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Multiple Units / Single Unit Graphics


Nov 12, 2001
Sorry about starting a new thread on this if it has been addressed, but I couldn't find it anywhere.

Simply, in all of the screenshots I have seen in, it appears that every unit is composed of several units (graphically speaking -- even traditional solo units like a worker / settler).

I was wondering (rather hoping) that we would have the option to change each unit to be represented by a single graphic. And this isn't purely for aesthetics (though I do prefer the single graphic), but its also because I would rather have my computer work a bit less graphically if there is an option.

Can anyone confirm if this is possible?

If you want minimal graphics, you can always stick to strategy view. Single unit graphic with 1upt will make it look like Army Men. Not a good idea imho.
Thanks for the reply. Not really concerned about the "Army Men" look. Is it possible though?
I dont think we have seen any screenshot of the graphical settings, and I would imagine that those would be something that could be done really late in the development process. However I think it will be possible, it is a fairly easy way to give the users an option to increase the performance of Civ.
I dont think we have seen any screenshot of the graphical settings, and I would imagine that those would be something that could be done really late in the development process. However I think it will be possible, it is a fairly easy way to give the users an option to increase the performance of Civ.

Even if they don't I'm sure someone will mod it. After all they are just making a new unit with on graphic. Unless it sort of automatically copies them.
I dont think we have seen any screenshot of the graphical settings, and I would imagine that those would be something that could be done really late in the development process. However I think it will be possible, it is a fairly easy way to give the users an option to increase the performance of Civ.
I'd second that, and I hope that it works that way for people who like it. In Civ4 there was an option to go for single unit graphics against the regular 3 unit graphics. Given how it's more like a dozen unit graphics in Civ5, it shouldn't be too hard to lower that to 3 or even one. But nothing confirmed so far.
The number of graphics left in unit indicates its health, so there would need to be some other mechanic, probably a small bar or a single number, to make that information easily available. I think it would be something done fairly close to release, also to prevent previewers from posting screenshots with less than fancy graphics.
The number of graphics left in unit indicates its health, so there would need to be some other mechanic

In Civ4, the number was also an indicator for the health, and with single units you didn't get any more information.
Yes, it would be nice to have such a feature, but there's no "must" at all.
I hope they implement Single Unit graphics, not only for my PC performance sake, but frankly, and maybe it's just simply aesthetics, but I find that when there are too many units running around it gets a bit out of hand.
In Civ 4 you can modify the XML unit file to specify the number of models in a unit. You probably can do this yourself in Civ 5. It isn't too hard just change from say number 8 (8 models) to 1 in the XML file.

Unless they have a totally different way to modding this time around.
I second the request for Single Unit Graphics (now to be referred to as SUG, please, just to confuse new people). Less strain on the hardware, fewer people running around on the screen. Turned it off first thing with Civ IV.
The main problem I see with SUG ( :thumbsup: ) is what you need to carefully test and adjust appearance for 2 modes, not one. If you leave the units small, they could look lame, and if you make them bigger, you need to carefully check their sizes, otherwise you could end up with spearman of the same size as GDR :spear:

Other than size - you need to check how the resized units overlap with different icons, etc. Not sure it worth it, once we have strategic view.
Yeah unit size is a big problem for me when modding Civ 4. A battleship is supposed to be much bigger than a tank but you can't make it much bigger. Making the tank smaller will cause a problem between its ratio to humans, etc... I hope in Civ 5 they will create a standard that looks good.
In Civ4, the number was also an indicator for the health, and with single units you didn't get any more information.
Yes, it would be nice to have such a feature, but there's no "must" at all.

There are health bars in civ4. You just have to enable them from the graphics options in game. I assume you know this, but just wanted to make sure.
Can anyone confirm whether Single Unit Graphics are a selectable option in the game?

No they are not, you can switch to strategic mode if you want. But thats it.

Also from a programmers perspective the work your computer will do by comparison between showing 10 little guys as opposed to one little guy in a game like civ is non existent. Realistically if the game was designed for multi-unit graphics, and they are simply displaying one, and rescaling the mesh to match the dimensions of the hex, it probably would be more of a performance hit.
Single Unit graphics might allow the figures to be a bit bigger though, making different units a bit easier to distinguish.
I just wish workers were single unit so they stand out from military units alittle better (other than the icon above them).
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