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MP VidLP 3 is up, and planing for Game 4


Apr 4, 2012
Wanted to let the MP folks, who don't wonder over the the Let's play section, know that Game 3 is now up: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO2TQ35QuC4FAz0yIJuWVxyTP2GvGH6oE
The 6 players vying for victory in are (in "turn" order): NQ-kdjd, NQ-carls13, PrimEvalCIV, NQ-past77, NQ-LeanStartup, and amenus.

It's looking like I won't be able to play another MP game untill the first weekend February. So I wanted to see who would be interested in playing then. I think It would be great if some or all of us were recording. And if some or all of us were in some sort of voice chat (push to talk of course). Neither of these are requirements, please let me know if you are interested and we can come up with a specific day and time.
How long would a full game last?

I'm not a native speaker but I can talk once a while. Recording is not a problem for me.
I'm in but i can commit to play only on week ends unless you want to play after midnight during a week.
Sounds like a lot of fun - I'm interested if it's on a weekend, but need to make sure that my computer can handle recording Civ properly :crazyeye:
This game would be on either Sat Feb 2 or Sun Feb 3. I am flexible in terms of the time and if we get a dedicated group together we could make it multi-session (ie load from a save another day). If we play it in one go expect 6-8 hours :)
Feb 3rd is a good day for me. Saturday is more complicated, girlfriend duties :D
If 3rd Feb. then I want to finish the game before 23:59pm GMT+12

any block of 8 hours before that time would be fine for me.
Ok, so Tab wants Sunday, which if I understand the time difference correctly makes Monday for EEE? My preference would be for Sunday Feb 3 at 10AM EST. However I think this does not correspond to such a good time in NZ. So maybe we could do 3 or 4 hours sometime on Saturday, it might be easier for all of us to fit in, and continue as a mutli-session game? Thoughts? Other interested players?
Unfortunately i can play tomorrow(Sunday). And i will pass for next weeks until end of february.
Hey PrimEval, i would be in the upcoming sunday for a rematch. However i need to start before 1700CET.

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