Mini New Zealand

Lord Parkin

aka emperor
Apr 27, 2004
New Zealand
Here's another enjoyable little map. It's a 60x60 version of New Zealand. You'll need to expand fast to get even half a dozen cities in! Anyway, enjoy. :)


Thanks. :) I'm rather a sucker for small maps, so that's why the majority of the ones I make are 100x100 or smaller. ;)
No problem. Nice to see another NZer around here! :)
1. "The Coromandel Peninsula". ("Peninsula" will do... but not "arm thingee".) ;) With the size of the map, it was a choice of either too big or too small. I chose too big.

2. Obviously I know this, but my intention in this map was to provide a bit of balance in the terrain, even if it isn't strictly realistic.

:) - LP
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