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Update to ver. 1087 problem might be fixed.

Your updater dont work on XP :(
Is there any manual method?
Yes do not use the installer. Download version 1087. Unzip all files. Save your User settings folder. Then cut (and save to an empty folder out side BtS) all your files in AND2. Then copy paste all the unzipped 1087 files into your now empty AND2 folder in BtS. Finally copy or cut/paste your saved User Settings folder back into AND2's folder as well.

Question: Do you use the SVN for AND2?
I have ver. 1080 but "Mountains" option - dont work. If I on this, 3 hammers I see only on editor.
In the game, the mountain peak is same as usual - impenetrable and empty.
Is there any way to fix this situation?
It would be enough for me to fix the mountains. Or do they not work for you in the latest version either
Do you mean "Usable Mountains"?
It's not available from the start. You need Mountaineering tech to work peak tiles and to move units on them.
Do you mean "Usable Mountains"?
It's not available from the start. You need Mountaineering tech to work peak tiles and to move units on them.
Not only invisible, but also inaccessible.

Do I need some more technology?

But I have two more questions.
Spoiler 1. How to fire from a distance? :

2. "Health" bonuses from the forest considered ostensibly city size three squares around, but but i turned off this option.
This is in both the new (1087) and the old (1080) version.
Archer bombardment option.
Cool! But I don't see this option there. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place?

And one more question. How to destroy captured, but unnecessary cities?

Archer bombardment option in MOD options, OK! :)
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Cool! But I don't see this option there. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place?
BUG menu. I don't remember which tab.

And one more question. How to destroy captured, but unnecessary cities?
Pillage them like improvements while they revolt. Each population takes one action to pillage, so it takes a lot of units or time to destroy larger cities.
Spoiler Why can't I build a city? :

Despotism studied and accepted

How do I know, how much stability decreases?
Spoiler In Rise of Mankind, this was the exact number :

In New Dawn, should I be guessing?

"Remote Region" Penalty is high!
City at close range, so as not to hurt the neighboring, but this is the main reason the revolutionary mood. But AI at the same level of difficulty, cities are very far away and all OK!
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Thx :)
What about the city? For some reason, I can build a new city only after 2-3 cells from those cities that already exist.
What about the city? For some reason, I can build a new city only after 2-3 cells from those cities that already exist.
That should be the normal even in BtS.

You can change it in GlobalDefines.xml


Change 2 to 1. But be warned: The AI will likely cram cities together.
That should be the normal even in BtS.
No! Watch the screenshot please. The reason is not that the city is near.
You understood me wrong. :)
I'm not complaining about not being able to build close to other civilization cities, but that I can’t build more than 2 cells from my cities!
This was not in BtS. Cities could be built there anywhere. Why am I still asking, look at the screenshot, I can't understand the reason for the impossibility to build a city there. Maybe these are also some options or restrictions in your MOD?
it's because it's a Marsh terrain without fresh water. You can found a city on Marsh only with Fresh Water (near a river) or on a coast.
Spoiler Why can't I build a city? :

Despotism studied and accepted

How do I know, how much stability decreases?
Spoiler In Rise of Mankind, this was the exact number :

In New Dawn, should I be guessing?

"Remote Region" Penalty is high!
City at close range, so as not to hurt the neighboring, but this is the main reason the revolutionary mood. But AI at the same level of difficulty, cities are very far away and all OK!

One thing you may want to look at is the human handicap setting. In the BUG mod, under the RevDCM tab, is an Index Modifiers: setting. It defaults to 5, but you should set it to 0 if you want the same frequency of revolutions for the human and AI players.
Interestingly enough, I try to download this mod and it doesn't work, (the installer, I mean) with the readme file for linux and mac and ALL of the tga files not working. Any suspecting things that could cause this?
Okay here's a new one.

I just did an svn install of RoM. After exporting versioned items I got.... a Caveman2Cosmos folderl??!?!?!

I was here just to see what's new. Can someone point me to the informations about the broken installer? I will try to find some time to fix it even thus I don't play Civ since a long time.
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