Master of Mana Xtended

I agree with Industrious1, MoM was and is the most complex FFH modmod and Xtended took that level of complexity and fun to an even more emerging depth. I'd like to thank Esvath and the team and hope that they will carry on. It has aged pretty well and is definitely on par with Civ 5 and 6. I worked separately on a graphical patch for Xtended 5.6. My programming skills are limited so most of the changes are in the XML files and arts folders. It has a changelog attached with all files and exactly what was changed. It has took me several weeks to compile it and I hope you all enjoy it and that some of it, if not all, will find its way in an official patch by the team.

So what did I change?

1. I wanted to add some flavor to the way built landscape looks for all civs so I introduced some unique improvements for several civs. There is a Grigori and Bannor Homestead, that acts like a fortified farm/pasture, there is a Doviello Yaranga (upgraded camp), there is a Ljosalfar Forest Lodge (because elves are supposed to not chop down trees), Hippus Breeding Grounds, a Khazad Deep Mine, a Dural Artisan Workshop, a Jotnar Large Windmill, a Malakim Caravansary as well as a Kuriotate Caravan Center that act out as uber trade markets but are quite different in implementation, there are several Aristrakh improvements like a Pyre, Catacoms and Crypt that make their land look less barren and offer some production in flatlands as well and, finally, there is an orc Pit instead of quarry. I tried to balance production so some other nations get some unique buildings like the Mercurian High Conclave (a version of a pagan temple that gives a free spec/town). In that same fashion the Malakim get free specs from Caravansaries/Trade Centers and the Grigori from their homesteads. Grigori also have access to their unique type of spec - the yeoman - who can boost adventurer GP points. Kuriotates get all three districts available in the same uber city (noble, merchant and sage), since they can have just 4 or 5 cities tops. The Empyrean Liberty civic goes to Grigori and the Empyrean gets its own new civic called Enlightened Rule. Ashen veil civs can build cottages in hell terrain and the Illians and Frozen can do it on ice tiles (as intended in the original FFH2). Also, some buildings got their icons changed, they are mentioned in the changelog. Some were misplaced to begin with, like the City of A Thousand Slums or Aristrakh Palace, while some I thought would fit better.

2. I then wanted to change sounds to most units so I allotted a selection sound to most, if not all. All civs get a different sound (I was tired frankly of most civs speaking the same language). I introduced some sounds for water, earth and ice elementals as well as the parrot, hawk and raven that now use their sounds properly when selected.

3. Finally I made some graphical tweaks to units, changed some Bannor units to fit their Roman, originally intended image. Seeing somebody remade Mardero (rather nicely ;), I made some graphic tweaks to some heroes, including Sphener, Brigit, Basium, Yvain (the satyr) and the Mithril Golem. I added some new adept units like the 3 Kuriotate Adepts, and 2 Doviello ones (mage and archmage that was long overdue). I appreciated the idea of Hippus mounted adepts and found out that they were intended to have mounted disciple units as well in the original MoM but there were no units for them so it was abandoned. So I created some. 12 priests and high priests, all mounted. Then I saw the Austrin were the original civ to have mounted adepts, on pegasi. I saw the wonderful austerin_mounted artstyle and so got hitched and did all Austrin units that were available in the original MoM also mounted on pegasi. So as to have some more flavor, some pegasi are gray, some are black, depending usually on alignment and context. I included mounted versions of religious heroes too, like Chalid and Hemah which I like how they turned out to look. I learned to use nifskope in the process. Of course, I see no reason to not implement a Hippus mounted hero artstyle as well but I stopped as it took me a lot of time to get this far and I cannot invest more into it. But I hope to have provided the team with some aid into going further. Total mounted units - 60. There is a TEST savefile for all improvements and units included.

What I found out and didn't have time to do yet but I might do so cause it takes little effort: some graphical errors to some units like the Jotnar Berserk whose right axe is in mid air, the Austrin Hunter (explorer) has no weapon, the Hippus Spearman and Bladedancer (ironically), have no blades. I corrected the Bowmaiden so it has range animation and changed a lot of icons to fit the general ice background style of the original FFH2 feel.

That's all I can remember right now. What I didn't do but I definitely think the team should address are some balance issues. Somebody gave an Aos Si in depth feedback which I think is quite accurate. I would just say that the roster is fun to play with but has several drawbacks as it stands right now: a. there are, surprisingly, less units available to nations now that all have entirely unique units. b. There are less incentives to upgrade units (as they evolve by themselves with tech research) and so a low warrior type fanatic could get to the end of the game and be the toughest unit the Bannor ever have. c. as a corollary, the late era units are too expensive for just a bit more attack d. there are a lot of techs that give no new unit opportunities. e. it is very difficult to track enemy armies just by watching them move around, their combat factors vary immensely according to their tech research. f. most heroes (that were intended to play rather different roles), are now played pretty similar (10 combat plus roster bonuses means anywhere between 10 and 36 combat). And, finally, g. a lot of units have mana affinity. This is interesting to play with but is quite easy to get off balance, especially if it doubles with the roster (huge) bonus. So yeah, without being critical, I think the combat system needs some balancing to address these issues but I think it is wonderful to have all nations play out so differently and it is in this precise manner that I would see further development. Perhaps lower the roster bonuses a bit so that they make for maximum 33% of the original unit combat and add larger difference in combat for higher tier units. Also, please make heroes different again :))

Thanks again to the team for their great efforts that are much appreciated.


That's awesome ! Thanks for all your work and for sharing this with us ! Its always good to see people keeping this masterpiece alive, even when there's no hope left lol. This mod is the only reason i still have Civilization IV installed in my computer.

I absolutely love the graphical changes you made, all of them ! Some of your tweaks are things i wanted to see since forever, like the new kelps and enclave graphics.
Your gameplay tweaks also seems to be interesting, i specially liked the idea of upgradeable improvements for certain civics (like mines becoming deep mines for Khazad) and Kuriotates cities being allowed to build all their districts in the same city. I am still not sure about the new empyrean civic though, as it looks kinda boring, but still need to play a game using this religion to know how it feels.

Unfortunately i think your combat complains will never be looked at, since it would require a huge amount of work to fix it (or at least, try to fix it). One thing that annoys me greatly regarding combat is how i can dominate the world using only a single super high level unit. I wish there were a few things to counter it, like a retirement mechanics for older living units, an aging system for heroes and a decaying system for undeads. This would be fun and have potential do add some more flavour to the game, like the aging mechanic benefiting calabim vampires (which are pretty weak at the moment, imo), and immortal units (like demons and angels) being far more powerful than the mortals, as they do not age. But those are only dreams :crazyeye:.

Now, if you do not mind, a small request, since you decided to join the crusade to make MoMExtended more beautiful and immersive: :p

Would you consider changing the Circle of Urd (not sure if thats the right spelling) graphics as well? They are the cause i just can't play with the Doviellos. I think its just ridiculous using a corpse as a weapon in combat, i mean, a decaying body would fall apart right after the first strike, so yeah, it makes no sense, even in a fantasy setting, and its cringe as hell.

Again, thank you very much for this most needed graphical upgrade !
Thank you, Vital Brasil, glad to see people, like me, still love this awesome modmod. I confess I worked on three fronts, doing the unique improvements and languages for the original FFH2 and MoM 2.11. So if someone is interested in those, I can upload them as well. I know combat balance would take forever unfortunately. MoM is a never ending story :)).

As far as I know, the reference to using a dead (or sometimes even just wounded) opponent's body was talked about in the description of the Circle of Urd in the Pedia. I guess it is supposed to be gruesome. But I agree, five (or three) units holding identical corpses is too organized for the mayhem and havoc they were supposed to stand for :)). Tell you what, I will try to find an afternoon these days and maybe change 2 out of 3 units to wield a bloody hammer, mace or axe of some sort. But I'd still keep one wielding a corpse for lore purposes (you will be able to alter it from the artstyle files).

Thank you, Vital Brasil, glad to see people, like me, still love this awesome modmod. I confess I worked on three fronts, doing the unique improvements and languages for the original FFH2 and MoM 2.11. So if someone is interested in those, I can upload them as well. I know combat balance would take forever unfortunately. MoM is a never ending story :)).

As far as I know, the reference to using a dead (or sometimes even just wounded) opponent's body was talked about in the description of the Circle of Urd in the Pedia. I guess it is supposed to be gruesome. But I agree, five (or three) units holding identical corpses is too organized for the mayhem and havoc they were supposed to stand for :)). Tell you what, I will try to find an afternoon these days and maybe change 2 out of 3 units to wield a bloody hammer, mace or axe of some sort. But I'd still keep one wielding a corpse for lore purposes (you will be able to alter it from the artstyle files).


I took a look at the Pedia's article about Circle of Urd and it kind convinced me, but i still think it looks weird. Maybe having a corpse in the main hand while wielding a bloody and crude weapon in the off hand ?

About your other modmodmods (am i missing another "mod" ?), i am surely interested, specially the one about unique improvements :)
So I tried playing a little with the Circle of Urd and decided to give them a more chaotic (and grim) look. It will now consist of a 4 unit group (in a circle), 1 leader with the older corpse graphic but with a bloodier suit, two guys with cleavers and freshly chopped off heads to throw and a mean looking baldie with a mace. Hope you enjoy it and it doesn't give you nightmares :)). If you still can't stomach the guy using a corpse as a weapon, you can enter the XRDOVIELLO_Civ4UnitInfos.xml and search for ART_DEF_UNIT_BERSERKER_DOVIELLO and add either 1 or 2 after Berserker (1 is using the cleaver and 2, the mace). Based on this you can opt for just one out of the three skins or whatever suits you best. I like it as it is myself.

Spoiler New Circle of Urd graphics :
Circle of Urd.JPG

The three patches are for different versions of the mod. First one is for the original FFH2 (and adds the unique improvements, flavor improvements and cities as well som e sounds), second one is for MoM 2.11 (I named it MoM patch 2.38) and the third one is the final version of Xtended Graphic patch (with Circle of Urd, Hunter, Hippus Assassin and Malakim Teutorix remade). Enjoy!


The sounds needed are just copied from MoM and Xtended to FFH2 Asstes/sounds/units.


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So I tried playing a little with the Circle of Urd and decided to give them a more chaotic (and grim) look. It will now consist of a 4 unit group (in a circle), 1 leader with the older corpse graphic but with a bloodier suit, two guys with cleavers and freshly chopped off heads to throw and a mean looking baldie with a mace. Hope you enjoy it and it doesn't give you nightmares :)). If you still can't stomach the guy using a corpse as a weapon, you can enter the XRDOVIELLO_Civ4UnitInfos.xml and search for ART_DEF_UNIT_BERSERKER_DOVIELLO and add either 1 or 2 after Berserker (1 is using the cleaver and 2, the mace). Based on this you can opt for just one out of the three skins or whatever suits you best. I like it as it is myself.

Spoiler New Circle of Urd graphics :

The three patches are for different versions of the mod. First one is for the original FFH2 (and adds the unique improvements, flavor improvements and cities as well som e sounds), second one is for MoM 2.11 (I named it MoM patch 2.38) and the third one is the final version of Xtended Graphic patch (with Circle of Urd, Hunter, Hippus Assassin and Malakim Teutorix remade). Enjoy!

Thank you again for this ! The new Circle of Urd is much better aesthetically and even more lore friendly than before. I also liked the new graphics for the Malakim hero (which i forgot his name.. lol). The spearman graphic for the Hippus are a bit weird, but at least, they have a spear now, so, for sure, thats an improvement.

I really appreciate what you did here !

Cheers !
Can anybody tell me about the Victory rules. World Redemption, Might of Wilds etc?

If I'm not confusing something, these are the names for the individual religious victories.

I agree with Industrious1, MoM was and is the most complex FFH modmod and Xtended took that level of complexity and fun to an even more emerging depth. I'd like to thank Esvath and the team and hope that they will carry on. It has aged pretty well and is definitely on par with Civ 5 and 6. I worked separately on a graphical patch for Xtended 5.6. My programming skills are limited so most of the changes are in the XML files and arts folders. It has a changelog attached with all files and exactly what was changed. It has took me several weeks to compile it and I hope you all enjoy it and that some of it, if not all, will find its way in an official patch by the team.

So what did I change?

1. I wanted to add some flavor to the way built landscape looks for all civs so I introduced some unique improvements for several civs. There is a Grigori and Bannor Homestead, that acts like a fortified farm/pasture, there is a Doviello Yaranga (upgraded camp), there is a Ljosalfar Forest Lodge (because elves are supposed to not chop down trees), Hippus Breeding Grounds, a Khazad Deep Mine, a Dural Artisan Workshop, a Jotnar Large Windmill, a Malakim Caravansary as well as a Kuriotate Caravan Center that act out as uber trade markets but are quite different in implementation, there are several Aristrakh improvements like a Pyre, Catacoms and Crypt that make their land look less barren and offer some production in flatlands as well and, finally, there is an orc Pit instead of quarry. I tried to balance production so some other nations get some unique buildings like the Mercurian High Conclave (a version of a pagan temple that gives a free spec/town). In that same fashion the Malakim get free specs from Caravansaries/Trade Centers and the Grigori from their homesteads. Grigori also have access to their unique type of spec - the yeoman - who can boost adventurer GP points. Kuriotates get all three districts available in the same uber city (noble, merchant and sage), since they can have just 4 or 5 cities tops. The Empyrean Liberty civic goes to Grigori and the Empyrean gets its own new civic called Enlightened Rule. Ashen veil civs can build cottages in hell terrain and the Illians and Frozen can do it on ice tiles (as intended in the original FFH2). Also, some buildings got their icons changed, they are mentioned in the changelog. Some were misplaced to begin with, like the City of A Thousand Slums or Aristrakh Palace, while some I thought would fit better.

2. I then wanted to change sounds to most units so I allotted a selection sound to most, if not all. All civs get a different sound (I was tired frankly of most civs speaking the same language). I introduced some sounds for water, earth and ice elementals as well as the parrot, hawk and raven that now use their sounds properly when selected.

3. Finally I made some graphical tweaks to units, changed some Bannor units to fit their Roman, originally intended image. Seeing somebody remade Mardero (rather nicely ;), I made some graphic tweaks to some heroes, including Sphener, Brigit, Basium, Yvain (the satyr) and the Mithril Golem. I added some new adept units like the 3 Kuriotate Adepts, and 2 Doviello ones (mage and archmage that was long overdue). I appreciated the idea of Hippus mounted adepts and found out that they were intended to have mounted disciple units as well in the original MoM but there were no units for them so it was abandoned. So I created some. 12 priests and high priests, all mounted. Then I saw the Austrin were the original civ to have mounted adepts, on pegasi. I saw the wonderful austerin_mounted artstyle and so got hitched and did all Austrin units that were available in the original MoM also mounted on pegasi. So as to have some more flavor, some pegasi are gray, some are black, depending usually on alignment and context. I included mounted versions of religious heroes too, like Chalid and Hemah which I like how they turned out to look. I learned to use nifskope in the process. Of course, I see no reason to not implement a Hippus mounted hero artstyle as well but I stopped as it took me a lot of time to get this far and I cannot invest more into it. But I hope to have provided the team with some aid into going further. Total mounted units - 60. There is a TEST savefile for all improvements and units included.

What I found out and didn't have time to do yet but I might do so cause it takes little effort: some graphical errors to some units like the Jotnar Berserk whose right axe is in mid air, the Austrin Hunter (explorer) has no weapon, the Hippus Spearman and Bladedancer (ironically), have no blades. I corrected the Bowmaiden so it has range animation and changed a lot of icons to fit the general ice background style of the original FFH2 feel.

That's really cool. Your additions made me play MoM again. Thank you for that. :)
Some minor things I noticed while playing as Malakim. The civilopedia says Caravansaries can only be built on flatlands and I thought plains would be considered as flatlands. Maybe flatlands should be renamed to desert because it was confusing to me as a non-native english spekaer. I was also wondering whether caravansaries give +1 spec with the Malakim bazar, as the tooltip says only trade centers give +1 spec.

Feel free to ignore the following things because they are only minor issues, but if you have too much time and want to change some sounds/graphics, there are a couple of things that were always were weird about some Malakim units:
When selecting the Camel archers, it makes weird demon noises. Also, the carpet riders make elephant noises and leave footprints on the grounds. This is probably due to the fact that this unit is a reskinned elephant rider, so I don't know if this can be changed easily.

That's all I can remember right now. What I didn't do but I definitely think the team should address are some balance issues. Somebody gave an Aos Si in depth feedback which I think is quite accurate. I would just say that the roster is fun to play with but has several drawbacks as it stands right now: a. there are, surprisingly, less units available to nations now that all have entirely unique units. b. There are less incentives to upgrade units (as they evolve by themselves with tech research) and so a low warrior type fanatic could get to the end of the game and be the toughest unit the Bannor ever have. c. as a corollary, the late era units are too expensive for just a bit more attack d. there are a lot of techs that give no new unit opportunities. e. it is very difficult to track enemy armies just by watching them move around, their combat factors vary immensely according to their tech research. f. most heroes (that were intended to play rather different roles), are now played pretty similar (10 combat plus roster bonuses means anywhere between 10 and 36 combat). And, finally, g. a lot of units have mana affinity. This is interesting to play with but is quite easy to get off balance, especially if it doubles with the roster (huge) bonus. So yeah, without being critical, I think the combat system needs some balancing to address these issues but I think it is wonderful to have all nations play out so differently and it is in this precise manner that I would see further development. Perhaps lower the roster bonuses a bit so that they make for maximum 33% of the original unit combat and add larger difference in combat for higher tier units. Also, please make heroes different again :))

I, personally, think that the techs that give +2 to units should, maybe, only give +1 to all units. This would make lategame units more useful, changes in army power less steep and those military techs less important. But it's probably very difficult to implement this without screwing over the balance in some other area because everything is so interconnected. As a compensation one would probably need to make spells a bit less powerful as well as halfing the bonus of mana affinities. In my opinion, many affinity boni should be capped anyway to some maximum effect, as it used to be the case.
Ok, so how do i actually get a religion? I researched the Culture tech that said "get to pick a religion" but no dice. I got a great prophet, still nope. What am i missing
normally picking the culture tech should have opened a "choice-box"...
but I can't warranty.
It's been a long time I played with religions in MoM.
Ok, so how do i actually get a religion? I researched the Culture tech that said "get to pick a religion" but no dice. I got a great prophet, still nope. What am i missing

Yeah, you have to research ancient chants. It is explained in more detail in the civilopedia under MasterOfMana Concepts/Religion. Also, make sure you're not playing as an agnostic civilization, but you're probably aware of that. of Mana Xtended SVN r66.7z/download

I'm not sure if this works, but there is a complete version of master of mana and extended in there, up to revision 66 which added The Monarchs graphics pack if someone want's to try it out.

I'm not dead or anything, just real life drowing in house expansions and 2 small kids and bla bla.

Awesome ! Its good to know there are still skilled hands working on this project :)

I started a playtrough today with this version, and, as always, i picked up the marathon speed. It turns out this speed is now unplayable, since the game speed influences resources needed for buildings. For example, when you start a game, you have 200 of each resource, but early game buildings, like elder council and palisade cost 600 lumber. Palace gives a nice starting yield, but its not enough. So, it really takes time until you can build your first building, and early game becomes real boring and frustrating.

But i wholeheartedly welcome this new change, so i would like no suggest a few balance tweaks (which i don't know if they are doable as i have no idea about coding and stuff). The first one is to change the starting yields accordingly to the game speed, so, if playing on marathon speed, you would start with 600 of each resource instead of 200. The second one is to change each civilization's palace yield of resources accordingly to the game speed. Maybe reducing a bit the increase threshold from a faster game speed to a slower game speed may also help.

Anyway, thanks for posting this version and for letting us know this mod is alive !
Awesome ! Its good to know there are still skilled hands working on this project :)

I started a playtrough today with this version, and, as always, i picked up the marathon speed. It turns out this speed is now unplayable, since the game speed influences resources needed for buildings. For example, when you start a game, you have 200 of each resource, but early game buildings, like elder council and palisade cost 600 lumber. Palace gives a nice starting yield, but its not enough. So, it really takes time until you can build your first building, and early game becomes real boring and frustrating.

But i wholeheartedly welcome this new change, so i would like no suggest a few balance tweaks (which i don't know if they are doable as i have no idea about coding and stuff). The first one is to change the starting yields accordingly to the game speed, so, if playing on marathon speed, you would start with 600 of each resource instead of 200. The second one is to change each civilization's palace yield of resources accordingly to the game speed. Maybe reducing a bit the increase threshold from a faster game speed to a slower game speed may also help.

Anyway, thanks for posting this version and for letting us know this mod is alive !

I added a gamespeed modifier for the starting yield.

But giving more from palace is a no no, game speed does not influence income of things, just the cost. And since production has more turns it was easymode to play on slower speeds until now.
I have not added this on unit and equipment yet, but I will, since you have more time to earn those resources.

But the mod is not alive or dead, Master of Mana was Sephi, Xtended was esvath, I just help a little.

For me the mod needs more balancing and getting the units more interesting (diverse) again, the heroes feel much the same now.

Also, it is too easy, even playing Deity is mostly a walk in the park. But that is just my personal opinion
"I added a gamespeed modifier for the starting yield."

Is it not possible to simply reduce the ressources cost of any item and any building, when you play in Quick Speed ? Exactly the same scale reduction than the others things in Quick speed.

I mean, everything has reduced cost : science, building cost and unit cost. Ressources should scale too.

This problem of non scaling in quick speed is big problem for players like me who play in Quick Speed in multiplayer.
"I added a gamespeed modifier for the starting yield."

Is it not possible to simply reduce the ressources cost of any item and any building, when you play in Quick Speed ? Exactly the same scale reduction than the others things in Quick speed.

I mean, everything has reduced cost : science, building cost and unit cost. Ressources should scale too.

This problem of non scaling in quick speed is big problem for players like me who play in Quick Speed in multiplayer.

Yes, resource cost of building building are scaled on gamespeed now. If you use r66 or later. of Mana Xtended SVN r66.7z/download
Units and equipment have not had their cost adjusted to scale yet.
Thanks for the update for all these years.
I am playing this in 4K is there a way to get bigger fonts in the HUD?
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