[I am starting this new thread because the Kek-Mod thread has vanished from this forum. Fortunately, the
download page is intact.]
Thank you for informing me about this. It seems that all my mod threads had suddenly vanished earlier this year, but they have been restored now by admins.
Non-raging Barbarians are much stronger, more dangerous and expensive to fight in Kek-Mod. A downside of this Barbarian power is that the early game becomes more difficult to a human player who tries to save on military building and maintenance, and the early game is already more difficult than the late game because of AI bonuses at higher difficulty levels. Maybe the Barbarians shouldn't suddenly rush into civilizations' cultural borders at some fixed point in time? At this time they sometimes conquer even AI cities. How about making them gradually more likely to enter civilized borders to reduce the suddenness of the onslaught and give civilizations more time to prepare?
That was kind of the point of my changes to barbarians, to make it much more risky to neglect military in the early game.
However, I rarely play on difficulties higher than Monarch (over the last several years most of my games were somewhat beginner-friendly multiplayer games) so this effect might be tuned way too high on higher difficulties without me noticing it. I also rarely play without raging barbarians so I mostly expect them to be a problem and I agree that non-raging barbarians shouldn't be a deadly menace.
The much higher Barbarian threat makes the Great Wall very attractive indeed, unless the map is overly crowded by civilizations. If the Barbarians remain so powerful, the Great Wall should become significantly more expensive in Kek-Mod. On the order of 300-400 rather than 150 hammers, I guess.
There are many things in the game related to barbarians that are awkwardly designed, Great Wall included. I am reluctant to change construction costs, but I did already change the barbarians and this wonder's purpose is to negate them...
I haven't really actively worked on the mod in the last few years, but let's stay optimistic that this is going to change:
Some things that could be changed easily are the sheer number of barbarians with no raging barbarians option, maybe the barbarians could spawn (and upgrade) only further away from civ borders or their intensity could be tuned with time (e.g. tied to game era). One thing that's sorely missing is that you don't receive any kind of message when barbarians start to spawn!
Their behaviour could also be changed, e.g. probability of entering cultural borders that changes with time, but I would rather try other interventions first.