[MOD] Fall from Heaven II

I am experiencing some CtDs with the up-to-date version of FfH. Unfortunately, these cannot be repeated and I have not found any patterns in them. Because they can not be repeated, I can not post a "just-before-the-crash" savegame.

Is there some way to generate an error log even from unexpected crashes? Can you use for example Microsoft Windows error report (the one that attempts to be sent to MS after a program crashes)?

No, the microsoft game crash information doesnt do me any good. If you are playing on Vista the crash is probably from the flames issue. There is an updated DLL in the bug thread that should resolve it.
If you are playing on Vista the crash is probably from the flames issue.

No, stay with XP. There were some flames when the last crash happened, but none at the other occurences. I will continue trying to find a pattern in these crashes....
are you going to add the vista dll to the next patch?
are you going to add the vista dll to the next patch?

Definitly, its already fixed in 0.34. I'll probably put out another patch for 0.33 Sunday when I get back to Ohio that fixes this and a few other issues.
Definitly, its already fixed in 0.34. I'll probably put out another patch for 0.33 Sunday when I get back to Ohio that fixes this and a few other issues.

Hmm... so new patch on sunday and 0.34 already in full progress... great... any eta on the last one?... can't help it Kael, don't mention a new patch if you don't want "us kids" to start asking "are we there yet?" over and over again :lol:
are we there yet?


but seriously, I already asked him and "not anytime soon" He speaketh. :D

so don't get your hopes too high right now. but it IS coming, sooner or later ;)
Definitly, its already fixed in 0.34. I'll probably put out another patch for 0.33 Sunday when I get back to Ohio that fixes this and a few other issues.

I really hope that the broken city spells (Inspiration, Wall of Stone, etc.) get fixed in the forthcoming patch! :)
I found a small bug in a recent game. The path finder doesn't seem to work well with Dwarven and non-Dwarven units in a stack. As RoK, I added Bambur to a stack of axemen and sent them down a road toward a front line city. The path finder decided that the stack should step onto an unimproved, hill tile and back to the road on the other side rather than follow the road though the valley. This is fine for Bambur but costs a turns movement for the other units in the stack.

Additionally, Giovannon's training ability seems to violate the flavor elements of the religions. In the late game, I had a stack of fireballing stonewardens and fire elemental summoning runekeepers and druids. (Stonewardens trained by Giovannon don't require upgrade cash to cast level II spells and survive assassins better than wizards.) It just seems odd to open Fire II for disciples and use stonewardens or cultists to fireball a cities walls.
Is there any documentation info available about the scenarios implemented in FFH 0.33f?

Nothing outside of the teaser screen has been publically released.
Can anyone tell me how to change the max number of cities the Kuriotates can produce pls? I fancy giving them a go on a huge map, but want to up the number of cities to 7... I take it this is a basic change, but as I have no xp of modding what so ever, I will need an idiots guide! :lol: thnx
Can anyone tell me how to change the max number of cities the Kuriotates can produce pls? I fancy giving them a go on a huge map, but want to up the number of cities to 7... I take it this is a basic change, but as I have no xp of modding what so ever, I will need an idiots guide! :lol: thnx

In the FFH folder, go into Assets/XML/Civilizations/CIV4TraitInfos.xml, scroll down to the Sprawling entry. The <iMaxCities> line in that section determines the number of cities that Sprawling civs can produce on Normal, so alter the number to two below what you want them to be able to produce on Huge maps.
that worked a treat, but to be honest I just scaled it up to 30 or something... is it that much advantage each city having 3 rings?? it is I guess to farm more sea tiles but on land 2 big cities are just doing what 3 normal ones would do...I guess it means that you can knock out production quicker, but this is all form one source... over all 2 big cities should only have the same prod as 3 normal ones...roughly...I realise it makes building wonders easier, but that is tying up one of your few manufacturing bases up.. or am I missing something very obvious here??
Hello! I'm very new in here and registered for making a question.

My FfH2 crashes every time i press 'Play'. Loading goes halfway the end and then the windows error appears. This happens if i choose any single player/map/leader. Yes I have the latest patches. Any thouhgts?

It crashes while 'Init Graphics' comes to the loading screen.
This mod still isn't working!

I've installed latest patch 3.17, FfH with all extras and have nothing else mod going on together with it exept the CivBlueMarble beacause I don't know how to uninstall it. It just reinstalls itself if I choose to uninstall it. It happens every time after pressing the 'Play' button. No matter if I try Play Now, Custom Game or Custom Scenario.

Please help me.

BTW neither the original BtS is working. It crashes when loading screen loads some 'Init XML (uncacched)'. This comes right after I double click the Civ4BeyondSword.exe.
This mod still isn't working!

I've installed latest patch 3.17, FfH with all extras and have nothing else mod going on together with it exept the CivBlueMarble beacause I don't know how to uninstall it. It just reinstalls itself if I choose to uninstall it. It happens every time after pressing the 'Play' button. No matter if I try Play Now, Custom Game or Custom Scenario.

Please help me.

BTW neither the original BtS is working. It crashes when loading screen loads some 'Init XML (uncacched)'. This comes right after I double click the Civ4BeyondSword.exe.

Since none of the experts have answered so far, take a non-expert advice from me:
1.) It sounds like, the BTS does not work anymore, since you have installed the latest patch. And it has worked before, correct?
2.) assuming 1 is true, check the installation location of the 3.17 patch and verify if it hit the correct directory in the CIV/BTS tree
3.) verify that the correct CIV/BTS directory is registered in the windows registry
4.) assuming, that there was no error message displayed, check for an error message in the windows apllication event logs
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