Napoleonic Europe

It's some sort-of python or xml error. The game, instead of telling about what it is, just gives crazy numbers if something's wrong.

(I know, I can make it show error's, but I didn't know that when I made this)
For now, I'll be learning BF2 mapping (FH2 is alost ready, apparently) & my SF&B WWII minimod for BtS. After that... Dunno. Something medieval, crimson skies or napoleon.

In the civics screen, the religious civics give a "bonus" that says "+12545645609 for units built in city with [cross]" Could this be related somehow? If you got a clue of what might be wrong, please do notify. Cos I don't feel like respawning again and play a bunch of turns only later to find that it still won't work.
I dunno ... I like it but I really loved the Civ 3 version because of the specialized units and the differences in strength values, depending on their relevance in the wars.
I did not read every post in this thread, apologise if I am coming up with old stuff...
I am playing v1.3 with the Brits until spring 1801. Due to their mighty fleet they could send all French fregates to the gound of the sea and control the French coastline. Due to the brave Highlanders I could conquer Amsterdam, Brussels, Calais, Caen, Brest, Nantes, Limoges, Bordeaux, Dijon, Paris until I offered peace in exchange to Strassbourg and Toulouse. So far so good. Then I encountered a strange thing. Suddenly I could start to build a third military academy in Belfast (first is in London, second is taken with Paris). After the completion I got lost London's academy!!!! Simply disappeared from the list and I am not able to produce the special units anymore in London.(Yes, I checked that I have four, five units on level 5). How does it come? Or is it on purpose?
Hi everyone I'm new to Civ 4. :D
Can anyone help me with this problem: I can load the mod for the Napoleonic Europe on the Warlords screen but the two maps for the mod I downloaded dont appear in the scenarios list. I have to go to my computers' files outside the game and click on the maps to play them.

Thank you to whoever helps. :goodjob:
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