Marians: Sons of Mars

Yeah, I've kind of lost the will to keep managing this... :x

I'd give it to someone else but I think the game's close enough to its end anyway and the rules too complex that I should just write an Epilogue.

Maybe multiple epilogues, detailing alternate timelines such as:

-Iberian Hegemony
-German Hegemony
-Austronesian Hegemony

I'm ready for M2, anyway. I just don't want to be the GM.
Alas, it had to end sometime. Between Civ 3, my own life, new developments, and general lack of interest, I must end the game.

Epilogue I - The Iberian Hegemony

The strongest nation on Earth, leader of the two largest faiths, and controller of over a quarter of the world's nations in some form. The largest economy, the largest army, the most influence imagineable. It was Iberia.

Iberia had two rivals, Germany and Austronesia. While Germany spent its money on peaceful pursuits, Iberia surged its forces, and before long, poured into the German state. The Russians, always playing catch up to their Big Brother, joined in. 161 armies of Iberia and Russia went against the 70 of Germany, and the Germans were naturally overwhelmed. Germany's annexation left ripples in the world, but there wasn't much that could be done with it. Austria was placated, being told they could annex German India into their Dominion. Scandinavia stood by the Germans, but soon found itself torn apart; it only had 29 armies to resist.

As promised, the Austrians landed troops in India and crushed the local state with the assistance of Pakistan and the Iberian Indies.

Iberia's vassals helped cover any holes in the defense, and before long, Iberia had recovered to full strength, and surged across Carthage with the help of Nubia and Austria. Carthage and its alliance were overwhelmed, placing all of North Africa into the Ibero-Nubian sphere. Austria was kept in check by the threat of a multi-front war if it dared disobey the Iberian overlord.

Canada pushed into the Caribbean, and easily conquered Mexico. Canada established itself as the hegemon of North America, and as such, the client of Iberia.

Iberia's actions resulted in the domination of half of Africa, much of Asia, Europe, and North America. While Austronesia, Japan, Brazil, and various states worked together for defensive purposes, by the time there was an alliance, it was too late. Iberia's power was too dominating and too widespread. They would sit and prepare for an inevitable day that Iberia would open fire upon them... but at the same time, hope such a bloody war would never come.

The Paz Iberica had begun.

Epilogue II - The German Hegemony

Germany and Iberia naturally had a rivalry - Europe was split in two between the two Great Powers and their alliance's. Germany was eager to expand, and the Indian War had been its most profitable yet!

Germany was able to purchase Thessaloniki from the Russians out of opportunism. Before long, the cards fell into Germany's lap, with the thrones of Serbia, Austria, and India being pledged to the German Kaiser. Scandinavia went along with this, as did Albion. With the fall of Austria to Germany, Austria's clients in Asia also became Germany's. A plan was hatched, a very ingenious plan, to invade Carthage with Iberia out of superpower cooperation.

However, while the Iberian and Nubian forces pushed into Carthage, Germany stood still. It struck Iberia from behind with its allies, and before long, the greatest country on Earth had been brought to its knees. The Russian Czar willingly gave away much of his western countryside and became a vassal of the Russians rather than face a horrid war. Germany was now the hegemon of Europe.

Through domination of Europe, Germany also gained much power in Asia and Africa. Excursions were made into the Caribbean Empire, and as time went by, missiles were set up on Cuba. Able to wipe all of the Americas off the map, Germany became the Grossdeutsches Reich, the Greater German Empire, one on which the Sun never set.

Epilogue III - The Austronesian Hegemony

When war broke out between Germany and Iberia, and alliances clashed until there was an even match, Austronesia stood back and let the states ruin eachother, covertly supplying both so they'd exhaust eachother's resources. In the meantime, Austronesia solidifed its alliance with the Japanese and Singaporeans, while also establishing client states over Hawai'i, Kiwi, and Tagalog. While Austria tore itself apart in the Second Great War, Austronesia pried its clients away. Similarly, Astrakhan and Pakistan were readily absorbed into the Austronesian sphere of influence, and the Iberian Indies were wracked by Civil War, proclaiming for independence - under an Austronesian puppet state. The Indian government, too, was soon toppled by Confucianist rebels.

Revolution spread until Najd too dared renounce the Iberian Overlords, and Iberia was unable to counter due to the War. Majority-Confucianist Najd easily found itself siding with Confucianist India, and therefore Austronesia, over Islamic Iberia. The Mongols soon joined the parade, as did Persia. Iberia held onto the rest of its vassals, but was it was obvious Austronesia had done its part, as a diplomatic and trading power, to undermine all influence in Asia.

Recruiting the Carthaginians, Zulu, and Nubians as friends, a Pan-African Coalition worked with the Austronesians to destroy the Iberian Alliance. Russia's Czar, overthrown by Communist elements, deserted the Iberians and made peace, dismantling the Alliance. Before long, the Communists found friends in the Austronesians, and the Russian specter kept Germany in line post-war. Four continents were under Austronesia's guiding hand, and long-range missiles in Hawai'i kept the Americas under lock and key...

Epilogue IV - Union of Nations

When it looked like chaos might engulf Europe at any time, Brazil stood proud with Japan, Singapore, Carthage, and Austronesia to form a Union of Nations, which would intervene against any war of aggression. Suddenly, Iberian and German interests alike were paralysed, and forced to use diplomacy under penalty of a massive worldwide coalition against them. This was demonstrated when the Zulu invaded Madagascar, only to suffer a huge intervention that forced them to reverse their gains and promise non-interventionism. The pacified Zulu government and its allies aceded to the Union, which fostered more and more economic cooperation, starting with trade and eventually ending with a currency union. A shared deterrent was built as the new weapons system known as the Province-Busters was developed, removing any ace the Iberians or Germans had.

Germany and Iberia eventually realised the need to use the UN for any interest, and this prompted their joining. At last, the world's hegemons were all working together, one way or another. There was finally a long-lasting peace and harmony amongst mankind, which could harness the one power it had greater than destruction: innovation.
well, you broke Russia in two of four endings. everything went better than expected.

overall, it was a nice sweet game. the Russian state started out as some tiny country, and eventually expanded to become second only to Iberia proper. i can say this: i did alright.
I think that "second only to Iberia" is just a little bit suspect. :)

Great endings, Tanicius. I think I preferred Epilogue IV to Epilogue II. Naturally, the other two don't exist!
I think that "second only to Iberia" is just a little bit suspect. :)

how? i clearly had the second largest income, largest land area, and probably the (second?) largest number of provinces controlled.
I find it funny the flags seem to fluctuate in size as if to indicate my order of preference though... :lol:
You were Russia. Land size is irrelevant when your provinces are huge. :)
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