Mod Component Request Thread

I dont know how hard it would be, but i would love to see a mod that multiplies the research time and build time of technology, buildings and wonders (not units) during each successive age, to elongate the period of play during each successive age, especially since the game really moves faster, even in Marathon, once you reach the end
Actually, such a mod could be as simple as a single line or two of SQL.

Could someone maybe take the moment to do this? increase by a factor of 2, 3 4, 5, 6, etc with each successive age for buildtime of wonders, buildings, and research?
Could someone maybe take the moment to do this? increase by a factor of 2, 3 4, 5, 6, etc with each successive age for buildtime of wonders, buildings, and research?

I created a simple mod that increases the research times drastically. I felt like each age moved through too quick on Quick setting. I love the long age times of Marathon but like the quick building times of Quick, so I created a simple text code to draw out the research. Worked well and makes it more fun for me :)

Not sure about the other things though.
Is it possible:

Alter RAs to be a lump sum research amount (like chopping for production).

If this amount were fixed at the time of the RA creation then you could strategically evaluate the value/timing of RAs.

When you bulb a tech the interface knows what techs are available for free, the RA value could be based on the average research cost of those techs available to bulb and then awarded at the end of 30 turn RA.

Balancing could be as simple as increasing/decreasing the percentage of that average.
(ie 50..150%)
I don't know if this has been suggested, but I don't think it would be that hard.

Is there a way to mod it so that you can not trespass in City State land? Like, you aren't allowed to move units through their territory at all unless you have friend status.

Just want to make it harder to run around the whole continent and meet all the civs so early in the game. A ******ed amount of city states and the inability to cross their land should do this fine, I think.
How about an ammo/fuel mod? There was an advanced missiles mod for Civ 4 and a basic one for Civ 5, so how about some more missile types and more missile carriers (since, for example, OCC's can't effectively deliver nukes anywhere. Especially if they aren't coastal. Would greatly help to improve some of the combat in this game. If they wanted to go 1UPT then they could've at least fleshed it out some more.
A mod that adds canals as a tile improvement. I don't want to have to build a city to ferry ships across a 1 tile stretch, and its quite annoying to have the narrowest point between water be 2-3 tiles. Maybe have maintenance costs, like roads or railroads. Becomes available at engineering.
I personally would like to see more Tile improvements for strategic purposes.

- Military base tile improvement ... should allow the basing of aircraft and ships if built near the coast.

- Radar station / sensor array ... gives 10% combat bonus within 3 tiles to all units

- Outpost ... a building only a scout can 'build' (consumes scout), but it would provide 5 sight. Destroyed if enemy unit occupies tile.

Of course these improvements would not allow any other improvement to be built - so player needs to think. These are all improvements we once had in previous civs. A shame they never made a comeback.

Another mod idea:

Changing Ice-caps. The floating ice tiles found near N and S pole should vary over time. Randomly grow 'bigger' or 'receede' as time goes on - perhaps tie it in with industrialization where most ice receedes. Thou personally i'd prefer it if it constantly just changes. What might of been a locked off sea patch, could soon be traversable by ships "in the future" - or vica versa.
Some ideas i have in mind is
- change the hideous Fort improvement into the castle graphic, it smaller looks better and it should be able to garrison up to 5 units at a time.

- Citys built along a river should be able to build a harbor and it can be used as a trade route

- Change the time scale so every era it goes up one year at a time until you enter a new era it changes to the appropriate year, example is you are in the Ancient era and the year is 2000BC, it goes up one year at a time until you enter the classical era and the year changes to 300BC, the into the medieval era and it changes to 1099 AD, then 1499, then 1865 then 1969, then 2011. The tech tree would have to change to suit the tech in each year but it would be a good way to experience every era in the appropriate time frame, when you enter the industrial though it should go 12 turns until it enters a new year, to have more time for the late eras.

i doubt these even get read or considered but it thought i might as well give it a shot.
let there be a civ5 mod for the just, the fair and the masochistic.

remove city auto bombardment when getting attacked. AI and human player.
I don't think I've seen (even a request for) a mod that allows stacking one civilian unit from each allied country in a single hex. This way our workers or great generals wouldn't be blocked anymore by a single pesky worker from a friendly city-state or nation.

Stacking unlimited civilian units would also be an interesting mod, but with exploit issues I guess... just stack all your workers in a corner to protect them from incoming enemies.
I'd like to second mattpilot's suggestion for some kind of airbase tile improvement, hopefully one that could be built outside your borders (and function like a city, so it could do stealth bombers too). If it could be used by the last civ to have a ground unit on it (or currently has a ground unit on it), it would provide something for civs to fight over out in the ocean, so having a decent navy could actually be usuful for more than city bombardment.
I would like to see a hollywood wonder, I know they have one in the building made fun mod but I don't like that mod because you have to cut down the jungles to build trading posts, and I don't wanna cut down my beautiful jungles :(

So if anyone could release a mod that adds hollywood just by itself I will be pleased :)
Is there a simple Clock mod that works with the latest patch? I installed the Civilization Clock mod (v.1) which worked prior to the patch but doesn't seem to work anymore?

I cant remember which CIV had Spies, but I miss them. they were fun, added a little mischeviousness. But they need to be a little more effective.

My initial thoughts are:
What wonder(s) are being built
Sabotage buildings , units, Happiness
Cultural influence reduction on border cities
City-State Loyalty
Steal Technology, production, culture,gold
Rumors: ie "encourage" a little anger amongst enemies.

Just a thought :lol:
Mod request : auto-stack identical units, no manual stacking/unstacking allowed

reason: makes this game a lot more like chess where you only have limited pieces to work with, also makes positioning your pieces, especially the highly stacked ones very sttrategical.
As a bonus i dont have all fields occupied by a unit.
How about an automatic production feature. When I've got a gargantuan sprawling empire, I don't want to micromanage the production of every single one of my cities. A return of the Civ 4 style optional governors would be very welcome.
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