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Military Assessment - 1630AD (and Persia/Zulu War Plans)


Retired Moderator
Feb 10, 2002
Mech Inf - 28
Tanks - 102
Infantry - 53
Cavalry - 30
Workers - 102 :eek: (we don't need that many now that everything is worked...)
Warrior - 1 (He's elite, one of our early scouts)
Cannons - 3 (captured, need to be upgraded)
Artillery - 43 (42 are on the other continent). Please note that artillery can't be airlifted, so they must be transported over.
Ironclads - 9
Transports - 19 (several are serving as a shuttle service)
Carrier - 1 (I will need more of these as we prepare to attack Persia)
Destroyer - 6
Bomber - 13
Army - 9

I am calling for more bombers, and a few jet fights, as Persia may be researching flight soon. Persian bombers will only be able to reach Grand River, New Swazi, New Hlobane, and Cattaraugus. So, SAM Installations, and jets would be in use in those cities. Once they get Stealth (which is unlikely), Antilla, Grand Bricolage, Ville de Buisson, Anarchy, and Villa Park will need air defenses.

I'm also calling for carriers in our cities closest to the Persians on the mainland, and cities on the north side of our main continent. These will provide air support for invasions that will take place in Central, and North-Western Persia. (mostly Arbela, Gordium, Hamadan...)

I will also need 2 more transports from the Cijam/New Morgana area, followed by carriers. This will hold the invasion force for cities around Persepolis, and the capital itself. The main invasion force will land on the hills of Samaria, attack Samaria, and Zohak, and continue razing north.

Our main force will come in from the east of Persia and the Zulus. The invasion will only start after we've defeated a sizable number of Persian troops first, to lessen the number of total troops attacking us. (New Hloban would most likely be their target.

Another thing to note. The Zulus have no rail net. We can spend the 4-6 turns of build up building rails for them (ROP needed). (note that there's a worker in Zulu lands. This is because they built a city while we were building rails).

So, the plan is to attack from the center of Persia (and the Zulus), attack from the Northwest with airsupport, and attack from the east/southeast. This war might take 10 turns at the earliest, or as long as 20. There will also be atleast 5 turns of a build up, maybe up to 8.

This is also a possibility - Have Persia sign an alliance against the Zulus, then as Persia is taking Zulu cities, declare war on Persia.
Which civ do we plan to attack first, Persia or Zulu? I think we should eliminate the Zulu first and from there attack Persia. We can take out the three cities they have in odd places either by transport attack or by waiting and taking them out during the Persian campaign. We don't really need to spend time railing Zulu just before attacking them; it would be faster just to eliminate them without taking 4-6 turns to rail them beforehand (we would, of course, rail their former territory as we are conquering them). Plus, I'd rather not do anything underhanded like break an MA or an ROP unless we really need to, and we don't in this case (however, I'm not opposed to breaking the peace treaty with Zulu a few turns early for the sake of faster conquest).
We have quite a few workers already on the other continent, an we'll get more each time we raze a city. The Persian/Zulu side is much more developed. Also, we have a ton of armies, so we don't need to worry about getting any more Great Leaders (we have more than enough armies). One thing I don't like about armies in C3C, is that you only get as many attacks as your movement points. So, if you have 4 MA, the 4th MA won't get its' attack in. It also takes them an incredibly long time to heal. We will upgrade ALL units before the war. (Tanks and infantry just can't keep up).
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