May 2008 GOTM: World War Two Europe


Nov 29, 2005
EDIT: just updated the SAVE files to correct some problems and increase the difficulty a little. Something odd happens with POLLUTION but it doesn't develop into the Pollution Bug, you just get a warning that global warming is about to occur (but it doesn't). Hopefully that's all the problems resolved. Enjoy the war!

Here's the scenario:

Ok, so as an antidote to my exams, I decided to design a WW2 scenario for a GOTM. I hope someone enjoys it.

I've not really had the chance to play it much yet, so let me know if something goes catastropically wrong.

The game is at King level, but will probably seem even easier than that as you are on an island and relatively secure from invasion.



War has been declared, the Polish have been invaded and their cities partitioned, and the Soviets and Nazis are staring at each other menacingly along their new border.


The British and French fail to take adequate preparations for the defence of France and the Low Countries. Copenhagen, Amsterdam and Brussels fall quickly, the British army is wiped out and escapes across the English Channel, and Calais falls.

Intelligence reports suggest that Paris, Le Havre, Brest and Bordeaux are all under attack and about to fall, and a new French government at Vichy is formed.


The game starts in 1940. The objective is CONQUEST: the UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER (destruction) of Nazi Germany and occupation of all German and Italian cities. If a space race erupts during the war, you are expected to WIN that as well as a secondary objective (but otherwise you'll want to reserve your resources for military spending).


You are playing the ENGLISH, your capital is London and you have 11 cities across the British Isles (you do not control the Irish Free State, which is neutral).

The entire map has been revealed, although the precise location of every city has not been revealed.

The game contains 7 players: English, German, Egyptian, Chinese, Russian, Indian and Zulu.

The English represent the British

The Germans represent Nazi Germany and Italy as the AXIS powers

The Russians represent the Soviet Union

The Zulus represent Yugoslavia, Greece, Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria

The Egyptians will represent the VICHY FRENCH forces (following the likely collapse of their forces in the north)

The Chinese represent the Hungarians, sometime allies of the Germans

The Indians represent the neutral nations: Spain, Sweden and Ireland

You have EMBASSIES establised in every captial, your spies keeping you regularly updated on events in Europe.


The British have run their armed forces down during the previous decade and therefore have a tiny army. Building this up will be a priority.

They do, however, have a strong Navy to defend the Channel and ship-building technologies like Steel and Combustion. They have also developed Advanced Flight technology, but no planes have currently been built.


Despite the lack of military, the British cities have good potential, with an already well developed rail and agriculture infrastructure. They also have a high resource potential, if factories or MFG plants are built and hills mined. UNFORTUNATELY, because your government was just overthrown, your treasury is running short of cash in Despotism. You'll probably want to switch to a Republican government as soon as possible (you don't have Democracy yet), and devise means to make money.


The Axis are at war with the Soviets, which should give you time to build up your own forces, assuming the Soviets don't collapse too soon. The two sides are very unlikely to make peace (vendetta).


No civilisation has University or Trade, and most don't even have libraries. This is to try and slow down the rate of tech advance. Different players have different starting technologies though - eg the Nazis are the only ones with Robotics and thus Artillery units, and the English the only ones with Steel and Battleships at this stage. Most have Automobile and thus ARMORS though.


You are not allowed to declare war on either the NEUTRALS (Indians) or BALKANS (Zulus), and may not capture any of their cities unless already occupied by another power. If they declare war on you, you can defend yourself but NOT capture any of their cities. You can, however, attack the Hungarians, Russians and Vichy French as well as the Nazi Germans, as much as you like.

NO CHEATING (obviously): This includes the settler cheat (not that your cities need much more irrigating or mining).

You are allowed to use NUKES as much as you want, if you develop the technology. However, do not build SDI defences (as it gives a hugely unfair advantage to human players).

You can make peace with the Germans for as long as you want, bearing in mind that you are trying to wipe them out, however.

You ARE allowed to make Trade routes, but ONLY with the Neutral countries or Balkan countries.

OK so I think that covers everything that I can think of right now. Enjoy, hopefully.


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Yippie! I love the WWII scenario! I will definetly put down all the available time I can get on this one. Hurry! Thank you very VERY much for this!

I have one question though.

I don´t know it Dack fixed this in the new version (or if it´s even possible) but how about the WOWs? Since I assumed you constructed the map with TerraForm, does the effects of the continental WOWs go for example the whole of England or even so on the whole of EuroAsia? Or is there there only certain cities affected by them? Are there certain cities that are better to build the WOWs in?
Yippie! I love the WWII scenario! I will definetly put down all the available time I can get on this one. Hurry! Thank you very VERY much for this!

I have one question though.

I don´t know it Dack fixed this in the new version (or if it´s even possible) but how about the WOWs? Since I assumed you constructed the map with TerraForm, does the effects of the continental WOWs go for example the whole of England or even so on the whole of EuroAsia? Or is there there only certain cities affected by them? Are there certain cities that are better to build the WOWs in?

AFAIK the WOWs work according to the rules no matter what scenario you design. So if the wonder is on the mainland, it will not work on an island (if it's Hoover Dam etc).

Just been playing the scenario a bit and I *think* the game has the pollution bug! Arrgh! I'm going to see if I can fix it. I might also need to twiddle with some options and make it a bit harder as it seems much too easy to play.

I've also noticed that using CIV$ to give technologies somehow circumvents the game rules on lightbulbs/tech; ie, its taking virtually no time to develop techs.
I´ve played the scenario now for quite a few hours. You say it´s easy? I must have had a big chunk of bad luck then. It is REALLY hard. Vichy French are spawning cities like mad and ran over Spain. The Balkans are boosting tons of cities also. The Russians are merely staying alive. The Irish/Swedish are being a pain in the ass. If I only were allowed to take them from the beginning. The Nazis are fighting 5 front wars and they are doing it good.
I´ve finally managed to take 9 of their cities but I am playing on the edge of a knife. If they slaughter just a bit more of my army the goal may be in real trouble.

Everyone seem set at ruling this world, they are going "all in" war. The map is completely cluttered with heavy units.

I also just received a news rel that Churchill is going for retirement in 20 years. :(
I have had one Global Warming event. And I just now received word that the Ice Caps are melting. Have only had 2 spots of pollution so far.

Sigh, perhaps it´s time to call it a night. I may have to play this from the beginning and try to make things in a different way.

Did you build any new cities? Did you attack any other civ then the Nazis?
Grrr! I started the whole scenario over. Same thing again, I can´t seem to finish before Churchill decides to retire. I would need some 15-20 more turns to slice the Nazis. About 22 hours invested for 2 tries, to no use. Sigh!

First time I went for naval power in the beginning to switch over to Bombers and Armor.
Second time I said screw the navy and went for Bombers, Armor and Artillery. I was clearly doing better but I have to be faster somehow. More Artillery and less Armor. But the Armors are so nice to have, it´s hard to defend the occupied cities once you start committing to the war campaign and the cities are located so close together that retal attacks come instantly. The Nazi city of Stuttgart is literary spitting out units. Awesome production, truly amazing!

The other civs acted completely different this time. Rather amusing to see how small events can have such long lasting consequences.

I will give it another try when I go off my work shift. I have some thoughts I want to try out that might buy me a few turns here and there.
I wouldn't bother with Bombers for anything other than clearing the frontlines of potential dangers (like artillery/armors). They're not worth wasting against city defences - too expensive. Instead I'd focus on artillery production (with armors for defensive support and to flush out units en route). Reduce defences in cities far from the battlefield (like in England itself). And attack in mass formations.

Given the size of the scenario, I'd think it unlikely for any but the most experienced war strategists to win before Churchill retires. That doesn't mean you should give up though. The idea is just to try and see who can win the earliest. The Nazi empire is huge, after all.

I tried both the slightly easier version you've got and the harder version I put up yesterday. In the new version, the Axis completely overwhelm the Soviets early on, and because they become so large, their defences are actually worse than in the easier game (the computer AI devotes too many units to defence/ Mech Infantry, rather than armors/artillery). But it takes a lot longer to get the British going in the newer download as the cities are smaller and less developed.

I've managed to take out 11 cities but now they've less cities to worry about, their resistance is becoming much more fierce. They finally decided to take out the Vichy French from Italy, which is causing me problems as my cities back there are poorly defended and I just lost Bordeaux and Brest. They've also made an amphibious landing at Amsterdam and knocked out 2 full transports (18 units!) and 2 battleships with a fleet of bombers from Copenhagen or Hamburg. Very irritating!
GOTM downloaded, i shall give it a shot tonight!!

Thanks a lot for all the work and effort to give us more of the GOTM!

Nazis, get ready for Daniel Churchill!!

Inmediately declare revolution, and go for Republic!

Really impressive and fun game...

I seem to have more success using a democracy strategy, and buying their inner cities while bombarding from the sea their coastal ones. It's strange but they ask for peace always after i buy one of their cities.

It's hard to defend against them and i lost many battleships....that are darn expensive :)

I'l tell you more....

Great scenario, thanks!
Finished the game, not won but damn i was near. But it's true, simmonis, the nazi empire is HUGE expanding all the way to the end of the map.

I have loved every bit of the game!! It was real hard! The other civ's did not worry me and in fact i did not need to defend the british isles because we were left unattacked. In the other hand, the mainland cities which i captured were during all the game under pressure.

I managed to conquer nearly the whole nazi empire, except Italy, i was unable to access it from france because the Vichy french blocked my troop's way, and the east part was conquered just too late!.

I post my saved files here to amuse anyone who wants to load the saved game :)


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Very nice scenario.

It took 136 turns to take all German cities. I started the war boosting Britain's production, while moving my navy and few riflemen towards Calais. I think this helped USSR to survive because germans moved some extra troops to France.
When I got my production up , I slowly started to advance to east.City by city Germany fell under my armies. Later I got some help from other civs who all united against Germany and saved me few turns taking few cities.Luftawaffe was very irritating but overall Germany was little disapponment for me. There never was any big counter attacks , not even when they made Hungarians fight with russians and made peace with Stalin and focused their whole army on me.
I lost only 2-3 cities in whole game.

I think i could had managed to win earlier if i had used more diplomats to bribe cities and build manhattan project.


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Very nice scenario.

It took 136 turns to take all German cities. I started the war boosting Britain's production, while moving my navy and few riflemen towards Calais. I think this helped USSR to survive because germans moved some extra troops to France.
When I got my production up , I slowly started to advance to east.City by city Germany fell under my armies. Later I got some help from other civs who all united against Germany and saved me few turns taking few cities.Luftawaffe was very irritating but overall Germany was little disapponment for me. There never was any big counter attacks , not even when they made Hungarians fight with russians and made peace with Stalin and focused their whole army on me.
I lost only 2-3 cities in whole game.

I think i could had managed to win earlier if i had used more diplomats to bribe cities and build manhattan project.

I've noticed the Germans don't really seem to do much in the way of counter-attacking either. I think it's because the unit limit in Civ1 is too low - their units are countering other ones all over the map. If they could build as many as they wanted, they'd probably put up a decent struggle.
Wow - a European map with Ireland on it? Great stuff. Will play the scenario. Must have taken you a while to set it up - thanks!
This one is so cool. It's really a battle for the English/French channel. Once that baby is free'd up and you got your production going it's clean up from there - with some heavy resistance.
As I'm building scenario on USSR side of operation barbarossa, I decided to try this scenario playing as the Russians. I didnt change the save files anyway, only switched human player from england to russia.

I made myself a rule not to make peace with Germany and use Communism as government.

First thing I did I realized that economy of Soviet Union is in bad shape, so I started selling buildings. Granaries, courthouses, later banks, marketplaces and even city walls of Moscow and Stalingrad had to be sold.

First city I lost was Lvov:

Taking it back next turn gave me interesting choise:

I picked robotics to build artillery and Mfg. Plants. But soon I realised I really needed fighters for air defence.

German panzers and swords were also spreading terror on soviet people:

Meanwhile somewhere at the river Volga, I send my own Comrade Legion to recruit some villagers to red army:

Cossacks refuse to fight for communism!:mad:

Later I lost Vilnius and Minsk after heavy german bomber attacks. Minsk I managed to take back soon after. I even took Krakow from germans for few turns, untill they 'liberated' it again.

I played about 30 turns but I think this scenario isn't meant to be played as russians, at least with the rules I made myself. I'm simply running out of money.

Maybe I try again with less strict rules. Even though it would be interesting challenge to see if it's possible to win this scenario with communism/no peace rule.


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Wow! This is awesome too @simonnomis , especially as many of us played the WW2 scenario for Civ2 so to have a Civ1 version is heaps cool. So many out there probably have no idea that there was a Civ1 scenario making community, I sure as hell didn't until I first joined this forum a few years back lol! However it of course makes sense when there's excellent map & game editors out there like JCivED (although this predates that so presumably you used one of the old editors). I'm definitely gonna have to cover your work in my big HD Civ scenarios video series I'm working on!

I understand why you guys used CivDOS instead of CivWin (bad graphics & sound lol) however these days we have Honza's awesome DOS graphics CivWin mod and my Soundtrack Overhaul CivWin mod so I thought it would be fun to convert your excellent scenario to CivWin using the CivCracker map & game editor (which can convert save files from DOS to Win) and have attached the file to this post if others wish to play it. CivWin also supports custom save file names which makes scenario sharing and collection organising much easier!

Here's some screenshots comparing modded and default graphics. Map is revealed just for the pictures to show how cool your work is.

Converted scenario with DOS graphics mod:

Converted scenario with original graphics:

Attachment removed at 27 hits and moved to downloads area here:
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Quick update!

As promised I've showcased your work in my big new Playing Civilization 1 in HD with Mods & Scenarios video tour here:

I've also included your scenario in my big scenario preservation project I'm working on!

I've removed my download from the above post (counter was at 27 downloads) and I've now added it (along with your original DOS save files and a info text file crediting you) in a 7zip file to the CFC Civ1 downloads area along with Moddb & Internet Archive to ensure your work is never lost. Should you wish to make any updates or changes to the files just let me know. :)

As you'll see I got the admins to create a new Civ1 scenario downloads area to put them in! I also saw people posting here a while back this old GOTM sub forum should probably be renamed to a scenario creation forum since there hadn't been monthly activities in a long time so I got them to partially rename this forum too. :)

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