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[MODULE][NEWCIV] The Frozen for Fall Further

Actually, I have that code set exactly as you posted it. I removed the 'Are the Frozen installed' checks, but left it alone otherwise, so that was exactly what I saw when I tried to bug test. Was a bit tired, so got annoyed when nothing I tried worked. :lol:

Tried splitting the checks up, tried
if eTeam.isHasTech(gc.getInfoTypeForString('TECH_WINTER_TECH')) == False:

eTeam is defined as gc.getTeam(pPlayer.getTeam()) earlier in the function, so that's just substitution. I was hoping something was wonky with if not but that's not the case... I see no reason at all that code should not run. About to add Illians back as a prereq, and instead specifically allow the Frozen in CanConstruct, or whatever the project version is called. If that works, then something is wonky with the code section it's in atm.
A potentially easier method would be to turn <PrereqTech> in CIV4ProjectInfos.xml into a array rather then a string. Then you could simply make them require Winter Tech as well as whatever their existing prereq tech is. (In fact, this could be done for Samhain, since it has no prereq, without any SDK modification).

My quick test in regular FF with the Frozen installed found that as the Chislev, I could not create Samhain or the Deepening (I gave myself Priesthood via WB). I could have spelled a specific ritual wrong, or there could be something wrong with the way you moved it over.

question, can Taranis ever move?

As of now he can't, until he dies and you get Taranis Ascended.

I was thinking perhaps that when the Draw is completed, Taranis should loose Unchanging- and perhaps also Immortal status (if that is possible). So he would become a pretty strong warrior, but no longer be held, have a city defense bonus, or be immortal. Thoughts?
Several of the bugs I'm trying to fix/have fixed for patch b for the FFH 2 version are independent of the Fall Further version, but anything that isn't will go into a patch b for this one. (Yeah, I know I didn't have a Patch A to start, but Patch A for the FFH 2 version was included in the Fall Further version).

Got the python working... Still not sure what the error was, but it's working now so that's all that matters. :lol:

Working on making a Fort Commander UU for all civs... What would you suggest for the Frozen?

:lol: I was just about to post in that thread with an idea for one.

There are a few possibilities, I think. The commander should either spread ice terrain slowly or spread the Wintered promotion to units who pass by the Fort, or both. I was considering Blizzards instead of just ice terrain, but I want to make blizzards appear and move automatically in the future, so that would be kind of redundant.

But if the Illians get the one that spreads ice terrain, the Frozen should probably get one that spreads Wintered among target units instead.
Glad to hear it works. :goodjob:

I've found, unfortunately, that an annoying bug is also in this version, not just the FFH 2 version as I had hoped.

-Despite being able to attack the barbarians and being at war with them, the barbarians will never attack you.
-You cannot cast spells on the barbarians that would damage them, i.e, Slow.
-When a barbarian unit moves onto a tile with one of your units, the unit on it will be pushed backwards.

Has anyone encountered anything like what I describe? To be specific, when I say barbarians I tested it in Fall Further with the Orcish Savages/Bhall by giving myself a city, with a Winter Wolf in it, on a 3-plot island, and by giving Bhall a Chariot. The chariot never moved into my city, moving around outside of it repeatedly until I moved my Winter Wolf into the plot between my city and the Chariot. The Chariot moved over my Winter Wolf, forcing it back into the city.

The original bug report came from Bill Bisco using the Fall from Heaven 2 versionm which is why I say barbarians. It may occur for the Animals and Demons barbarians as well.
I've release patch 0.7b- you can get it at a new 'Frozen for Fall Further Patch' download page. It does not fix the above bug, but it does fix all other Fall Further issues applicable from the FFH 2 patch b. (That's the reason this is patch b, not patch a). The changelog is below

-Fixed bug where Frozen units without Ice Demon promotion suffered damage from Blizzards
-Removed Frozen Souls from a Frozen city when someone else captures it
-Added Part 1 of "The Liberation", detailing the liberation of Taranis by Auric, to the pedia
-Blocks the Frozen from being summoned if the No Hyborem or Basium gameoption is enabled
v0.8 has been released for Fall Further!

It provides compatibility with patch 0.51c and does a lot of other stuff. Special thanks to Deon for palace art, and to Gravage, Swinkscalibur, 2Hydroclopse, Breez, Schwarzbart, Brokenbone, jimmythes, contributors in the FF+ discussion thread who influenced the balance discussion and helped point out bugs.
I've finally released a v1.0 update for the Fall Further version, at last bringing the FF conversion up to date.

v1.0 for the Frozen for Fall Further is identical to the FFH 2 version except one thing- it comes in an installer (thanks to Valkrionn), which automatically copies the Fall Further 051 directory, renames it "FF Frozen", and installs this mod over it.

Also, while previous versions were partly modular, now the only thing that's modular is the Frozen diplo text... I really don't like editing extremely long XML files like CIV4DiplomacyInfos.xml.

All other XML is non-modular, and the python code has been rewritten to be extremely simpler and avoid all the checks to see if the module was loaded or not.
I had a little problem installing this -- when I ran the exec (and it was unzipped), it told me "The folder /mods/Fall Further 051 does not exist". I should also note that the default install location was "C:\mods\FF Frozen". The error message allowed me to ignore (strangely) and it dropped the files into the folder I specified anyways. I just backed up my FF and threw the FF Frozen files onto it, and it looks okay so far.
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