Map requests

With the new patch what about adding bison and cocoa on an existing BNW Standard Earth Map ?

With only ancient and classic eras civs and city-states...

What about Alej's Standard Earth

And of course to have this map downloadable in Database...

Sad to see Civ 5 section dying :(
Can yal make this MAP as big as possible so HUGE or bigger on the map scale ?


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Tiny or Small 2 on 2 map request
On the big picture the map will look like this

this is actually just a mirror east vs west map

listed below is the small detail that i missed out
  • Yellow Hexagon is team 1 and Red Hexagon is team 2
  • The Black X is the potential new city spot
  • there will be tons of resources on both side, all strategic and luxury resources will be given to both side
  • if possible, there will be resources on almost every hexagon on both side
  • distance between city is actually farther, i got no more space in paint
  • natural wonder will be abundant as well. if possible put all natural wonder in this map

note : i wanted to create this map myself, but somehow my sdk doesnt start properly, please help me to create this simple map...:D
Hi guys, nice to meet you.

I am playing Civilization since Civ1 where we gathered in school to play it in a white-black screen with those square times and units. Loved it since then. Anyway...

I have difficulities making my own map in Civ5. (not much time with work and family, a little knowledge with the editor etc)

I want to have a tiny or small map (to be a bit faster) with many civs and planty of city states. Every civ will be able to have 1 city only. The map i want to be filled with as many civs and city states it can be. With borders not so long to fit more of them. I also want the position of civs and sity states if possible to be short so many more sities to fit.

But i cant find anything like this in network
Can anyone make me a random map with these features?
I would be really grateful because i will be able to play a bit.
Thank you
Has ever anybody seen the map creator Wallengren around these forums, maybe under a different moniker? On Steam, he calls himself Prayerman. His maps look nice, but unfortunately he didn't provide an upload link for them outside steam, like for example Hormigas did for his excellent Europe maps. I'm not a Steam customer, therefore can't pm him there, so I depend on getting a hold of Wallengren here to ask him personally or else hope, one of you readers of this thread uploads his Europe maps for the non-Steam public. I'm sure, that Wallengren wouldn't mind, since it only widens the audience for his creations.

I personally would need the G&K version. Thank you in advance.
Would be mighty nice if someone made an actual map of Japan (that looks like Japan, not a banana) that can support more than 2 civs.. unlike the original ones (which are duel-small), preferably as TSL for Rising Sun: Civilisations of Old Japan, since the only good japan map is only on steam without any direct download links (and even that one isn't TSL)

Doesn't necesarilly have to be this huge, but would be nice if islands stayed islands. But I guess it could be easier to fit it into the huge map, rather than shifting it to fit smaller map, even if most of the sides would be just ocean.
Hi all, new guy here. Don't know if this thread is still active or if requests are still being completed, but I'd like a map made. I'm looking for a map of France, with a bit of surrounding land, pretty much the France map from the Scrambled Countries DLC but without the scrambled part. [I'm trying to load up the WorldBuilder to build it myself, but it leaves me hanging each time. If someone could help me figure it out, that'd be great.] And now it works.

TL;DR, I'm looking for the scrambled countries France map but with realistic geographic features.

I'd be grateful if someone could help me out.
Cheers, Pork

-Edit: Eh, screw it, now that World Builder works, I'm going to take a crack at it.
Would be mighty nice if someone made an actual map of Japan (that looks like Japan, not a banana) that can support more than 2 civs.. unlike the original ones (which are duel-small), preferably as TSL for Rising Sun: Civilisations of Old Japan, since the only good japan map is only on steam without any direct download links (and even that one isn't TSL)

Doesn't necesarilly have to be this huge, but would be nice if islands stayed islands. But I guess it could be easier to fit it into the huge map, rather than shifting it to fit smaller map, even if most of the sides would be just ocean.
I would like to second this. The standard Japan maps are absolutely terrible.
Opening the first map request of 2016, my request is humble: A map like Small continents, with:

  • The continent clusters holding up 2 or 3 civs, and 4 or 6 city states,

  • The continent clusters are isolated from each other in such a way that any civilization will only be able to meet a 3rd or a 4th civilization after Astronomy(or if Polynesia gets to meet everyone first and then research Printing Press :mischief:) .

  • Scaled up to 8, 10, 12 civilizations, and if you wish, you can go beyond that
Genjikhan, i'll be working on your map request! Once i'm done i'll put it on the steam workshop and tell you about it.
I'll add everything you asked for, and i'll make it earth-like (not the continents, but with climate and mountains etc...)
Hi everyone! I want to make a request of a map about the IX chilean region: the Araucania. Thanks in advance!
Nvm, I made one myself by cropping the Europe Extended TSL map (no, this map is not TSL).


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Hi all, this thread hasn’t been used in a couples years, but since it’s pinned I think I can get away with a post xD

Making a request for my group of 6 civ v players, all on Mac, looking for a map similar to one we used to love to play on age or mythology (?) or it might’ve been civ 3(?). Anyway, the concept of the map is each player spawning on a small, individual island that can only support 1-3 cities. Each island is on the edge of the map, similarly spaced from one another, forming a ring, around a much, much larger and more resource rich island. All the islands, including the small ones to the center, are separate by dark blue water (whatever the water that requires compass is called xD). HERE is a (really) rough sketch of what we remember it looking like.
If you’re willing, pm me and I’d be happy to pay you a bit for the trouble, I’d love to do it myself but bootcamping isn’t yet a rabbit hole I want to dive into yet. Thanks.
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