The other big issue since civ V, is no more complete kills.
Archers can bombard, and not take damage. Archers should have a bombard action, like the Persians in civ VI, but after, they should enter melee, even if behind a wall or up a cliff, if the other unit
has enough mobility and skills, it should be able to counterattack and kill the Archer, or get killed.
Only fast units with better mobility should be able to retreat and survive to fight another day, or turn...
The direct consequence of the super strong units, which almost never die in a direct combat, are atrocious.
Every war or battle that could take one turn, and realistically, if a turn has a span of 250 years, it should; it now takes at least two or three turns, just to kill a unit.
Sieges that should last no more than a few turns, can take ages. This is IF there is an army on the ground.
Obviously if there is no Army and we are fighting against walled city with auto-bombard, the situation now reverse. Cities falls one after the other.
Good Archers will bombard a city to the ground, and not a single units will be lost in any conquering whatsoever.
Archer with bombard should get a rng ranging from 0% dmg to a maximum of 2% on other units. Navies on the other hand should keep a bombard advantage on land units.
Archers like the skirmishers should engage in melee fight every time, as every other unit, end fights should always end in a complete kill.
Units of all kinds should be able to be built a lot faster, in greater numbers, to give the impressions of a great army.
Few units that are super strong, almost never die, and are difficult to build, otherwise will suffice for AGES.
To resume combat we need Complete kills. Force AI to build hundreds of units. And of 100 units, sent to a battle, it may end in a win, but 99 units needs to DIE.
We need this Adrenaline that was taken away from us.
It is very difficult to understand, if you haven't played civ III and IV enough, you can't comprehend what it means to have to build
a 100 units Army, to just then lose all but three units, and with those three units left, you manage to finish off your worst nightmare of opponent civ,
and then SURVIVE and attack from your ALLY, that dont give a hole about friendship, diplo, or warmongering penalties ( Really?). To then kill
him off in one single Epic battle with your last standing Army of three Swordsman and a War Elephant.
Civ III and IV was like, ther's anything that money can't buy. Declare ware to your ally? 100 Gold and we'll betray our best friend.
Everything was fast. Wars were always very tactical, because Complete kills, just like Chess.... you can't afford to LOSE THE QUEEN or KING....
AI did understand the concept of GAME OVER, CHECKMATE given... and was alway Looking for the opportunity to launch a sneacky attack
DIRECTLY at your capital, to kill the King, burn the libraries, and checkmating you...
If the AI doenst understand the value of its pawn, it will never succeed. Units has to die quickly.