N3-The British Imperialists (C3C-1.15)


Deposed Despot
Jun 21, 2002
Central PA
I've decided to try my hand at another sg, seeing as goz1 died due to lack of interest. As the title suggests, we are going to be playing as England. Our goal in this game is to monopolize as many resources as possible, using our Man-O-War to the fullest extent to rule the seas and exploiting far away riches. Variant rules are:

-We must control at least 3 sources of every known strategic resource (or as many that we can see at the time). If there are none that can be taken peacefully, we must make war to take them from a rival civ.
-We must control at least one source of every luxury known to us.

Standard world size 70% water archipelago
warm, wet, 4 billion years
Civ: England
Difficulty: Monarch or Emperor, depending on the preference of the players.
All victory conditions except wonder are enabled
AI Aggression set to "most aggressive"

-amirsan (the latecomer)

Playing as the English might prove to be an interesting challenge. The archipelago map ensures that we'll have to look overseas if we are to find the resources our civilization will require. I look forward to playing this one, I'll start when(if) I get a few signups.
I was about to ask you for another go :)

Sign me up.

Emperor and 20 turns for the first round, then 10?

Some barbs, but please no raging :)
Welcome aboard! I also prefer emperor, so unless we get 3 people who prefer monarch it looks like we're going to be playing it. I'll generate a start as soon as we get one more person.
I'm a regent player-- not looking to jump to monarch permanetly, but I'd like the practice-- and it sounds like an interesting variant.
Cool, you're all in :D .

Any objections to playing this game on emperor? We have at least 2 players who prefer it, and one who prefers monarch. I'll generate the start in a few hours, so voice your opinions now!
Originally posted by Nick014
Cool, you're all in :D .

Any objections to playing this game on emperor? We have at least 2 players who prefer it, and one who prefers monarch. I'll generate the start in a few hours, so voice your opinions now!
emperor sounds fine though I think demi-god could result in some cool titanic battles for those resourses.
I decided to make this an emperor game, seeing as a majority of our palyers are up to the challenge. I'm sure smellincoffee will handle it just fine :)

Turn 1: Move settler one tile SE to get off of our bonus grass square. research set to 100% writing

Turn 6: London:warrior-warrior

Turn 8:Pop a hut and get barbs :(


Turn13: Contact Portugal, he doesn't have anything we need and we don't have anything he needs.

Turn14:Get a warrior from a hut

Turn17: Contact the vikings. Trade them pottery for Bronze working and 27 gold

Turn20: London:settler-warrior

Our settler is heading for the red dot, in retrospect I think it should alter its course to claim the gems. That valley will make a production powerhouse when its hills and mountains are mined. Note that there are wines and gems visible already. Variant rules demand that we attempt to claim these resources as our own, be it through peaceful expansion or military conquest. I'm confident that we'll be able to snag the gems at least, but we're looking at an early war if the portugese claim the wines as I suspect they will. (note that we don't have to immeadiately declare war on them when/if they take the wines, but military buildup to war should be prioritized and war should be declared within a reasonable timespan).



Gozpel is up. Take 10 turns per round from here on out
nice start. looks like we'll need to get that hammer out pretty early!
I can probably count on one hand the number of times i've been in a war before 2000BC and 4 of those were in an effort to get a quick win for the HoF (never could get high enough score).
oh well, bear skins and stone knives it is! :lol:
Originally posted by andvruss
I think our second city should be used to grab the gems, as dont want them to fall into Portugal's control.
i agree. probably the BG on the river next to the game and west of the river is best. hate to give up that shield but all the forrests should make up for it.
I got it.

I agree to grabbing the gems first, it's what this game is about after all. We probably have to squeeze in the settler between the BG's.
First the Save

Pre-turn - Teleportation ON.
Max science to get to Writing in 22t instead of 29t. Say hello to our neighbours and to check status. Scandinavia is up WC and CB, Portugal is up only CB.

Not many choices where to put the city down, I will send the settler to grab the gems anyways. We might have to go for a tight build.

2950bc - Citizen in London switched to wheat to grow faster. Worker finished road, mine.

2900bc - ---

2850bc - ---

2800bc - York founded -> warrior. London pop 2. Portugal suddenly knows WC and Masonry.

2750bc - London warrior -> settler

2710bc - ---

2670bc - Worker finish mine, move to connect York

2630bc - ---

2590bc - York warrior -> worker. A barb shows his ugly face NW of York. We meet France, they have all the before mentioned tech and the Wheel. No trade. London pop 3, luxtax 10%.

2550bc - ---

Writing in 7 turns. London settler due in 3t.

I know I plopped down York in a "funny" place, but my dotmap will explain better. I don't like to put cities on BG's, and to sit one tile away from the coast. York will have the game after expansion.

The red dots should be priorities, especially the smiley-dot, to hopefully deter Portugal from blocking us in. The yellow dots are more or less fishing villages, but can still be useful in the long run.

When we learn Writing, we might just as well trade it away and get all those techs, then we go straight for Philo?

Next player might want to squeeze out a curragh after the settler.

hmm, about the placement of york: I would have placed it on the site one tle west of the gems, as many others suggested. It may have been built on a bg square, but would have had 4 hills and 5 mountains in its radius, which could have made it a huge powerhouse once we got them mined. Still a nice set set of turns, trading writing and then the philosophy gambit were indeed my plans :)

andvruss is up, 24h for a got it then 48h to play.
Damn I need a compass!

I thought I understood it right, but that was before my second cup of coffee.

Ah well, we will still have powerhouses if we can get those other spots. I though building towards Portugal was wise, but now I see I'm not that clever after all.
Originally posted by gozpel
Damn I need a compass!

I thought I understood it right, but that was before my second cup of coffee.

you know, you can add something to give that coffee a little kick. might even straighten out that wandering eye ;)
Not for breakfast mate :)

As long as I keep monopoly of being the blockhead, we'll sort this out.
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