Rise of Mankind - A New Dawn

Just download once! Since January 2015 the installer also contains an updater, so you can simply update your game when a new revision is released (thanks dbkblk!)
Alternative installation methods:
SVN installation, follow instruction here
Modpack Thread (more info on the mod here)
Troubleshooting & FAQ
[Deleting "Rise of Mankind - A New Dawn" folder inside "Mod" folder and clearing your cache should be enough. If you get errors, try deleting CivilizationIV.ini in your Documents\My Games\Beyond the Sword folder, it should recreate itself when you launch the game again. Just make sure you make a backup copy before deleting this file.]
If you get a " GFC Error: Failed to Initalize Primary Control Theme", have a look here
If you get the missing religion icon bug because you are using Steam, have a look at the note for Steam users here
Do you wish to turn on/off a gameoption that you haven't chosen correctly when starting the game; it's possible to do it using chipotle cheatcode. Enable cheat mode in civilization4.ini and then in your game, press the ~ key (shift + `) You should see a translucent text console appear in the middle of the screen, and it should say "Python" on the top line followed by some version/build info and then a prompt:
2.4.1 (65, Mar 30 2005, 09:13:57) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]
Make sure you see it says Python; if you hit just ` by mistake you'll get a similar-looking but very different console.
Just type
CyGlobalContext().getGame().setOption(XX, False)
where XX is the option number you wish to change from True to False (the opposite works too). Here below you can see a screenshot of what number each game option corresponds to.
Spoiler :
What you see in the following spoiler are the OLD 1.75C and 1.76 versions which are quite obsolete now and not supported anymore (we keep them for reference if needed).
Spoiler :
Rise of Mankind: A New Dawn
The Essential RoM Expansion!
Development of AND 1.76 has been restarted!
The Essential RoM Expansion!
Development of AND 1.76 has been restarted!
Civilization 4; Rise of Mankind: A New Dawn picks up where the Rise of Mankind mod left off. It is a realistic mod, simulating the rise of civilizations from the immemorial times, past the current era, and far into the future.
The Trademark Feature of Rise of Mankind: A New Dawn is that you choose the new features. Every single addition is completely customizable, and can be enabled or disabled, to suit the user. You could choose to only take the speed optimizations and AI enhancements and leave all the new content. Or decide to use all the new content. Or anywhere in-between.
Amongst the new Features are:
Advanced and Realistic Diplomacy. Players can once again trade contact with other civilizations, establish embassies, trade for rights of passage, and sell their excess workers and military units. The AI will initiate it's own trades, and often attempt to instigate or calm wars, using all of it's means at it's disposal. Expect to have to manage diplomacy much more to gain a foothold in the world. Fail to understand the AI's demands and expect to have to face "aggressive negotiations." Realistic Diplomacy offers more forgiving AI, but harder to please AI. Over time, the AI will begin to forgive and forget past diplomatic events, good or bad. While this means your nuclear holocausts won't devastate diplomacy for all time, it also means simple gifts of technology will not keep others placated for long. Only a true kinship among nations will truly stand the test of time.
Multiple Production and Research! Players will be able to, if they have excess resources, produce or research multiple buildings, units or technologies each turn. Expand your research and production capabilities to new heights! Your Capital city will never again waste turns constructing one missile each turn, now it could churn out five, ten, or hundreds, all depending on your production capabilities.
Larger Cities! Cities, as they expand in culture, do not stagnate after reaching their second size! They can grow again, after reaching an "Influential" level of culture, allowing them to work an incredible 37 tiles and produce more than ever before. While this seems extravagant, healthiness and happiness will become a real problem as your city expands; plaguing you like never before. Fail to counter this, and expect to suffer.
Peaks, Mountains, and Climbing, oh my! Mountain tiles now produce production, can have resources on them, and present unique benefits to your civilizations. Learn to climb them first, and your civilization will have a distinct military advantage and commercial advantage. Give your Generals the ability to cross them early, before anyone else, and the battlefield is yours to command. Build cities on Mountains, and unlock rare and specialized buildings that can only be built on peaks. Neglect them, and the AI will use them to crush your armies, cities, and civilization.
Fixed Cultural Borders. A New Game Option for players when they customize a map is Fixed Cultural Borders. Under certain civics, a player's borders become "Fixed" and are no longer affected by other nation's culture. When a player has fixed borders, they can claim territory outside of their borders. If the territory is unowned, they gain it next turn; if the territory is owned by another player, they must be at war to claim it. This grants players a unique way of expanding their borders, their conquest or exploration. In addition to this, Forts will also give off a small amount of culture. This allows players to use forts to claim future cities sites early. The AI has been fully taught this feature; expect to see them use it against you!
Ruthless AI: Ruthless AI is a step above Aggressive AI. The AI have no restrictions on how often they can trade with each other. Ruthless AI removes the Psuedo-Emotion Firaxis gave leaders, enabling them to become much sneaker and vicious. The AI will never warn you of an impending attack by poor diplomatic gestures, and will attack the best target, regardless of the relationship. Ruthless AI does NOT give the AI any handicaps, it merely makes them more human and less forgiving.
More Content! New technologies for various sciences and historical aspects of humanity have been added. No longer can you neglect the entertainment of your cities, or ignore your economy. Civic choices will drastically affect military output, and a failure to prioritize your production will lead to your downfall. Ignore the Weather, and expect to be defeated by those who can predict, and ultimately, control it! Learn to terraform land to your will! Build sea tunnels underneath continents to span vast oceans and connect far flung cities. But be wary, the AI will too!
Speed Optimizations! Rise of Mankind: A New Dawn is much faster than just Rise of Mankind alone. While still slower than BTS, it has greatly improved the speed, of RoM.
Author's Note:
As a modder, I've read and been told countless times that "kitchen-sink" or "total conversion" mods are bad (or not as fun of a) mod. Other times, I've seen slogans such as "Content for Content's Sake" slandered, or made out to be a poor practice. I can't emphasize how wrong this kind of thinking is. "Kitchen-Sink" mods are often on the cutting edge of modding, innovating, creating new, creative, and original content. They are the best kind of mod. Sure, we could always try to deviate as little as possible from the original game. We could settle for only a few new technologies, units and buildings. We could be like everyone else. We could, but that would ultimately only hurt the player. Nobody ever comes up with creative and cutting edge ideas by thinking inside the box. It's only when you've discarded the standard rules of Civilization that you suddenly wonder... "What If?"
Standalone Mod
Download A New Dawn 1.75
Download A New Dawn 1.75 Patch C
Having Trouble Installing A New Dawn? My FAQ Offers Step-By-Step Instructions to help you get it up and running.
A New Dawn 1.75 Patch C Changes:
- Fixed Critical MP Reloading Save Bug
A New Dawn 1.75 Patch B Changes:
- New AI Military City Specialization. Should Make the AI specialize 1-2 cities for military production. AI will attempt to settle GG's in them, and focus primarily on military units and buildings.
- Fixed Cottage Improvement Chain Yield Bug
- Fixed Inquisition AI
A New Dawn 1.75 Patch A Changes:
- CTD Fix
- Fixed Bug Where blank units appeared in the civilopedia
- Fixed foreign characters breaking the automation tab
- Minor Efficiency changes
A New Dawn 1.75 Changelog
- In a Standalone Modpack Form
- Route-To Mode is available to Work Boats that can build sea tunnels
- Lots of New Dynamic Civ Names - Confederacy, Federation, Provisional Authority, to name a few.
- Improved Turn Times!!!
- Barbarian may spawn units inside of naval ships - allowing them to raid the coast
- Improved AI City Expansion
- Corporation Balancing
- Re-Balanced Unique Units
- New Unit Upgrades (See the Civilopedia Chart!)
- Merged Abyssia with Ethopia
- Improved Initial AI City Founding
- Trait Balancing
- Faster Mod Startup Times
- Added New Era Music for Late Game
- Mastery Victory endgame video
- New Free Specialist Actual Effects
- Re-Balanced Killtech's Building Upgrade Chains
- Lots of Balancing Work
- Silicon Valley is a NW, not a WW.
- Improved Trade Yield Information
- Merged Future Civics into other Civic Catagories
- Military Civics are Non-Optional
- New Tech Hover's for When Improvements can upgrade to the next improvement
- Better RoM Changes are Non-Optional
- New Pedia Articles Describing New Features
- When a Landmark Forest or Jungle is cut down, the sign is properly removed
- Civilizations now only have 1 UU each.
- Increased the Amount of Beakers GP give - they should always be able to research a tech in 1 turn.
- MAD Nukes Mod
- Advanced Automations Settings page
- Changed the Dates for Marathon gamespeed to better match reality
- Automate Protect Option
- Added New Mission to Choose Free Tech for Great People
- Completely Rebalanced Government Civics
- Alert Message for Pillaging Roads.
- Small Chance for Units Who Die On a Ship by the Coast to make it to shore
Old link to Mantriur's full installer: http://forums.civfanatics.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=12838