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memory allocation error


May 25, 2007
I play Civ IV BTS on my notebook for 1.5 year. I always played standard or smaller sizes. but during Christmas time, I could not help myself - I needed to try huge map. I set up the graphic options to Low, and it went well (just much slower), but suddenly - later in the game, when I wanted to save it as usual (the saved file was about 1.1 MB) the game wrote "memory allocation error" and exited to windows.

I am just wondering, if it was due to insufficient graphic card or RAM (obviously, I cannot do anything about graphic card, but I can buy additional RAM). Or if you have any suggestion, how to enhace the NB performance for the game.

The NB specifications are: CPU AMD Turion 64 (2GHz), graphic card nvidia GeForce Go 7300, OS Vista Premium, RAM 2GB.

It was really a good game, I'd like to finish it if possible.
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