naval power mod

New version 1.13 is downloadable from the top of thread !

Motorized ships no longer have the blitz abilty.
Multiple bombardment runs are too powerful for the game.
Originally posted by kettyo
New version 1.13 is downloadable from the top of thread !

Motorized ships no longer have the blitz abilty.
Multiple bombardment runs are too powerful for the game.

what does Blitz ability do?

Blitz setting makes a unit able to attack multiple times in a turn, as long as it has movement points left (just like armor units in standard civ3).

You could set all combat unit types to blitz.
I thought adding your E-3C Sentry to my mod :cool: as a plane which could fly multiple recon missions in one turn (being immobile to avoid cruiser/submarine bug) but recon mission is apparently hard-coded to take up all movement points.
It"s bad.

Though you can make air units capable of flying multiple bombing runs in one turn by giving them movement points (keeping them immobile) and giving them blitz.
New version 1.14 is downloadable from the top of thread !

Stealth fighter no longer have the lethal bombing ability (was too powerful) and now has a bombing rate of fire value of 3.

Fighters got lethal land bombing ability. (has anyone heard of stukas?)

Jet fighters bombing rate of fire increased to 3.

Panzers got wheeled attribute (bug corrected).

The Great Wall's cost inreased to 40.
It gives the city having it double combat values against barbarians again.

Ironclad costs 10

Military academy doesn't require a victorious army
Army costs 40

Corruption levels decreased a bit at difficulty levels below emperor

Marla Singer's World Map (C) ver. 1.18 with naval power mod rules and correct starting locations included
Hey I have a question. You said you made cruise missiles immobile. Does the AI still use them in ships and still transport them around?

What I'm going to do is make Cruise Missiles, Penguin Anti-Ship Missiles, and Tactical Nukes all immobile and can't rebase. But add a truck to transport only tactical weapons. And have ships capable of moving Tactical weapons as well. Add more reality...

Thanks let me know as soon as possible =) I'm trying to make a mod myself....
Hey I have a question. You said you made cruise missiles immobile. Does the AI still use them in ships and still transport them around?

They use them on ships (load them) and also use the rebase option. ;)

But add a truck to transport only tactical weapons.

AI can't use land transport units! (no flag)
Damn, I was hoping to make them all immobile then only all them to be transported either on truck or in one of the ships. Oh well, guess it'll be rebase.
When someone would like to play this mod on real Earth with correct starting locations, i've included a modified version of Marla Singer's World Map (C) ver. 1.18.

I've added correct starting locations for every civ through the editor.
And of course added the naval power mod rules (ver. 1.14).
New version 1.15 is downloadable from the top of thread !

Bombers, stealth bombers, and helicopters no longer have the detect subs ability because a bug in the civ3 editor make it unable to detect subs by recon missions.

Fighters, jet fighters and f-15's got detect subs ability because they are the only air units capable of sinking subs (these planes have the lethal sea bombing ability) so they are the only ones who could see them too.

Added defensive bombardment ability to archers,bowmen,and longbowmen.
New version 1.16 is downloadable from top of thread !

-F15's bombing power increased a little bit
-spaceship parts cost 50% more
New version 1.2 is downloadable from top of thread !

-all combat units got double hit points to decrease the effect of the randomizer on the outcome of wars and make combat strategy more important
bombard strenght values of all units and bombard defense values of cities/improvements also double to hold combat balance

-air combat is rebalanced
fighter got 6 attack and 4 defense
jetfighter and f-15 got 12 attack and 8 defense
bomber got 4 defense
helicopter got 3 defense
New version 1.21 is downloadable from top of thread !

-bombard defense values of cities/improvements restored to defaults (were too difficult to hit)

-update to 'patch suggestion mod 1.34'
Workers "working speed" is doubled in Communism
Cossaks get increased defense of 5 (was 4)
Jaguar Warriors now upgrade to Horsemen
Chariot is removed from Aztec unit build list
New version 1.22 downloadable from the top of thread !

Updated to patch suggestion 1.35:

-steal technology costs the default 10
-helicopters and paratroopers oprange decreased to 6
Originally posted by thisismysn20
Do you have a picture of the world or no?

There are two modfiles (.bic) included in the packege.

One is just the rules. The program creates a world for you as usual according to your preferences.

The other one contains Marla's Earth Map v1.18 with correct starting locations and the navalpowermod rules. It's a map of our actual world. Set all AI civs to random. They as well as you will start at the actual birthplace of the given civ.

A picture (and topic) of this map could be found at this link:
A really needed boat improvement surprisingly lacking in a mod for boats.

Curragh need transport 2. This way if your stuck on a island you don't have to wait till map making. (which can really slow you down.) Transport 2 instead of 1 so AI will make them since it needs guards for settlers.

All the middle age ships could be upgradable to iron clades (but not anything past that) thus more reason to make that optional tech detour. The idea is you just slap some medal on the wood (which they actually did sometimes)

Not boat but.. jungle and swampland needs to give more resources. I recommend 2 food 1 commerce, maybe for both. This makes starts surrounded by such more doable.
Panzers should not be wheeled, no bombers should be on carriers, bombers were actually used to find and sink German U-Boats.
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