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Mr. Dictator

A Chain-Smoking Fox
Jul 27, 2003
Murfreesboro, TN
ok i just got my brand new Rio MP3 player and i need to know where the best place to get the music is.

thx n advance
The best place is taking your CD's and converting them into MP3's. :yeah:

Well, R.III is not here any longer and someone had to say it...
Don't use Kazaa!

Use soulseek. Much faster, no spyware.

Or, if you want to be legal, go to iTunes or Napster. But remember, they cost money.
WinMX is the MP3 sharing software I've found to be the best by far. I also concur with cgannon; if you want to go legit: itunes is pretty cool.
You could try Kazaa Lite but there are better places then it.
Agreed, Kazaa Like K++

Though you do have a chance of being fined for about 10.000 dollar :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Hitro
The best place is taking your CD's and converting them into MP3's. :yeah:

Well, R.III is not here any longer and someone had to say it...
Or there are some free MP3s - demos, unsigned bands etc.

Of course, at CFC you are not allowed to promote piracy of any kind, so I wouldn't expect anyone to do that! :nono:
Originally posted by DvR
Agreed, Kazaa Like K++

Though you do have a chance of being fined for about 10.000 dollar :rolleyes:

Not if you live in South America :p
Originally posted by cgannon64
Don't use Kazaa!

Use soulseek. Much faster, no spyware.

Or, if you want to be legal, go to iTunes or Napster. But remember, they cost money.

yes i would rather go legal, ill check out Nap. and see, how much per song is it

i also got 50 free songs from www.emusic.com, are they any good

ohwell, free songs are free songs
"I have Kazaa Lite K++.

No problems with it. Recommended."

That's what i meant, anybody that uses actual kazaa is a sap. I'm so used to just referring to it as kazaa. If you get an mp3 player, its not worth it to get music legally. What's wrong with cds anyway?
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