In Berlin:
* Working all 4 (!) clams at the same time is a bit of overkill when your happiness cap is 7 (6 when whipping).
* You're obviously whipping more than just every ten turns.
* It looks like you're not whipping more than one citizen at a time. Berlin, with all that food, should be whipping 3 every time it can.
* Build some cottages!!! That's why your science is so poor.
* If you're going to be making troops, get a barracks first. This is a perfect building to whip multiple citizens when building.
* If you're going to work 4 coastal tiles, build a lighthouse.
The idea of the clams is that I can get a lot of food and commerce at the same time. If I had not worked all the clams I would have been much farther behind in tech. I really wasn't going nuts with the whip, unless a Barbarian was about to attack my city when it only had a Warrior in it. I'd get to the happiness limit on the clams and then switch to hammer tiles. If I don't do something to immediately start generating commerce then I fall farther behind... waiting for cottages to grow is a mid game help, not an early game one. Of course, this means that I have to start with Fishing before BW, or right after, which may be a setback all its own.
I would have liked to whip more at a time in Berlin, but my troop demands were high. If I whip the Barracks, Lighthouse, & Library then that's 30 turns when Berlin produces very few troops. I'm also not sure what the value of the Lighthouse is at this early stage of the game (except to be able to whip more people at a time). Is 24 food all that much better than 20 food (more is clearly better.. but is it THAT much better)?
I was building cottages, but none happened to be near Berlin. I did see that as a problem but I had a Worker shortage that kept me from getting back there to work on it.
* Should have been a pure production city set up to crank out troops.
* Maybe should have settled one to the east, but that's debatable.
What does 'pure production' mean? Does that mean it's okay to work hammers? This is one of those things that I still don't get no matter how many times it gets explained to me. It still seems to me that if I can work hammers and get an Axeman out in 5 turns this is much better than using the whip and getting 1 every 10 turns with another coming soon with the overflow. Especially if I decide to churn out Warriors instead, it's no stretch to get a city making a Warrior every two turns. I'd think it would be better to do this and get a stack going much sooner than to spend time on slavery with such a city.
* Why the spearmen? Just curious.
* Why 3 axemen off in a desert in the middle of nowhere?
* Your military is sizable now, but too spread out. A focused military is much more powerful.
* Instead of threatening both Greek cities on your border, you should send all of the axemen in early wars at the same city. You'd have one of his by now if you'd done this.
Saladin had a Horse pasture that I discovered in my first war. It was amusing since I didn't have AH at the time I found it, but when I see a pasture on an empty tile I figure something is going on. So I had some Spearmen ready to face the Chariots, although as it turns out Saladin never rebuilt the pasture after the first time I pillaged it and I never saw a single mounted unit. Better safe than sorry though.
The Axemen are either guarding routes where Barbarians kept popping up or are coming back from war with Saladin. I was hoping that they would get enough XP to be useful vs an AI city, but that process turned out to be very slow.
I would have loved to have everybody in a game killing stack, but they were spread out because of various jobs they needed to do... usually Barbarian defense. This is one of my problems with early warfare. Given the limited amount of troops I can get together, there is almost no way for me to have a city crushing stack and have enough men left over to cover Barbarian actions.
The two Greek cities are a good example. They had just been founded right before Alexander declared war on me so they were still at size 1 when I took them out. Given the amount of defenders he had in each city, it was faster to send half my men toward each instead of sending everybody to the first one and then walking over to the second. Of course, now I lose that time anyway pulling them back together. Since the cities are in poor locations (for somebody not able to use an Iron Working Worker army) I went with early razings instead of waiting for them to build up pop for a capture. Besides which, while I'm waiting for the population to grow, Alexander is just building up the defenses and using them as a base to attack me. I thought I'd be better off trying to go for one of his more established cities later... but since Catapults are out of reach I gave up instead. I also had 50% losses in my attack on the western Greek city, which seems unacceptable to me in a game where my opponent can churn out troops twice as fast as I can. Even if we were making troops at the same rate it still seems high to me.
I've no doubt I can win on lower levels (because I've done it). Once I can win consistently, there is zero enjoyment in trying to see if I can shave off my 1950 win to a 1850 win or a 1750 win. Plus, the tactics you use to get those earlier wins are often of no help on higher difficulty levels. I want to learn how to win with ideas that work on nearly any level. I also want to be sure I'm learning things that will work equally well in multiplayer games.
BTW: I do win consistently on Monarch with OCC, although this involves forming a PA and helping them win. I haven't tried the diplo win yet.