Modern Age Domination Victory


Oct 20, 2020
Overall, I really like the rework of the Modern Age Domination Victory. It is much less tedious than the ones in 5 and 6. But one of the issues I have with the Modern Age Domination Victory is that it seems like it takes forever the AI to adopt an ideology. In my current game, I am almost all the way through the tech tree and none of the AIs have adopted an ideology. Is anyone else having this issue? I think a pretty easy fix would be that if you have an ideology, and the opponent doesn't, the conquered cities are treated as if they had an opposing ideology and count for three points toward the Domination Victory.
Yeah, in my first deity victory I won before they adopted ideologies. But in my second a couple got them before me (I focused on my Civ traditions).

My issue with it is that it doesn’t reward by city size at all. It’s optimal to just take your navy and get all the small settlements rather than grind it out across 7 walled quarters. Although taking the Gate of All Nations is pretty sweet.
Oh, it’d be great if it was something like get 500 points, each settlement is 1 pt per pop or 2pt for opposing ideology.

Hopefully there is a civic weighting value in the game files, since the first tier ideology should almost always be researched as soon as it is available, both to make the game interesting, and because those specialist bonuses are so powerful.

In my deity military win, I had to declare on an AI running away in science, who was allied with 2 of my neighbors. If those allies joined the war, I would have gotten to see the AIs city capture logic against me, but alas, they broke off alliances instead.
Yeah, forcing an AI to beeline to an ideology would be another fix. It wouldn't matter as much if there weren't a settlement limit, but (since I never like to go over the settlement limit) I find myself just waiting until hopefully a nearby AI adopts an opposing ideology. This kind of takes some of the initiative way from the player, and forces you to just hope for certain AI decisions.
Yeah well Ideology is completely optional right now and you have to pick between the regular civics, your civ tree and ideologies. What would probably help is if you had to pick your ideology the moment you unlock them without having to develop the 1st civic.

But even when an opponent doesn't pick and ideology it's still just 10 settlements you need to conquer.
True. I have a big aversion to going over the settlement limit, and normally I don't have 10 to spare, but I have seen examples of people going way over the settlement limit and being ok. Those unhappiness penalties to cities are pretty brutal, though.
True. I have a big aversion to going over the settlement limit, and normally I don't have 10 to spare, but I have seen examples of people going way over the settlement limit and being ok. Those unhappiness penalties to cities are pretty brutal, though.

I generally tend to not go over it most of the time but when the game is about to end soon anyway then you might as well.You just need you main production city to be able to weather the up to -35 happiness penalty.
Aye, the AI definitely need to be pushed a little more into picking an ideology - and ideally imo with a little weighting towards what people they're already friendly with/against those of their enemies.
Otherwise my main gripe atm with the victory itself is that it's just another 'twiddle your thumbs for twelve turns while you wait to win' scenario that immediately launches you into the victory screen once it's done (simply adding the option to choose where to do operation ivy and then press a button to drop the bomb and trigger the victory would make it a lot more satisfying imo).
Yeah, in my first deity victory I won before they adopted ideologies. But in my second a couple got them before me (I focused on my Civ traditions).

My issue with it is that it doesn’t reward by city size at all. It’s optimal to just take your navy and get all the small settlements rather than grind it out across 7 walled quarters. Although taking the Gate of All Nations is pretty sweet.
Agreed! In current form it's way better than "capture all capitals" imo, but since all cities are considered equal and because of the distant lands idea, it's clearly best just to go full navy and romp around destroying all the little island cities. It's fun but feels a bit... cheesy?
I like the campaigning part of Modern Military victory, and getting the additional point for conquering a settlement from an opposing ideology is a nice thematic bonus. I also agree that letting other settlements matter besides Capitals makes the whole process less tedious.

However, I don't quite like that Modern Military victory caps off by basically building two wonders. It feels... very flat and uninteractive? Possibly a little too similar to the Science Victory? Like yes I had to conquer to get to the point of unlocking said "wonders", but I kind of wish the conquering part mattered more near the end!

Maybe instead of Manhattan Project and Operation Ivy being the end points, I think I'd rather like to see the points thresholds be increased overall for Modern Military, but grant additional points for capping Capitals and civ elimination. Manhattan Project could still be relevant for unlocking nukes, and Operation Ivy could maybe be +3 points per unallied civ with an opposing ideology. I think the point thresholds for Modern Military need to be increased anyway.
I despise the modern age domination victory. It's so easily abused compared to having to take each opponents' capital.

Rush an ideology, take/burn 10 cities. It really doesn't matter if the AI chose their ideology as its not difficult to find the 3 extra trash settlements that the AI's spam in random undefendable locations. (To choose an ideology you don't even need to finish the research on that first tech. Just start it and switch off)

10 cities though. That can be a single mediocre AI....just beat one only and you win a complete world Domination?? Lame. It could also just be a handful of weak cities from a few civs.

At this point all you need to do is hold that single production city making the manhattan/project ivy. You could start losing the wars completely and it doesn't matter at this point, just hold that single city.
Agreed! In current form it's way better than "capture all capitals" imo, but since all cities are considered equal and because of the distant lands idea, it's clearly best just to go full navy and romp around destroying all the little island cities. It's fun but feels a bit... cheesy?

A good idea would be to award points per population of captured cities. That way you would be more incentivised to go for the bigger cities.
I won a domination victory, but I have to say that I felt this quite anti-climatic.

In 6 it was tedious since you had to capture and hold all the capitals and due to AI refusing to make peace I found myself often forced to completely annihilate several opponents to avoid being at war with 4+ opponents at the same time.

But I think that completely a simple production project is not enough for a domination victory.
I wish it was "nuke all other civs capitals to win a domination victory"
I won a domination victory, but I have to say that I felt this quite anti-climatic.

In 6 it was tedious since you had to capture and hold all the capitals and due to AI refusing to make peace I found myself often forced to completely annihilate several opponents to avoid being at war with 4+ opponents at the same time.

But I think that completely a simple production project is not enough for a domination victory.
I wish it was "nuke all other civs capitals to win a domination victory"
Agreed, it's way less tedious than 6 but is lacking something for sure. I found it weird that I unlocked nukes and operation Ivy at the same time, so I either delayed victory to build nukes, or push for victory and then can't use nukes because One More Turn doesn't exist yet.
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