[MOD] Dawn of a New Era

Hi, I was playing version 1.35 in pioneer level, and I found out that during turn 35 when I had 2 privateers, I found that 2 European rivals had already muskets. One had 14 and the other 34. How come?
They are ultra expensive.
One had 14 and the other 34. How come?
It is easy, they only cheated! Ia is not perfect we knew it :p.

I wish to say you that I currently work on this mod. I try to be the most efficient to launch the new version ;).
I played your earlier version of DoANE and loved it. It fits my playing style just perfectly. Downloading ver 2 now.
Thank you for a great mod!

EDIT: I played it for a while now. It was hard to understand some of the new things. Luckily I've read about the immigration a little before so I understand it somehow at least. But what's up with all the explored tiles getting dark/unexplored again? A manual would be highly appreciated. I know french is your native language but if you just put it in ex google translate it's better than nothing.

EDIT 2: When I build a farm with a pioneer the tile yields no resources at all and I can't assign any colonists to that tile.
Sorry for the delay but i was in holidays :D!
But what's up with all the explored tiles getting dark/unexplored again?
Your explorers and your crews(only in a ship) can have a map of all unknown land.
If you want to see them map, it must go in one of your colonies or in Europe.
Then all lands discovered by this unit will be revealed.
A manual would be highly appreciated. I know french is your native language but if you just put it in ex google translate it's better than nothing.
I understand but there is no manual for the French.
It is Dazio's job!! :p
When I build a farm with a pioneer the tile yields no resources at all and I can't assign any colonists to that tile.
It is normal! When you make a farm, you must sow with a agronomist a seedling.
Seedlings can be obtained by native or by your king.
By Native, you must with your explorer talk with the native chief, if they produce tobacco, you can ask them a seedling of tobacco.
Your explorer must go at one of your colonies to give your seedling at your nation.
Then, with an agronomist you can sow (on a farm) some tobacco. But if you are in an ideal latitude you can upgrade your farm with your agronomist.
So you will able to produce more!
It is not easy, but if you do some contract with natives, everything will be fine! ;)
Sorry for the delay but i was in holidays :D!

Your explorers and your crews(only in a ship) can have a map of all unknown land.
If you want to see them map, it must go in one of your colonies or in Europe.
Then all lands discovered by this unit will be revealed.

I understand but there is no manual for the French.
It is Dazio's job!! :p

It is normal! When you make a farm, you must sow with a agronomist a seedling.
Seedlings can be obtained by native or by your king.
By Native, you must with your explorer talk with the native chief, if they produce tobacco, you can ask them a seedling of tobacco.
Your explorer must go at one of your colonies to give your seedling at your nation.
Then, with an agronomist you can sow (on a farm) some tobacco. But if you are in an ideal latitude you can upgrade your farm with your agronomist.
So you will able to produce more!
It is not easy, but if you do some contract with natives, everything will be fine! ;)
Thanks for the reply. I'll try it out later and hoprfully understand the system better by then. I must say it there are some pretty big changes since the last release and a lot of things have completly different mechanics. So a manual or at least a quick explanation of how the new things work would propably help a lot of people.
You've done a great job with the previous version and I'm loking forward playing the new version now when I know it's not bugged with the farms.
I assume you've modded the AI to use the farms and seeds in a correct way?
How does the AI handle the new system with maps? Doeas it remember everything it has explored even before returning with the new maps or does it forget everything completly until it has returned the maps?
I found some bugs/annoyances and have some improvement suggestions. I don't remember them all and I'll try to remember and post them as soon as i find them in the future. But I'll provide a few now.

Pirates are way to hard in my opinion. Especially when ships are so expensive to buy. Often when I try to defend them with my Naval Escorts they get whacked on 1 turn due to numerous attacks by pirates.
The addition of pirates makes automatic trade to europe hard/impossible too. If it's not to hard to make maybe the battle ships could have some kind of 'guard this ship' command that works in a way that they follow the selected merchant ship and when the merchant ship goes to europe the guard ship could wait or follow it to Europe and then continue guarding it when the merchant ship/guard ship returns.
One possible issue if the guard ship follows to Europe is if it hasn't enough experience and takes 2 turns to return and the merchant ship takes only one. That could be solved by having a tool tip showing how many turns it takes to sail back to the new continent.
And also there are no pirates on the west coast. That in combination with the above often leads to that I only trade on the west coast later.

Some native american tribes don't show up on the scores display when you meet them. Don't know if it has something to do with your new exploration system or not. Se the attached image.
The red circles indicates that I've met both the Incas and Aztecs and in the red square you can see that they are not on the scores display.

The when you plant a seed with the Agriculturist you have to press space again after you've sown the seeds in order to rotate to the next unit/end turn. This is just nitpicking but I thought I'd say it.
If a Agriculturist if fortified and you sow some seeds he continues being fortified when he's done. Often I wait until I get enough gold or a Pioneer is ready with a farm and sow at once after that and when the unit remains fortified afterwards many turns can get lost.

A feature that would help when trading with Europe (especially automated trade) is if you add an exclamation mark on the trade button when a ship is in europe and has tradeable goods. See the green circle on the attached image.

One funny thing happened to me one game. Two of the other colonies gave me around 20k just like that. It happened very close in turns (1-10 maybe).
The only thing I had done earlier was to give one of them 500 earlier.

I think that was all for now. Don't get me wrong and assume that I think your mod is bad in any way. I think your mod is great and I'm only pointing out what I think could have some improvement so that you hopefully can make this mod even better.

Oh, and maybe you could make a new thread for bugs/issues with version 2.0 if you prefer to have all that in a separate thread.

EDIT: I remembered some other things.
I think you should update de civilopedia. I mainly think of the ideal latitude of the terrain features and on which ground types you can plant them. It would make it easier to plan out your settlement locations etc.

You could, for the time being when you have no manual upload the old one and do a quick list of the changes from the old version. I might do that later today if I get the time. Please reply if it's not ok that I temporarily upload the old manual. I'll refrain from uploading or take it down if I already uploaded it in that case.


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if it's not to hard to make maybe the battle ships could have some kind of 'guard this ship' command that works in a way that they follow the selected merchant ship
A similar idea will be added in a future version.
Some native american tribes don't show up on the scores display when you meet them. Don't know if it has something to do with your new exploration system or not.
It is not a bug! You can only see Indians who are near of one of your colonies.
The when you plant a seed with the Agriculturist you have to press space again after you've sown the seeds in order to rotate to the next unit/end turn. This is just nitpicking but I thought I'd say it.
If a Agriculturist if fortified and you sow some seeds he continues being fortified when he's done. Often I wait until I get enough gold or a Pioneer is ready with a farm and sow at once after that and when the unit remains fortified afterwards many turns can get lost.
Good comments! I will try to fix it.
A feature that would help when trading with Europe (especially automated trade) is if you add an exclamation mark on the trade button when a ship is in europe and has tradeable goods. See the green circle on the attached image.
Really good idea! I will do it!
One funny thing happened to me one game. Two of the other colonies gave me around 20k just like that. It happened very close in turns (1-10 maybe).
I just wish to say two words. Lucky man! :p
I think that was all for now. Don't get me wrong and assume that I think your mod is bad in any way.
Don't worry! It is important to say me all mistakes I did!
I mainly think of the ideal latitude of the terrain features
I already wrote it in the civilopedia
do a quick list of the changes from the old version
It is not easy to do a "quick" list of the changes. But I will try to make one for the new version.
Ty for your comments. It is always useful.
Another bug is that when I'm hiring a colonist the first cost for hiring is some random high number. But when I try to negotiate it returns to normal.
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