and had my first deity win
Wow. What settings did you use?
- During some time in the renaissance age (I hope I rmeember correctly) spawned 2-3 barbarian Privateers per turn on the same coast. I did not check in world builder, if this happens on other places in the map. But this was a bit much for my coast line and it happens 30-40 turns, then suddenly stopped.
There is currently an issue with this in the mod. I made some changes that make barbarian Privateers (and other barbarian ships) more annoying than they perhaps should be.
First, I removed some BBAI limits for barbarian spawns on the sea because I disliked how they were implemented. This increased the number of barbarian ships back to BTS levels. But BTS also had no barbarian unit spawns in Renaissance and later eras at all which is another limit I removed.
And I also removed K-Mod's Disorganized (-10% strength) promotion from spawned barbarian Privateers because it used to make it possible to differentiate barbarian and non-barbarian hidden nationality units.
During my games, the number of barbarian ships was noticeably higher and this was something you had to pay more attention to, but it was still borderline manageable. It had the intended effect that you had to defend your coast tiles with a strong(er) navy during certain phases of the game. What I didn't fully take into account is that, for example, the number of barbarian ships is 1.33x higher in Immoral (and 1.6x higher in Deity) when compared to Monarch and all this changes combined probably make the sea barbarian pressure too high on higher difficulties.
What I would like to do is to overhaul how the number of barbarian ships spawned is determined. Currently all unowned water tiles which are part of the same water body affect that number. And this makes the sea barbarian dynamic weird because not all (or most) water tiles will become owned during the course of the game unlike land tiles. I would like to make that effect more local like it was done in Advanced Civ and base the number of barbarian ships spawned on unowned local coast tiles while still keeping the primary BTS barbarian spawn mechanism where unowned tiles = barbarians.
- Sometimes I had a peacy treaty due to demands and before the treaty stopped, the opponent civ suddenly declared war on me (perhaps due to a demand from another civ)
There are a few situation when peace treaty will not stop a declaration of war. Some of these are declarations of war caused by defensive pacts, AP/UN resolutions and capitulations. These are all present in BTS.
But what most likely happened is that you experienced effects of a change I implemented: peace treaties due to demands are now one-sided so if civ A demands something from civ B and civ B agrees to the demand then civ A can't attack civ B, but civ B can still attack civ A. I think that this makes more sense than the previous situation where in addition to the demand being granted you would also get the security of a peace treaty.