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MP Game - RewriteHistory - 18civ EARTH map historical start position

I am familiar with two possible solutions to fix the double move problem.

1, we increase the timer in times of war and

2, we have an accomodating host that can reload any non-sequential or missed turns.

I would prefer the second option, although it greatly increases the responsibilities of the host. If we find ourselves in a position similar to my 5:30 AM example, we simply post in the thread and the host reloads at a more convenient time. Yes, it slows things down enormously, but I believe it's the best and fairest way to prevent the occurance of double moves.

1. Won't happen as there will be war on between someone on almost any turn.

2. This might happen, but if we make this truly sequential, we might as well be playing PBEM.

If you and your opponent are having trouble with moves due to time zones, you can privately and diplomatically agree to take your turns as needed. If taking a double turn in order to get a turn sequence in order that works best for both parties, then you and your opponent can agree to that and set whatever restrictions you want (e.g. I agree that you can take a double turn as long as there are no advancements of enemy troops toward my capital on the double move.).
Adrian. You just double-moved me.

It makes no difference (since i'm not moving any units), so a reload is not necessary. But you (and zen) are obligated to let me move first every time a new turn starts.

You made the decision to wait until after I move EVERY TURN when you declared war on me. If you want to go first, make peace, and then declare war again on a turn when I haven't moved yet.
Adrian. You just double-moved me.

It makes no difference (since i'm not moving any units), so a reload is not necessary. But you (and zen) are obligated to let me move first every time a new turn starts.

You made the decision to wait until after I move EVERY TURN when you declared war on me. If you want to go first, make peace, and then declare war again on a turn when I haven't moved yet.

Of course since the new rule is in place Adrian must play after you, so I hope he will in future. BUT when you suggested he make peace in order to change the turn order it would have been more honest of you to remind him that making peace prevents both players from declaring war for 10turns. Adrian isn't a noob and so wouldn't have fallen for your trick but all the same...
Speaking of being out of town. My wife and I are thinking of going back to Iran for a couple of weeks in august. Total nerd that I am, I am exploring the possiblity of taking my laptop on holiday with me so I can play my turns from the local cafenets (internet cafes) while I am away!! I am sure the wife will not approve... but oh well.
queuing my worker to do sequential things. Is that possible?

Yes. Select Worker. Hold down shift. Start clicking stuff. Move here, build mine, build road, move there, chop tree.

Secret is to hold shift the entire time. Done correctly, you'll see a queue form, just like your build queue in a city.

Try it in an offline game before you mess up your online one :D
I did not made any critical move... i do not think you could do anything anyway...
I do have other important things in real life than hanging around to play a civ4 turn.
Obviously you found time to post here, 7 hours after you double-moved me. You could have made your move at the same time and followed the rules.
Yes. Select Worker. Hold down shift. Start clicking stuff. Move here, build mine, build road, move there, chop tree.

Secret is to hold shift the entire time. Done correctly, you'll see a queue form, just like your build queue in a city.

Try it in an offline game before you mess up your online one :D

Is there no way to cancel the queue?
BUT when you suggested he make peace in order to change the turn order it would have been more honest of you to remind him that making peace prevents both players from declaring war for 10turns.

A ceasefire doesn't have that restriction. I don't think peace is even an option yet anyway, we haven't been at war for 10 turns, which means a peace treaty would have to be player negotiated at this point, not game enforced.

Is there no way to cancel the worker queue?
Yup, just like canceling a single action. Click the red circle.
A ceasefire doesn't have that restriction. I don't think peace is even an option yet anyway, we haven't been at war for 10 turns, which means a peace treaty would have to be player negotiated at this point, not game enforced.

Yup, just like canceling a single action. Click the red circle.

you can decleare peace the same turn you decleare war...
Can't play right now, my computer has been basically unable to start up, slowing down to ,or freezing if I try to do too much.

If I click the mouse too much, a loud beeping noise follows the freeze. Sometime it unfreezes.

I reinstalled my video driver, as the same thing was happened sometimes during games, along with video problems... it helped a little, but hardly, more of my programs just load before everything stops.

Any idea what could be wrong :/

It just came all of a sudden after a restart today... I didn't have the problem yesterday. I uninstalled zone alarm, which I had installed.
summer heat? Open the case and clean out the cat hair in the fans?
fixed it... it was damn symantec antivirus, gone now, had to delete the folder in safe mode
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