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March Patch Notes (formerly february)

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.167 is the one before this one I believe
Indeed. I really love the urgency for the patch though. It feels like a wow patch or some such.
I assume that was a sarcastic comment possibly trying to imply that there was no actual QA done on the game, but just in case you were serious, it means Quality Assurance (testing). Keep in mind too, that regardless of the impact on the game, these were real people with bills and families who worked hard on getting a game out the door that, although it may have disappointed us, earned their employer truckloads of hard cash. It was a damn shame and an incredibly heartless thing to do.

It may seem heartless, but this is common. After release there is less work to be done, or I should say rather, less investment made in continuing work on the project and slacker deadlines.

They don't need a full team to develop patches and DLC content. I am sure that most of the people involved were well aware it would be temporary.
I assume that was a sarcastic comment possibly trying to imply that there was no actual QA done on the game, but just in case you were serious, it means Quality Assurance (testing). Keep in mind too, that regardless of the impact on the game, these were real people with bills and families who worked hard on getting a game out the door that, although it may have disappointed us, earned their employer truckloads of hard cash. It was a damn shame and an incredibly heartless thing to do.
thanks, I really didn't know
Okay, listen brxbrx... can you at least contribute more than just repetitive one Liners?
My mind hurts just knowing i have to skip such interruptions that add nothing of substance. It was at 2K, it's still the case here.

wow. I'm sorry your butt hurts so much.

didn't know I could manage to lower the quality of even these forums.

Moderator Action: Posts like this will make your stay at this forum short, please refrain.
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889
This is very true. Unless the company has a permanent in house qa team, generally speaking you get hired on for a set period of development. For most finished state release games, you release the development staff in favor of a streamlined maintenance one. Then you rehire again if you plan on coming out with an expansion pack of substantive size.
It may seem heartless, but this is common. After release there is less work to be done, or I should say rather, less investment made in continuing work on the project and slacker deadlines.

They don't need a full team to develop patches and DLC content. I am sure that most of the people involved were well aware it would be temporary.

A friend of mine was among them and he'd been working there since Civ3.
Is it official that the patch will come out tomorrow the 2nd of March?
I thought it was still confirmed for today. Have not heard otherwise yet . . .
I thought it was still confirmed for today. Have not heard otherwise yet . . .

It was confirmed today, but then again it was confirmed for yesterday too. Greg said that it would probably be out first thing in the morning, so the fact that it's not means there's likely still problems and it may be delayed further. It's gotta be ready before the 3rd though, since that's when the DLC comes out isn't it?
Today? Oh how exciting! could be anytime now then as the working day has begun in California.
Rather presciently, this is what 2K Greg said:

For people asking about the time: I will say that in the past, our patches have released in the morning, usually before I even get in to the office. This will likely be the case tomorrow, but I'm not making any promises here so don't get up early and then yell at me when it ends up releasing in the afternoon! ;)
Is everyone sitting with Steam open just waiting for a little indicator that a download has begun? :)
2K Greg reconfirmed that the patch will be released today.
Is everyone sitting with Steam open just waiting for a little indicator that a download has begun? :)

If you want to be sure, restart your Steam client. When the Steam client starts it always downloads patches immediately.

Btw I see too much anticipation about this patch, based on previous experience with Civ5 the patch will be a failure, I don't get all this hype.
Is everyone sitting with Steam open just waiting for a little indicator that a download has begun? :)

Sadly, I am .... had a doctor appointment this morning, thought I'd take the rest of the day off ..................................maybe should have taken tomorrow off :D
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