Installation Instructions
1. Download We The People v., if trying PTSD 1.1.4, at:
Release · We-the-People-civ4col-mod/Mod · GitHub or
We The People v. 3.0.1, if trying PTSD 1.4+ at:,
Release 3.0.1 · We-the-People-civ4col-mod/Mod · GitHub
2. Make a copy and rename it PTSD
3. Unzip PTSD using 7-zip (download at
4. Copy the 2 containing folders into the renamed WeThePeople folder, replace all.
5. If also using UI and other graphics changes found at:
unzip and paste the contents of PTSD_ART into the renamed WeThePeople folder
6. Open the CivilizationIV.ini file in:
Documents/Civilization IV Colonization folder (or similarily named based on version)
7. Change the line below "; Specify a Mod folder (Mods\Mesopotamia), '0' for none" to
Mod = mods\PTSD
8. Save the ini file and start the game