National Epic re-buiding after conquering new cities?


Aug 9, 2006
Belgrade, Serbia
National Epic demands monuments. But every time I make/conquer another city, National Epic resets and I have to build it anew, bug or feature?

Playing de luxe version on win xp

You can't conquer or build another city when you are building the national wonder as it needs to have certain building in all of your cities. When you get another city it of course prevents you from building it as that city doesn't have that building. Making a puppets of them should not effect the building of the wonder.

You could clarify are you really have to build it again or does it just cancel when you conquer a new city and you can build it again after you get the certain building in the city you conquered?
I'll provide the save a bit later, but what happens is the following:

I meet the requirements. Build the wonder. It's built. I found or annex another city. Epic is again in the queue...

I just asked myself the same question. I'm preparing to send out a settler to found my second city. The settler build just completed and my capital, which has a monument, is set to begin on the National Epic. I'm midway through a GA so the NE will only take four turns or so. I'll hold off on founding city 2 until after the NE is complete in the capital. I'll save the game at the following points.
  1. Settler complete, NE available in que but not yet started
  2. NE complete, second city not yet founded
  3. Second city founded, NE?
Founding the second city did not reset the availability of the NE, though it did pull the NC from the queue of available builds. To be fair the OP's example was with a conquered city not one you found yourself. So in the end it looks like the only thing I proved is that I'm not a thorough reader.
If you're building a national wonder and settle a new city then production stops. When you get all the required buildings again and restart production I think some of the original production will have decayed over time.
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