Muslim Extremists made fun of in Dutch fireworks safety campaing


Dec 26, 2001
Visit the Liberation Army Against Freedom (LAAF) Website and watch those hilarious videos.

or watch them on youtube!

LAAF Arms arriving
Spoiler Translation of the Dialog :

  • Hij is er! -> he is here/he has arrived
  • Wees gegroet -> Be greaten/i greet thee
  • Wat is dat broeder? -> Brother what is that?
  • Het is ok, hij is een vriend -> it is ok, he is a friend
  • Hoe gaat het? -> How is it going?/How are you doing?
  • What heb je voor ons? laat zien! -> What do you have for us? show it!
  • Geduld, Geduld, laat mijn eerst. -> Patience, Patience, let me first.
  • Funky Fountain
  • Goed spul he? -> Good stuff huh?
  • Happy Blossom
  • Ik heb het geld -> i got the money
  • Geef me het dan! -> give it to me then!
  • Ik wil er een aansteken -> i want to light one
  • Vertrouw je me niet? -> you don't trust me?
  • ik ga ze allemaal aansteken -> i am going to light them all
  • ook siervuurwerk is explosief -> Decorative fireworks are explosive too
  • Steek het nooit uit je hand af en let op omstanders -> never light it when you are holding it your hand and be careful for other bystanders.

LAAF Eternal rains of fire

LAAF Mother of all Rocket

LAAF is a pun on the dutch word LAF which means "Coward"
When creating acronyms people often skip words such as 'the', 'to', 'for' or 'against'.
I think that these people should just be 'L.A.F.'
Gotta love those freedom fighters. Get ready for some serious protests and embassy burning now for insulting Islam.
Hilarious! This is the first time in my lifetime that the goverment comes up with a good campaign!

Are they actually gonna broadcast this? I wish I could see Mohammed B.'s face when he sees this on television!
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