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My review of the livecast

Greg's bribing of Monaco seems to me to have been a mistake. As it was, Monaco's troops were acting as buffers between his units and Napoleon's in the Arabian peninsula. But once they declared war, France could now just plow through them (since they are podunk spearmen), get to Greg's units (including a GG) and then take the city-state, claiming it for themselves. I would have left them as neutral.

he did it only because people were asking for it in the chat. He even said that it was not in his plan since he was using a lot of gold to get a faster unit production.
he did it only because people were asking for it in the chat. He even said that it was not in his plan since he was using a lot of gold to get a faster unit production.

In other words, he did it for the lulz. :lol:
he did it only because people were asking for it in the chat. He even said that it was not in his plan since he was using a lot of gold to get a faster unit production.

It was amusing to see him resist doing it. He really wanted to play that game to win and we were all screwing him up :D
Then again, if he played for ten hours, I wouldn't blame him, I wanted to do that too.
It was amusing to see him resist doing he. He really wanted to play that game to win and we were all screwing him up :D
Then again, if he played for ten hours, I wouldn't blame him, I wanted to do that too.

Pah! If he wanted to do something like that he should have played with one hand tied behind is back
... and on a lower difficulty!
City-states are designed to not be civs. They play by their own rules, they don't care about "winning".
Remember that you can't bribe a city state out from under another player (City states will stay allies with the first person to ally them unless their influence decays past that point), and bribing a city state to that stage is expensive (750 gold!).

At those game settings, of course.
I doubt I will ever be playing at immortal difficulty.

:think: if i remember correctly, also on the Gamescom the steps have been 250, 500 and 750, independent from the difficulty level.
Maybe Monaco was smarter than we think? After all, Monaco wasn't wiped out by the French in the excerpt we saw. For all we know, France will focus on Greg, wipe him out, and then make peace of some sort with Monaco. Besides, the 750 gold might represent a payment to a corrupt Monaco leader who pockets the money and flees. :p

Or maybe they just like to gamble in Monaco. :lol:
Or maybe they just like to gamble in Monaco. :lol:

You think so? May be it's just bad rep James Bond gave them.

EDIT: No, wait. Espionage it's gone, must be something else...
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