Modern Earth (Giant)

Here is England redone

Manchester-Liverpool also includes Leeds and Sheffield (I was going to call them North England Cities)
Birmingham also includes Leicester (I was going to call it West Midlands Cities)
Newcastle and Nottingham has its own stats
Double names sound much more fun, accurate and informative than a generic term like West Midlands Cities!
Kiwitt, just wondering, are you going to be drawing any content/inspiration from the defunct "World 2009" mod?
Kiwitt, just wondering, are you going to be drawing any content/inspiration from the defunct "World 2009" mod?
My ultimate goal is a foundation for RTW 3.0 starting from 1984

Do you have any details of the World 2009 mod.
I can see where Earth 2010 came from ;)
I will be calling it Modern Earth (Giant). And yes Warsaw Pact versus NATO, will be fun ... the Cold War tensions. But I will need to add RevolutionDCM for that.
My computer is 4 years old. But it is a Core i7 and does have 6 GB of RAM.
Petroleum refining is the second most energy-intensive manufacturing industry in the United States, for example, and accounted for about 7 percent of total U.S. energy consumption in 2002. This provides a new idea about Oil corporations. They should consume Coal and Uranium (sources of energy creation) and produce Oil, not consume it. The current bonus in Comerce and Production can stay the same. You may even require for city to have power before the Oil Corporation could open it's refinery(Corporation branch) there. This way we will kill many birds with one stone:

1. Emphasize the importance of Electricity producing Coal and Uranium (Coal is not consumed by any Corporation currently).
2. Oil possessing countries will now actually sell or trade Oil resources. You may erase some resources to create higher prices.
3. Countries like Israel will get Oil via trades with US or via Corporation (they have Uranium to offer).

Perhaps Bank Corporations (BoA) can be replaced with Commodity trading corporations which will make Oil consumable as well...
It is worth considering in later releases.
I am just waiting to see how my machine will handle 0.8K cities and 5K units. Not everyone can afford to get a new machine just for Civing, you know :lol:
I am just waiting to see how my machine will handle 0.8K cities and 5K units. Not everyone can afford to get a new machine just for Civing, you know :lol:
Civ IV is years old now.

I am currently debating whether to include RevDCM or just DCM, in my final mod. RevDCM does not support multiplayer and DCM does.
world 2013 is great mod.

next time can you add bombardment mod in this giant map please ?

and the mod units can sale or buy too.
Whew !!! ... this is getting bigger than Ben-Hur ... 1100 cities and counting. I will set them all to producing Wealth
1100 is a little overkill. I believe... What if scenario will be nearly unplayable?
It still loads ... need to check the next stage ... but a realistic representation is what I want to achieve. If it fails ... it fails ... but at least I tried.
The problem I see with this is that it will be a 'simulation' than an actual game per se. You will definitely need to give the AI lots of time to assess what it is going to do each and every turn. Like my Road to War scenario, whereby it can take 8-10 weeks of solid playing to complete, this could be very similar if not worse.
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