More Terrains / Terrain Features / Bonus Ressources [IMPLEMENTED]

The list of bonuses need to be consolidated. We should probably discuss the combat system overhaul first but a concept that I have in mind is "open terrain". If we consider "open terrain" to be any non-hill\peak land plot without a forest then we could simply say "+X in open terrain" rather than that long list! This concept comes from Alpha Centauri BTW.
The list of bonuses need to be consolidated. We should probably discuss the combat system overhaul first but a concept that I have in mind is "open terrain".
If we consider "open terrain" to be any non-hill\peak land plot without a forest then we could simply say "+X in open terrain" rather than that long list! This concept comes from Alpha Centauri BTW.
Sounds very reasonable. :thumbsup:

Maybe there is a good way to categorize Plot Types / Terrains / Terrain Features for Combat Bonusses.
But let us please create a new thread for that. We should not constantly mix concepts.
Maybe some of you remember / had read that I created these coastal "Salt Water Pools". (It is a link)

Currently I consider to also add this "coastal Land Improvement" that is able to get Salt from the Ocean : "Salt Drainage"
(Only on Terrain Types "Wetlands" and "Marsh". --> Would further increase the value of these Terrains a bit.)

So again restrictions are:
  • Coastal Land Plot
  • Only Wetlands or Marsh
Game Effect:

Plot would allow to "mine" Salt.
(Even if it did not have any salt before.)

Credits for graphics:

I think I found the graphics in Ancient Europe (of @pie_at ) - not 100% sure anymore.
(Definitely did not create them myself though.)



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Ok guys, Salina is now implemented. :)

It is mostly an "immersion change" to have proper Salinas on Salt Water Pools / Salt Drainages.
(No more unimmersive "Salt Mines" on such wet coastal Plots.)

You can only build it on "Salt Water Pools".
(And those you will only find on coastal Plots of Wetland and Marsh.)



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Currently I consider to also add this "coastal Land Improvement" that is able to get Salt from the Ocean : "Salt Drainage"
(Only on Terrain Types "Wetlands" and "Marsh". --> Would further increase the value of these Terrains a bit.)

So again restrictions are:
  • Coastal Land Plot
  • Only Wetlands or Marsh
Game Effect:

Plot would allow to "mine" Salt.
(Even if it did not have any salt before.)

Is it possible to check that the square does not have a river or large river entrering the coastal water? Because in places where rivers enter the ocean the percentage of salinity is lowered dramatically (e.g. early attempts to harvest salt from the Cheasapeak Bay all failed and only when the settlers moved to the outer islands away from the influx of the rivers could they harvest a sufficient amount of salt.
Is it possible to check that the square does not have a river or large river entrering the coastal water?
The Bonus Ressource already takes care of that. (It can not be spawned near Rivers.)
Without the Bonus Ressource the "Salina" can not be built either.

Thus this is already taken care of. :thumbsup:
(I considered that in my implementation.)
Currently trying to create 2 new Bonus Ressources:
Blueberry and Huckleberry

Since I have been living in the States myself I do not want to miss them anymore. :)
(They are actually pretty closely related and are sometimes considered to be the same - although there are small subtle differences.)

Huckleberry: Temperate to subtropic climate, but likes it wetter, more of a "Bog" plant <-- a little wetter and warmer
Blueberry: Temperate climate to cold climate, but more of more of a "Grasland" plant <-- a little drier or stone environment and colder

Blueberry Bush:

Huckleberry Bush:



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Not a nice graphic. :undecide:
Yeah, it is probalby not suitable for WTP quality standards of graphics. :think:
(But thatis basically the quality of Bonus Ressources I could already find.)

But ok I will try to create something better. :thumbsup:
(But I will need quite some time for that as a beginner. )
Yeah, it is probalby not suitable for WTP quality standards of graphics. :think:
(But thatis basically the quality of Bonus Ressources I could already find.)

But ok I will try to create something better. :thumbsup:
(But I will need quite some time for that as a beginner. )

The work done here is amazing but some of your terrains/terrain features could do with a second pass.

-Why are the flood plains looking irrigated already? Could it not be based more on the civ iv look? (yes I read that it can't be imported) but I don't think it looks good.
-The salt feature on wet terrain doesn't look nice - is it possible to reduce transparency? maybe that is all it would take to blend it a bit better. It might help with the Salina building which also blends badly at the moment.
-I think Rock steppes need color adjusted. That yucky green is too uniform and unnatural.

Most of the graphics are great. Special mentions to wetlands, shrubland and ice lakes. Not so sure about the pearl reef. Also, I think it might be a different thread but the cardboard cutout 2d llamas don't look amazing.

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Why are the flood plains looking irrigated already
Because the Build Action "Irrigation" currently creates Terrain Feature "Flood Plains" (which can also be generated by Map creation).
"Human created Irrigation" and "Natural Flood Plains" are the same Terrain Feature (at the moment).

But maybe I should think about that. :dunno:


Could it not be based more on the civ iv look?
As I wrote, it is technically simply not possible.
The ArtDefs of Civ4Col miss the settings to create such a visual effect.


I don't think it looks good.
It is the best I could create myself as a beginner in graphics in reasonable time. :(
(I am currently working on this all alone and can only spend a few hours on each graphic I work on.)

I am a "private modder" at the moment working on his private mod.
I can not go begging to other modders for support all the time.


If somebody wants to improve these graphics, I would appreciate though. :thumbsup:
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The salt feature on wet terrain doesn't look nice
It might help with the Salina building which also blends badly at the moment.
I think Rock steppes need color adjusted.
Also, I think it might be a different thread but the cardboard cutout 2d llamas don't look amazing.

I agree, but again it was the best I could do in reasonable time because my time for modding is really limited. :dunno:
As I said, all help of experienced graphical modders is greatly appreciated. :thumbsup:
Well ok, I tried to create "Cranberries" now.
Typically Canadian and a typical bog plant.



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Add Avocado, I'm sure it won't affect the price of food. ;)

What is next on the menu, Guava, Papaya, Pineapple, Cashews, Yerba Mate?
Ok guys, since I got complaints about these Cherry Tree graphics here:
(I found in Civ4BTS Download section so I was not insulted. ;) )

I created these Cherrry Tree graphics here myself:

I hope these graphics are good enough. :)
(Took me more than an hour to create them - still learning how to work in NIFScope and Gimp.)


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What is next on the menu ... Pineapple ...

Well, if you ask for it. :)
Here you go.

This is the best I could do in 30min.
(Have to go to my Physio Therapy in a few minutes. But I think it is good enough.)

Ingame it will be the place where these beasts are spawned from:
(Credits: Jonas Loose - original creator.)



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