I found art for capes (and some other nice terrains)


Feb 27, 2018
Galway, Ireland
Yes, I know that it is technically a reef, not a cape (the graphic is from RFCE), but I still think it is better than not distinguishing capes at all graphically. It kind of makes sense, too, a cape is supposed to be harder to navigate, and having rocks jutting out of the ocean is a good way to represent "harder to navigate".

I also attached a screenshot of the volcano graphic from embryodead's Sengoku mod. It would be nice to have graphically to represent volcanoes, but it can function the same as a mountain in gameplay. @Leoreth if you are interested in incorporating this, I'd be happy to mark the tiles on the map that should be turned into volcanoes.

Also attached is an screenshot of RFC Mesoamerica and Andes, a mod that is not at all in a playable state, but contains cool graphics with cactus and mesas. I doubt that with the scale of DOC, even with the new map, there is really room for these, but I attached the screenshot just in case.


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How about the volcano taking on some of the attributes of 'Mount Planet' from Alpha Centauri? Obviously, having a volcano providing a benefit to all surrounding tiles would be too much in this context, but if it was treated as a mountain so is impassable/unimprovable but with production/food bonuses like the Inca's UP it could be interesting to give some further variation to southern Italy with Etna/Versuvius, Iceland, Japan amongst others. It'd be great if the bonus was also paired with a greater chance of the volcano event to balance it.
Is it possible that Volcanos could sometimes but rarely destroy cities?
It would be cool if active volcanoes were represented on the map, narrowing the possible locations for the volcanic eruption event (maybe don't build your cottages there).
Really like the 'cape'/reef and the desert/cactus terrains; I think both of those could be great as visual flavor. The cactus one, for instance, could be used to indicate 'semidesert' within North and Central America (as a visual variant), or it could be used to indicate a 'prickly pear' resource or some other desert-exclusive resource.

The mesa and volcano graphics would work brilliantly for some of the 'natural wonders' that were proposed as a game feature, back in this thread. If that's still a plan for 1.19 or 1.20 (after the big map is completed, either before or after we figure out how to incorporate nomadic civs), that'd be really great to see.
Really like the 'cape'/reef and the desert/cactus terrains; I think both of those could be great as visual flavor. The cactus one, for instance, could be used to indicate 'semidesert' within North and Central America (as a visual variant), or it could be used to indicate a 'prickly pear' resource or some other desert-exclusive resource.

The mesa and volcano graphics would work brilliantly for some of the 'natural wonders' that were proposed as a game feature, back in this thread. If that's still a plan for 1.19 or 1.20 (after the big map is completed, either before or after we figure out how to incorporate nomadic civs), that'd be really great to see.
It would be great if the cactus could be shrunk a little, but I don't know if that is possible.
If we add volcano tiles, perhaps we could make them a prerequisite for geothermal power plants (as a non-nuclear clean energy source in places where both hydrothermal and solar power plants cannot be built).
Caveman 2 Cosmos has a volcano mechanic, but just like the entire mod, it's just not worth looking up because of how terribly implemented it is.
"A designer knows he has achieved perfection. Not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."

That would be a fitting quote for that mod, if it wasn't for being buried under all the other techs and stuff.
The original quote is already used in Vanilla Civ4.
Yeah but I removed it because that way there were fewer things left to take away.
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