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MIA Discussion T5-1: Wonder Building


Aptenodytes forsteri
Apr 4, 2002
MIA Discussion T5-1: Wonder Building

Welcome to the first MIA discussion on the building of wonders. After that nasty bout in JR1T5, MIA has official control over wonders. So we bring you this discussion.


S.E.T.I: This wonder would allow us to double the science research output of one city. It should be placed in the city with the most science output for its maximum effect. Comes with Computers, costs 1000 shields.

The United Nations: A MUS-FRIGGIN-T have for a conquest victory. Keep it out of the hands of your enemies and bury it where the sun don’t shine. Comes with Fission, cots 1000 shields.

The Manhattan Project: Lets you build nukes. Perfect for lobbing at far flung enemies, like Persia :evil: *Does downward whistle glissando* Also comes with Fission, costs 800 shields. A Reminder: It lets everyone do it. Not just us.

Longevity: Pretty darn useless in this game. Increases population, costs 100 shields and comes with genetics.


Pentagon: More army power. ‘Nuff said. Needs 3 armies in the field, costs 400 shields.

Intelligence Agency: Lets you commit espionage, like sabotaging production and stealing plans. Needs Espionage, costs 400 shields. Planting spies run the risk of war being declared, but were going for conquest, so who gives?

Battlefield Medicine; Another must have. Once we have 5 hospitals built, we can build it and allow units to heal within the field. This costs 500 shields. It should be built as soon as we get the 5 hospitals.

Apollo Program: Allows space race victory. Who cares? Costs 500 shields, comes with Space Flight.

SDI Defense: IF we get this far, keeps us a bit safer from nukes (75%). Requires 5 SAM Missile Batteries and costs 500 shields.

MIA thinks we absolutely need UN and Manhattan. S.E.T.I would be nice. As for small wonders, Battlefield Medicine is the only must. The Pentagon and the Intelligence Agency would be nice.

Well, discuss!

MIA Head
Minister of Internal Affairs:
You're analysis is spot-on, but a bit pessimistic. If we stop research after we have tanks; no-one will get as far as the UN (our only real threat). The opponents are far behind and with the loss of their cities and having most of their cities building units to try a futile attempt to fend off our troops, there will be little wonder building. Therefore I place Pentagon as most important, second Battlefield Medicine.

I place Intelligence Agency 3rd, for the following reason:
If for some reason the opponents do reach the Modern age and start the UN, we can try to use spies to steal the techs required so we will catch up easily when we start it ourselves.
Alternatively our troops can focus on locating and destroying the opponent's UN-city, before it completes.

Although it would be very fun to nuke the opponents; I don't think we'll get the required techs to do so in time.
I think we certainly should build the Pentagon and Battlefield Medicine, as they will certainly help the war effort. The Intelligence Agency and the Manhattan Project would be nice too. Hopefully it will not be necessary to build the UN, but we can't let our opponents build it. We don't really need to have superb research by the time SETI is available; we should be able to win with the technology already available. Longetivity would not be very helpful, and the Apollo Program obviously would be useless. I doubt we will be able to build SDI defense.
I did not take into account the possible halting of research. I assumed that we would have to keep going due to our enemies on the other continent. If we were to do this, it is true that we would not need to worry about these wonders. Perhaps a discussion from T&T is in order...
I thank you for your opinions.

MIA Head
Build Pentagon now.

Build Battlefield Medicine, when available.

All the rest can wait IMHO.

SETI and UN can be build by Great Leaders. We will be at war with Persia (or Aztecs) and likely will produce a lot of them.
When aiming for conquest, if the game lasts until Fission I never take any chances, starting a palace prebuild timed to give the UN at most 1-2 turns after Fission. You never know when an AI is going to get a lucky roll of the dice and get a GL, and a diplomatic loss would be pretty humiliating at this point.

So we should stay ahead in tech, though the pace can be slowed to the lowest point where we are still ahead. Wonder-wise, I agree with the Pentagon, Battlefield Medicine, and United Nations. No need to push for any more like last game, we're assured of all 5 camelot awards since there will be nobody left. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by DaveShack
When aiming for conquest, if the game lasts until Fission I never take any chances, starting a palace prebuild timed to give the UN at most 1-2 turns after Fission. You never know when an AI is going to get a lucky roll of the dice and get a GL, and a diplomatic loss would be pretty humiliating at this point.
Even worse: it would be blatant stupidity.

But: England will be gone by then (I suppose). And the IMHO best way is to form military alliances with the Aztecs and Zulus (if they still exist) vs. the Persians. Therefore, no matter who (except us) builds the UN, they will not get the majority (2 of 3, 3 of 4) of votes.
Pentagon is a must - do it asap
Battlefield Med - also very important for us
The rest can wait
as for great wonders, we need to eventually start 2 prebuilds, 1 for un and another for manhattan. seti isnt that important since we are already ahead in techs.
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