[MODMOD] PTSD v.2.6.x for We The People 4.1 - NEW: More or Less More or Less!

It appears that some colonies do not build their first cities.
I'm not sure if I can reproduce this situation, as this is my first time playing with PTSD installed, but I suspect this is not normal, i.e. a bug.

They were destroyed in April 1542. This map name is Americas Gigantic


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Also, there seems to be a bug where units are not given when I receive them as a result of an event.
This is my 3rd time, and I haven't received any reward units.


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Also, there seems to be a bug where units are not given when I receive them as a result of an event.
This is my 3rd time, and I haven't received any reward units.
I've had issues with this specific event, but the other ones seem to work for me. Maybe there's an issue where sometimes events fail to generate the unit rather than specific events having a problem
It appears that some colonies do not build their first cities.
I'm not sure if I can reproduce this situation, as this is my first time playing with PTSD installed, but I suspect this is not normal, i.e. a bug.

They were destroyed in April 1542. This map name is Americas Gigantic
The other Europeans only struggled to found their first cities when I played the Americas maps. It probably has something to do with the terrain being more wet or barren on those maps and more shallow coasts. They will not found their first cities next to shallow coasts. They also do not realize Rice produces food - only take into account fur, feathers, fish and the base food yield.I reduced the amount of wetland and marsh hills as well as shallow coasts on the PTSD version of the mapscript.

I either need to make food more abundant on the center city plot on bad terrain, for all players or AI only; or figure out how to make AI settlers more daring when settling their first city.

I made some changes when receiving ocean-crossing ship units, I was hoping to make them spawn at sea only, not in your colony capital; but maybe it messed up the generation of some regular units as well. I never win these 'race to be the first events', unless it is purely accidental.

Thank you for pointing all these things out. I'll try to fix it bally, bally tap tap pae (or however you say it in Korean - assuming you are Korean).

It is possibly that I lost some more pieces of code when I merged into the latest version Of We The People. I need to look around for a better git merge program.
Loving the new version!

It seemed like before the update to the new version of WtP, sentry on land units only triggered on other land units. If I'm not imagining it, I think that's something that got messed up in the merge to the new version
Loving the new version!

It seemed like before the update to the new version of WtP, sentry on land units only triggered on other land units. If I'm not imagining it, I think that's something that got messed up in the merge to the new version
Oh, I forgot that I tried to to do that. I didn't even realize that it worked. In fact, I think I remember them still going crazy shouting whale. I'll see if I can find it and re-implement it.

I based my merge on the last 99 yield version - PTSD v2.1.1 (I think). It was meant to be a stepping stone to minimize problems; I also wanted to try playing with 99 yields again to see if I could get used to it, which I think I am (@devolution's filter really helps); and, I thought someone else might prefer to play with the full load.

I am really glad you like it!
Loving the new version!

It seemed like before the update to the new version of WtP, sentry on land units only triggered on other land units. If I'm not imagining it, I think that's something that got messed up in the merge to the new version
Wouldn't it be better if the sentry alert of all animals in general no matter what they are be turned off? At least the marine ones, since they aren't that much of a threat. I guess I could see situations where you might want to be aware of a bear coming at you.
Wouldn't it be better if the sentry alert of all animals in general no matter what they are be turned off? At least the marine ones, since they aren't that much of a threat. I guess I could see situations where you might want to be aware of a bear coming at you.

That would be better in my opinion. I tend to keep at least one mounted unit in my cities or nearby in forts and anytime a whale shows up they panic. Wouldn't be so bad if forts didn't have the buff to vision. Sometimes a fort that's 2 tiles from the ocean wakes up over nearby sea life lol
Livestock Breeding rates have certain points where it drops off a bit.
↑ Can you explain how this system works?
Marsh produces 2 chickens, the Breeding Pen increases chicken production by 2, and the Expert Poultry Breeder increases chicken production by 3, so I thought 7 chickens would be produced, but only 5 are produced.
What conditions must be met to produce the production I originally expected?


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Livestock Breeding rates have certain points where it drops off a bit.
↑ Can you explain how this system works?
Marsh produces 2 chickens, the Breeding Pen increases chicken production by 2, and the Expert Poultry Breeder increases chicken production by 3, so I thought 7 chickens would be produced, but only 5 are produced.
What conditions must be met to produce the production I originally expected?
I guess I must have completely misunderstood how breeding works. I thought it was mostly based on the amounts of animals and a sort of snowballing of procreation, and the other values simply added to the fruitfulness somehow. When I had set all the yields to the low values, livestock breeding seemed to stay high and ended up being too powerful, so I tried to flatten the curve (at least I assumed it was a curve) a bit. This whole thing is probably not even necessary anymore, since yields are relatively plentiful in these recent versions. So I suppose I'll remove it and see how it feels. If I still feel like I need to slow down breeding rates at that point, there is probably a more intuitive way I can do it that can be clearly seen or calculated on screen.

The formula is something like:
- Whenever the amounts of animals get above multiples of 75, on normal speed - so 0.75 x maximum cargo capacity of chosen game speed - the breeding drops from expected rate (now I didn't even realize there was a clear way to expect rates when I came up with this complicated nonsense, of course) to 'Rate = 'expected rate' minus 'expected rate' divided by 3'.
I guess I must have completely misunderstood how breeding works. I thought it was mostly based on the amounts of animals and a sort of snowballing of procreation, and the other values simply added to the fruitfulness somehow. When I had set all the yields to the low values, livestock breeding seemed to stay high and ended up being too powerful, so I tried to flatten the curve (at least I assumed it was a curve) a bit. This whole thing is probably not even necessary anymore, since yields are relatively plentiful in these recent versions. So I suppose I'll remove it and see how it feels. If I still feel like I need to slow down breeding rates at that point, there is probably a more intuitive way I can do it that can be clearly seen or calculated on screen.

The formula is something like:
- Whenever the amounts of animals get above multiples of 75, on normal speed - so 0.75 x maximum cargo capacity of chosen game speed - the breeding drops from expected rate (now I didn't even realize there was a clear way to expect rates when I came up with this complicated nonsense, of course) to 'Rate = 'expected rate' minus 'expected rate' divided by 3'.
This seems about right. It seems like it curves towards having a little more than a stacks worth of animals. I play on epic (200 per stack) and it seems to drop near 250. I just set it to export at 250 back to my main port and ship the animals off to Africa
I guess I must have completely misunderstood how breeding works. I thought it was mostly based on the amounts of animals and a sort of snowballing of procreation, and the other values simply added to the fruitfulness somehow. When I had set all the yields to the low values, livestock breeding seemed to stay high and ended up being too powerful, so I tried to flatten the curve (at least I assumed it was a curve) a bit. This whole thing is probably not even necessary anymore, since yields are relatively plentiful in these recent versions. So I suppose I'll remove it and see how it feels. If I still feel like I need to slow down breeding rates at that point, there is probably a more intuitive way I can do it that can be clearly seen or calculated on screen.

The formula is something like:
- Whenever the amounts of animals get above multiples of 75, on normal speed - so 0.75 x maximum cargo capacity of chosen game speed - the breeding drops from expected rate (now I didn't even realize there was a clear way to expect rates when I came up with this complicated nonsense, of course) to 'Rate = 'expected rate' minus 'expected rate' divided by 3'.
I think the current Livestock Breeding rates are too low.
Expert Rancher+pasture only produces 4~5 cattle, making it difficult to satisfy Butcher's demand.
In Slaughterhouse, Master Butcher demands 12 cattles.


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I think the current Livestock Breeding rates are too low.
Expert Rancher+pasture only produces 4~5 cattle, making it difficult to satisfy Butcher's demand.
In Slaughterhouse, Master Butcher demands 12 cattles.
Yeah, it doesn't look good. My brain only notices the most obvious flaws when it feels like it; but I could still swear that it seemed like the breeding rates rose steadily along with the number of animals kept in a city.

I am stuck fixing a flaw in the goody hut system, but you can always set:
in ..Mods/PTSD/Assets/GlobalDefinesAlt.xml to something really high... like '975'
The Sawmill next to the river produces Exotic Wood, Hardwood, and Logwood that did not exist before.
Sawmill, where there is no river, does not have this problem.


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So the newest version that was updated today I'm running into a few issues with. I keep stumbling on barbarian treasure units which is weird when it's turn 3 or 4. Europe also seems to no longer refresh it's stock, so once you buy something it's gone (haven't had a chance to check if Africa does the same yet.) And it might just be from my audio setup, but the new crime sound is just a low frequency pop that quiets all the other noises when it happens
So the newest version that was updated today I'm running into a few issues with. I keep stumbling on barbarian treasure units which is weird when it's turn 3 or 4. Europe also seems to no longer refresh it's stock, so once you buy something it's gone (haven't had a chance to check if Africa does the same yet.) And it might just be from my audio setup, but the new crime sound is just a low frequency pop that quiets all the other noises when it happens
Posted a bugfix. The Barbarian treasure run goody is not one that I came up with; and I had not come across it myself, except for maybe once, so it is crazy that you came across it more than once in one game. There really seems to be some kind of 'dice gets stuck in rut' problem with the goody rewards, and I don't seem to be able to find a way to fix that.

Sorry about the goods in Europe not replenishing - another one of my impulsive, last minute, 'I wonder what this button does?' decisions gone wrong.

The audio sounded like it should on my other computer, and I don't think it was blocking out any other sounds... definitely not the music; so maybe it has something to do with your sound setup.
Posted a bugfix. The Barbarian treasure run goody is not one that I came up with; and I had not come across it myself, except for maybe once, so it is crazy that you came across it more than once in one game. There really seems to be some kind of 'dice gets stuck in rut' problem with the goody rewards, and I don't seem to be able to find a way to fix that.

Sorry about the goods in Europe not replenishing - another one of my impulsive, last minute, 'I wonder what this button does?' decisions gone wrong.

The audio sounded like it should on my other computer, and I don't think it was blocking out any other sounds... definitely not the music; so maybe it has something to do with your sound setup.

The treasure issue only happened twice. Basically at first landfall, I started exploring a bit with a dragoon and stumbled upon on 2 next to eachother in my first game, then one lone one in another

I have some experience with audio engineering so I went and took a look at the sound file itself and it has this weird sharp wave at the beginning of it. I think since my sound card I use on my computer is a bit overkill for just playing games, it was activating a form of auto-leveling that was making the sound weird on my end. I have the same issue with some of the diplomacy music so I've edited them in the past. It probably sounds normal on the vast majority of computers lol
Installation Instructions
1. Download We The People v., if trying PTSD 1.1.4, at:
Release · We-the-People-civ4col-mod/Mod · GitHub or
We The People v. 3.0.1, if trying PTSD 1.4+ at:,
Release 3.0.1 · We-the-People-civ4col-mod/Mod · GitHub
2. Make a copy and rename it PTSD
3. Unzip PTSD using 7-zip (download at www.7-Zip.org)
4. Copy the 2 containing folders into the renamed WeThePeople folder, replace all.
5. If also using UI and other graphics changes found at: https://forums.civfanatics.com/thre...-ui-simpler-jungle-and-pg-leaderheads.667896/
unzip and paste the contents of PTSD_ART into the renamed WeThePeople folder
6. Open the CivilizationIV.ini file in:
Documents/Civilization IV Colonization folder (or similarily named based on version)
7. Change the line below "; Specify a Mod folder (Mods\Mesopotamia), '0' for none" to
Mod = mods\PTSD
8. Save the ini file and start the game
Is this still valid for 4.1 ? I just overwriten the latest PTSD download contents onto the WTP folder and it seems to be working :)
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