, meaning they both never expand and have their production endlessly tied up with settlers they don't use. I am using all the weird settings (raging barbarians, revolutions, marathon speed), so the AI's brain is probably broken anyway, but as is they're basically mindless--I had to keep reviving them with worldbuilder because someone else would die from barbarians every other turn. I do love all the changes you're making though, the lore and metaphysics of FFH was always my favorite part and I'm glad you're keeping that alive.
I finally found the place where the promotion trees are generated, near the bottom of C:\Program Files (x86)\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Magister Modmod for FfH2\Assets\python\Contrib\UnitUpgradesGraph.py

I found that commenting out some lines and hiding the paths for the PromotionPrereqOr2, PromotionPrereqOr3, and PromotionPrereqOr4 will prevent the crashes.

Edit: Actually I think the problem may have just been in checking both PromotionPrereqOr1 and PromotionPrereqOr2, due to an issue with only one specific promotion.

The xml define for PROMOTION_EXTENSION1 has both <PromotionPrereqOr1>PROMOTION_CHANNELING1</PromotionPrereqOr1> and <PromotionPrereqOr2>PROMOTION_CHANNELING2</PromotionPrereqOr2>, so that adepts can get extension but so can certain heroes (like Mardero and Sphener) who can summon units but do not have Channeling 1 and should not be allowed to learn every mana sphere.

The fact that one prereq is a prereq for the other prereq seems to be causing the crash. When I remove <PromotionPrereqOr2>PROMOTION_CHANNELING2</PromotionPrereqOr2> then the screen seems to work fine.

The tree is still rather messy looking of course.

Hey magister, going along with the AI problems that have been brought up, I did some spying with worldbuilder to see why they weren't building new cities, and noticed that although they're building settlers almost constantly, they'd just use add to city in the city that built them, meaning they both never expand and have their production endlessly tied up with settlers they don't use. I am using all the weird settings (raging barbarians, revolutions, marathon speed), so the AI's brain is probably broken anyway, but as is they're basically mindless--I had to keep reviving them with worldbuilder because someone else would die from barbarians every other turn. I do love all the changes you're making though, the lore and metaphysics of FFH was always my favorite part and I'm glad you're keeping that alive.
I thought of this possibility before the last release, and meant to see if adding a <PyRequirement> to the Add to City ability would help, but then forgot all about it.

Thanks for reminding me.

I added such a prereq just now. I'm going to bed now but will start testing it out in the morning.
I had similar AI problems to the rest of yall, and something that actually helped fix it to a degree was just flooding the world with civs such that they all started fairly close to each other and clustered around decent spots. Allows for somewhat organic empires to form with clusters of border OPMs, and the proximity to rivals means the AI will usually actually garrison a correct amount and they collectively can deal with barbarians. Will still usually lose a couple of outlying/isolated civs to barbarians, though it isn't as bad when it's 3 out of 21 instead of 8 out of 10
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