Monarchist Cookbook Game IV, Mao Zedong of China!

Sorry for not playing this round, I am busy with school this year and these last few days have been brutal, plus I have just DLed FfH II (thanks for the help R_Rolo1!), and I am simply mesmerized. On top of that, add piano lessons, SGOTM and DGIII ;)
OOps, sorta forgot this game, my bad, just been hectic recently. I will try to play tonight.
I know how you feel, really hectic week, and then FfH... I think I might have to let go of my roster spot sometime because I am actually more into FfH than BtS atm... :p
I am actually more into FfH than BtS atm... :p
Oh man, I find it very hard to try to play both. I have fooled around with FFH, I like it, and plan to play it more, but if I try to play both, its crazy confusing, and FFH already has a VERY steep learning curve, almost as complicated as this game to a beginner.
Oh man, I find it very hard to try to play both. I have fooled around with FFH, I like it, and plan to play it more, but if I try to play both, its crazy confusing, and FFH already has a VERY steep learning curve, almost as complicated as this game to a beginner.

FfH has a steep learning curve? You mean it's difficult to learn (or master)?

I mean, I'm on my, like, 5th game, and I am doing better than I normally am in BtS on the same diff (Prince). I am going to try Emperor before too long. But that may be because the AI is worse at Ffh...
Its not hard to win the lower levels, but I found the learning curve, or rather, the UN-learning curve, to be huge. Of course, you were never much of a Slavery guy, so thats one aspect where you have a leg up. I tend to stay in Slavery for 90% of the game in BTS, so I struggle without it, having to try to find more hammers. Another example is the completely altered tech tree. In BTS, I have gotten myself streamlined to a couple research patterns that work well for me, but in FFH, I have to check the tech tree every single time I start a new tech, and figure out what I want.

We are talking about Fall From Heaven II, right? With the magic, and Calendar as an early tech, and about 20 more Civic choices, some of which vary from race to race. I mean, yeah, on Noble and Prince, I stomped it pretty easily, but basically I was just guessing a lot of the time on techs and civic choices, and on what units to build, etc. I think its a long way to Emperor for me in that game, unless the AI is truly inept.
Yes we are talking FFH2 and the AI is rather inept. If you want to play against some of the better AIs, I suggest Calabim, Balseraph, Hippus, Ljosalfar, Sheaim and Bannor.
So, I guess the Monarch Cookbook is dead for now. Thats a shame. Is there anyone at all who is still interested in playing at this level? If so, I may be able to help out with the administrative stuff to help take some of the pressure off those who are otherwise busy.

If not, well then I will just have to try out the next Immortal Cookbook game!
Sorry for being completely out of this :(

I've beenn very occupied in the last weeks , even on Civ terms ( those SGOTM take a lot of time to discuss and even more to play :p ) And to say the truth, games on monarch feel too easy for me now most of the times :(

I can support any one that want to make a new monarchist cookbook game , especially in terms of organization , but I'll not play it , atleast for a while.
Yeah if you want to run MC, Chromium, I am fine with it. I have been busy with school and what time I have for Civ gets spent on SGOTM and FfH II. Sorry for all the Monarch players who have been following the thread thus far. Chromium, you could start a MC V or MC IV,2) if you want to, I can link it in the Bullpen.
I will start one up if anyone is interested... but it doesn't sound like there is (so far). If someone is out there lurking :ninja: and wants the MC games to continue then speak up now!

Y'all are right though, I think almost all of the MC players needed something a bit more challenging. I guess most people who follow games on the forums are just above Monarch level.

Immortal will be fun, to say the least ;). I just have to be ready to get my butt kicked!
these games have helped me win at Monarch. Not sure if Emperor is the next level, but if it is, I would like to lurk while players and possibly play myself on the next level up.

so yeah, someone get it rolling please:king:
Oh no, I'm too late! I'd love a Monarchist Cookbook.
Why don't we try Emperor and see how that goes? Then we might be able to attract a few people who find the Immortal cookbook to be a bit too tough. If Emperor is too much of a challenge and we don't find ourselves with players who should be playing at higher difficulty--which was the problem in the past, we can slip back down to Monarch...

I think some of us might struggle with it, but the best ball system will allow us to play every round from a strong position. Hopefully this will help us improve our game :).

I will take you up on the offer of the map Rolo!
I'd prefer the Cookbook to stay at Monarch. I'm biased here, as I'm only just moving up from Prince, but it looks like I'm a bit late in voicing my opinion :(

If Chromium wants to run a Emperor level Cookbook, I can help run a monarch level one if anyone wants? Or is that just too many cookbooks floating around?

I am in the same spot that you are--but with the best ball system, even if your save stinks, you will be playing with a good save for the next round. I am hoping that will be enough to make up for my lack of experience playing at Emperor level ;). If it is still too tough for most players, we can always go back down to Monarch for the next game...
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