(My first SG)For newbies

Ok guys, I think I'm gonna have to drop out then, cause I have C3 Complete, and that seems to make everything Conquests.

As for all the people who think me researching BW was a bad thing, I didn't do it for spears. I did it because it leads to several important techs(Iron Working) It was the fastest researching tech available, so I figured that I could just speed through that then do Alphabet.

Sorry about having to drop out!
Little Corporal with C3 complete you have vanilla and PTW as well. You'll be able to load it from here.

C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Civilization III Complete

Look for [civ3]
Bucephalus said:
lurker's comment: Another point to consider is that should hostilities break-out you will be facing JW's which have two movements. If you sit in cities waiting to be attacked they will pillage your infastructure, ruining your economy and damaging your ability to replace lost fighters. Also their first victory will give them a GA, increasing the production of further JW's.

Damn good point, it is like a double whammy

BTW, I am around this weekend and next, so put me in the roster and lemme know when my turn is....I am anxious to get in.

@Goodsmell: What language do you play Civ in? Just curious. PM me if you want to explain something in Spanish or German...I'd likely figure it out. ALso, I am learning Russian, so if we can type Cyrillic, it would be cool :)
Okay let's stay tuned and wait untill' my turnset will be played ;)

William I'm playing english version and I've no problems with it .
and hmm personally I prefer to keep typing english because in that way I'll learn it faster.
I don't think there are many people here who know russian . about the German and spanish , actually I know just few words in deutsch and a bit more than few words in Spanish lang . but If you'll start to talk in Spanish I'll be like "what the hell you want from me?" , lol . I can only read and use translator ;)
Well, he has 13 more hrs to post his set, or he's skipped.
According to the rules on the first post, Little Corporal's time is up:

Pequenino said:
6 Players (including me)
20 turns each player in AA and MA, and 10 turns in IA and MA
24 hours to confirm
24-72 to play and post

As it's been 72 hrs since Corporal said

Little Corporal said:
Oh, really? Well that's good. I'll redo my turn tomorrow.

So he's skipped and it's William's trun.
Okay then, Roster:

Pequenino: On deck
choxorn: Just Played
yagtag, cody, Corporal: skipped
William: UP

Man, skips are making this set take forever to play. My set was posted 8 days ago.
You could probably just play now if William doesn't mind.
I don't mind, if that was the original order. Just because I didn't think I would be in befor I didn't pay attention to where to find the file anyway...:mischief:

OOps, I forgot to ask..where do I find it again?

I can go later this week, no problemo
Okay, then, Roster:

choxorn: Just Played
yagtag: Ghosting
cody: UP
Corporal: might play next
William: On deck if Corporal is still too busy
Cody has had more than 5 days, his time is way past up. He is skipped. Corporal, are you still too busy or can you play now?


choxorn: just played
yagtag: ghosting, but might be back now.
cody: skipped
Corporal: UP
William: On deck
I'll interpret that as a "got it".
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