Napoleonic Wars


Dec 8, 2010
This is a Scenario covering the events in the late 18th and early 19th century. I have created a small detailed map of Europe and Northern Afrika with 9 Civs and some city states. Science is turned off and time limit is 200 turns (which I think must be balanced later). An ordinary domination victory is the aim of this scenario.

France: Pretty well developed but surrounded by mighty enemies. Nevertheless, probably one of the easier civs.

Great Britain: Only civ that can build factories with a well developed country, not many cities though. The placement on an island pretty much guarantees for naval supremacy.

Prussia: Only 3 cities and relatively little land. At the start of the game the Prussian army is the one that fights most efficiently though.

Austria (Rome): Not very well developed and lacks one or two important technologies but has 5 cities and is allied with the city state of Budapest.

Russia: Faces severe problems in the beginning. The land is wide and undeveloped, there is a high amount of unhappiness and the army is pretty old-fashioned. The riches of the country, once worked, and the number of cities may turn the fate in favour of Russia in the long term.

Ottomans: As Russia the land is wide, undeveloped and unhappy. They have no rifles but Janissaries.

Sweden: A minor civ in the north. Did not play a major role historically so their power is relatively limited. There is no reason why sweden shouldnt be a surprise.

Egypt/Barbary states of northern Africa (Songhai): Not intented to be played but if you want to have a REAL competition, feel free to try. These nations lack some of the really handy techs like rifling and navigation.

It was important to me that you dont start with a vast empire with dozens of units but that you have to develop your empire and plan a little strategically. Secondly, I think its enough having to conquer 15 cities instead of 50.
No nation has more than 6 cities with 4 average. I think this way you can identify a little with your nation. Of course I have tried to face every civ with its historical circumstances.

I thank everyone for trying this scenario (it was a hell lot work) and would be really happy for some constructive critique.


  • France.jpg
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  • Austria.jpg
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  • Napoleonic Wars_v2.rar
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  • Napoleonic Mods_v2.rar
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Fixed a bug that enabled some ai's to get two more techs which would obviously kinda ruin the game.
Looks nice.
Once comment I would like to make is that at the start of the Napoleonic Wars, the Prussian army was in a fairly poor shape relying mainly on outdated tactics and logistics. It was only after they reformed their army were they able to take on Napoleon.
Yeah, you are right. Question remains if I leave it as it is for balancing purposes. I mean overall Prussia has not the very best starting conditions...?
_v2: I have changed two things which I can imagine may cause a crash (removed "ö" from names)

another thing: due to a bug the ai can tech through great scientists as it seems altho science is turned off. Trying this as a human player will cause the game to crash. I have reported it to the 2k forums.

Im really angry about this bug because it kinda ruins the game. You cannot invade Britian when there are 5-6 artillery.

I seriously need some nice guy who can come up with a little mod that perhibits great scientists or their ability to get a tech for free. PLEASE!!! :-(
Uploaded two mod-components that will take care of

1) the time increment
2) that the ai can tech thru great scientists, which the player cant

The scenario should work appropriately now.
rhettrongun was so friendly to post these mod-components as a stand alone for me.
I played this scenario for 100 turns (on Mac) and had fun. But I would like to remark that civs can obtain new techs through research cooperation. This causes that England invaded me (I played as France) with infantry and artillery, while I had riflemen and cannons. I don't know whether it was supposed to work this way, i.e. with reserach cooperation as the only way to adquire new techs, or it's something missed that it has to be fixed to force all civs having their initial techs all the game (I guess it should be latter)
In any case it's a very interesting scenario and a good work :)
Uploaded a new Modpack that contains now a mod component which perhibits research agreements. Research agreement in the diplomatic menu will now ALWAYS state that philosophy is not researched yet.

This time the teching problem MUST be gone...
Thanks to lestrade for telling the problem.
is this on the in game downloader?
Nope - I do not even know how to accomplish
At turn 17 for some reason I was given the notification that I had finished researching physics, and prompted to pick a new research. This basically meant my game was over.

This has happened to me twice now (on different turns and on different computers), even when I'm not running any extra mods.
Well, these are bugs, unfortunately...
Which language did you put Warsawa in? Because in polish it's spelled Warszawa... but then again Napoleonic Wards didn't have Poland.. Which language is that in :/

There needs to be a delete post feature on thsi forum -.-
Just tried this mod, without any others enabled, on Windows 7. CTD upon starting the scenario. I had Load Scenario checked, and I was trying to play as England on Prince :S
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