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Mesoamerica Mod


May 13, 2008
Has anyone play the Mesoamerica mod that just came with the last patch yet,
i like the scarafice thing and the spanish invasions are pretty cool
Edit: has anyone also noticed that the years go too fast, the spanish are still conquering mesoamerica in 1900 in this mod
any screenshots?

Never mind -- it's the new improved "small pox feature" that kills off units. If anyone knows how, I'd like to find out what gets rid of the "new improved feature". I kinda hate having to play while all my units are red-lined. After several turns of this, the "new improved feature" sucks the fun right out of the game.
yer i think the spanish give the diesese thing to you and it spreads throught your units, but it does die out after a while and your units are back to normal i think
Of course, the Spaniards show up in the 1200's, naturalmente! And how many centuries would that disease last, hmmm? Only a few... let's not quibble! We'll just sit right here in your nice little cities all that time and do absolutely nothing. This is so much fun!

And, yes! We have longbowmen in Mesoamerica, and catapults too. Ooooh, such a great mod!

I'm feeling really sick already -- and it's not from small pox...
You forgot that you can tech Horseback Riding... And build Henge, the Mids, Hanging Gardens... all in MesoAmerica in pre Colombian times.

Clearly this mod deserved a little more work....
yeh this mod really needs more work they should've used the meso american city graphics/units from some of the mods out, unique wonders,buildings(religous temples),units(javelin thrower,slingers),resources(jade,obsidian,turkey's,etc.) and techs like civ3. I also found one of the civs to be using turkish city names(green civ), also i dont think pigs were native to the america's b4 european contanct. Wish a modder would pick this up and edit it
yer i think they do start using other civs city names once theve run out of there own city names, and because theres 3 civs using the same list it runs short pretty quick
Mer...I totally wnated to try this out, but now I'm scared.

I mean, I know they're on a tight schedule and all, but I wish that they would take a tad more time. Whatever, this is still a great patch! :goodjob:
Mer...I totally wnated to try this out, but now I'm scared.

I mean, I know they're on a tight schedule and all, but I wish that they would take a tad more time. Whatever, this is still a great patch! :goodjob:

perhaps in the next patch they'll correct it... and they better do it!

the patch surely is good in the sense it corrected the culture bug and it also has some nice additions, but it is also filled with bugs and that's precisely against what patches are built... they should be correcting bugs and adding some small stuff, but they're only adding stuff and correcting some bugs while adding others!

mods can add stuff, Firaxis should care about the bugs!

and i totally agree with r_rolo1 and ambreville... and also the spanish still arriving at the Mesoamerican shores by the 1900s... :nono:

PS: you have to shorten your signature... limit is 5 lines with size 2 or 7 lines with size 1. see the forum rules here
Ah, just how I remember the Mesoamericans... with their horses and catapults.
Didn't have used to have dewbacks and stuff too?
No wait, that's the Galactic Empire...
Ah, just how I remember the Mesoamericans... with their horses and catapults.
Didn't have used to have dewbacks and stuff too?
No wait, that's the Galactic Empire...


well, once in the vannila game the Aztecs won by Space Race... ;)

PS: the same i said to Gooblah applies to you. you have to shorten your signature... limit is 5 lines with size 2 or 7 lines with size 1. see the forum rules here

I agree with the patch thing

and my sig's fine, dude. I asked a mod, and they cleared it.
It is not that hard to make a tech only usable by one civ.... if the Spanish needed Conquistadores they could had made the tech only accesible to them.... or simply to make it so expensive that the mesoamericans could not research it in usable time ( like C3C fall of Rome scenario with the tech that opened the Raider line )

And the horses.... They could had modded a corp to give horses for the spanish. Not that hard too....
First of all we need a wish list.... only after that we can start coding :p

The changes that I spoke in my post are simple XML editing ( no Python or C++, that are far less intuitive ), but others may need something stronger
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