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WTH is this city radius? Bug or "feature"? I found no information anywhere about city radius working differently. AI Radius is also missing squares.

WTH is this city radius? Bug or "feature"? I found no information anywhere about city radius working differently. AI Radius is also missing squares.
It's called Realistic Culture Spread.
How do I disable this nonsense? This "feature" should've stayed in Civ V.

Realistic culture spread has a good algorithm (hence "realistic") it adds depth and strategy so good players keep it on, claiming tiles with units and building culture becomes more valuable and less repetitive and predictable. Just turn it off instead of whining like a baby.
It adds nothing of value and makes planning worker routes next to impossible. Expecting a core element of Civ 4 to work the way it has for 16+ years is now "whining"? If only you could read the question you would notice I asked how to turn it off. That kind of drastic change should be properly documented.
It adds nothing of value and makes planning worker routes next to impossible. Expecting a core element of Civ 4 to work the way it has for 16+ years is now "whining"? If only you could read the question you would notice I asked how to turn it off. That kind of drastic change should be properly documented.

No point of explaining how to turn it off when the post directly above my previous post says how, and yeah the documentation is a bit lacking, lots of descriptions are wrong and the civilopedia in game needs a lot of work.
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