Modified Scenarios Workshop

Excellent. I planned to sort out my Civ2 stuff today (putting new scenarios in folders / sorting out new graphics etc...) and I intend to convert all my multiplayer projects to ToT. It looks like you beat me to it with Balkan Wars!

By the way Petit, I have just started several new ToT multiplayer games at Civ Webring and I have picked 'de Historibus Europae ToT. It looks like a really good scenario and the graphics are great!
I just downloaded and perused the ToT version of my old Hannibal's War. It brought me back memories of the pre-internet/wikipedia era, when i wrote an entire civilopedia by hand with Warry's "Warfare in the Classical World" and my own hand written research notes at my lap. Back then i never used the internet apart from logging on to Apolyton and visiting a sport site. Maybe my e-mail occasionaly. Not even google-hadn't even heard about those things. I didn't even have a cell phone.
And then having poor Fairline checking that entire Describe.txt for spelling errors.
Must have been what? 8?9 years ago?

Just thought to share.
I know there are a number of mods by Petit that I would like to add to the SL Wiki. We need to work out a consistent system for adding them to original scenarios pages.

Any news on that? I would really like to have access to the ToT conversions in the Wiki, if possible not on a dedicated page, while knowing before opening a page that a ToT conversion exists... :D
I expect I will get around to it at some point this summer when I have a week off where I'm not away on hols. I have been using some of Petit and Catfish's conversions at Civ Webring to stimulate the resurgent PBEM scene. If anyone else wants to add them to the original scenarios page in a sub section which clearly states that it is a conversion / mod then go for it. We can always find a way to highlight the fact there is a ToT version later on.
Wasn't there a ToT version Of Kobayashis Wealth Of Nations scenario about?
I can't find it.
Not sure, but Koby himself was on recently - You could PM him. :)
I am going do convert Herbstnebel 2.0 to ToT soon, if nobody else does it.

I have a version from somewhere. Can't remember whether I did it or someone else did (Catfish?). Got some graphics to go with as well.
I send more adapted Tot scenarios...
Saludos, Petit

Thanks very much Fairline and McMonkey.
I adapted two scenarios more.
Umm...judging by the speed you guys make conversions,I guess you are using a program that conversts them almost instantly and then you add the ToT graphics.

So...can I ask someone to convert this WW1 scenario to ToT.I will rework the graphics,add new units and basically make it playable and fun this 13 years old scenario because I really dont have the skill or the time to start from scratch and make a masterpiece.This is why I need that basis...

I think that I will be able to do the "facelift" in no more than few hours of non-stoping work.

P.S.:The scenario is at the end of page 2 in the same thread...(dunno how to remove it from there and post it here :mischief:)
Raging Dragon Redux...

New units,new graphics (by Fairline&Tanelorn),balanced combat.Basically thats it.

I havent changed the city and the terrain graphisc mainly because I like them.And because I couldnt find one or two of the needed graphics.The naval units graphics are not changed...I didnt dared to touch them.

Not much of a changes but I think it is good for 2 days of work.

P.S.: What happened with the requested conversion ? Atleast tell me how do you do it.


I'm surprised no-one has answered this - or that you haven't searched for and found the answer. The utility you require is called CivConverter. Running the application is the easy part. It's beta software so some clean-up is required post-conversion. It's all covered in this guide.
Hello Strelok22: I learned with the instructions of Catfish. His guide is so good that a clumsy like me, has managed to turn scenarios.
After I use the magnificent graphics of the same Catfish, Fairline, Tanelorn, Curt Sibling... and if there is no alternative I modify the graphics :crazyeye:

I sent three new scenarios: Mamluks (definitely one of my favorites), Age of Basilius and Almansa. I hope you like. And forgive Fairline, yet I had not seen your new graphics.

Saludos, Petit

Removed scenarios:hammers:
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