Just bumping this thread so we have it on top of the list.
(It is more or less the current status of open todos of
Status of the branch is basically
unchanged since
Jan. 1.

Since currently nobody is working on these topics - incl. myself - it will probably stay this way for a while.
A lot of the stuff may be considered optional and just become a "long term todo".
Some of that stuff however is
not optional, like e.g. the adjustments of
Maps and MapScripts.
Maybe at some point we should replan and simply throw out of the planning whatever we do not care enough to finish.
Whatever does not inspire motivation to work on also cannot be important enough to keep it in the planning.
"Release Candidate 3.0.2" which is supposed to publish bugfixes and improvements has
higher priority atm.
(Also because it is maybe a smaller package and could be a small success message to build on.)
After that we should take a look at
"Plains" again to decide how we will procede with it so it could at some point be published.
(If it is not published with all of its contents so be it. Maybe we could publish
at least a little of it though.)