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Neoteric World


Oct 4, 2009
[size=+4]Neoteric World [/size]​

Click to download
14th June 2010 23:30GMT

:borg: :sniper: :ar15:

This modification is for Civilization 4: Beyond the Sword patch 3.19. Neoteric World expands upon the modern era and future eras in the game, The expanded future era is optional to play. The focus of this mod is to add more quality content without overloading with too many new features. You will find many of the upgrade paths for units are now more beefy, for example you progress through World War one tanks all the way upto modern tanks and beyond! There are no critical errors to this mod like the other mods out there, so its 100% stable. If your new to modifications, your in for a shock :D

Taster for new animated leaders and new civs

Taster for Expanded Modern Era

Taster for Expanded Future Era (optional to play)

[size=+1]Neoteric World[/size]
  • Improved modern and future technology tree
  • Expanded modern units and future units
  • 14 new civilizations complete with animated leaders, Unique units and buildings
  • 7 New animated leaderheads for existing civiliziations
  • Heroic special forces units
  • Expanded promotions
  • 50+ new events
  • Expanded Resources
  • Realistic civilization flags
  • Ethnically diverse city graphics
  • Additional Wonders
  • Additional Buildings
  • Additional Civics
  • Vastly improved speed performances
  • Future era optional

[size=+1]Expanded Gameplay[/size]
  • Max Civilizations increased from 18 to 50
  • Revolutions and civil war can occur (See post 2)
  • Barbarians can form civilizations
  • Giant and Gigantic map scale
  • Lead from Behind
  • Improved Espionage
  • Influence Driven War
  • Added Religious Victory
  • Ranged Bombardment
  • Better AI with vastly improved speed performance
  • Religious Inquisitions
  • New premade maps, example Earth and Europe maps with 50civs
  • New Map Generators
  • Culturally Diverse City Styles

All can be turned on and off via in game menu


1. Requires Beyond the Sword Patch 3.19 (Get from official website)
2. Download latest version of Neoteric World
3. Right click downloaded folder and select Unzip
4. Place Unzipped folder here
C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods
5. BTS Menu -> Advanced -> Load Mod -> Neoteric World -> Enjoy!

[size=+1]Small Patch[/size]
Neoteric World Patch

This patch fixes the graphical bug of the sheilding in future war in which the shielding would become very big. It also adds Real Always War by The_J, in which all the Computers are now at war with eachother instead of just being at war with human player. This is the selectable game option Always War in custom game. It is absolutely simple to install in 2 clicks, Instructions file included.

[size=+1]See below for more details on Neoteric World[/size]


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[size=+2]The New Features[/size]


Revolutions can now occur in your empire. Revolutions occur when you badly manage your empire. This can lead to a civil war inside your empire with a rival faction forming and massing military units inside your empire. They will try to take over the cities that are in Revolution state. If they manage to capture cities. They can form a new civilization. There is a new icon top right hand corner that displays a picture of Che Guevara, this is where the revolution information can be seen. But do not panic, you get several warnings and options to try and prevent Revolutions from occuring...

Each city now has a revolution Index, The higher it gets the chance of revolution increases. Things that can increase Revolution index are : War, Distance from Capital, Religeon, Civics, Units, Losing Wars, Starvation etc! There are also events that can decrease your Revolution index like : Wonders, Winning wars, Religeon etc.

Sample Pictures
Spoiler :

[size=+1]Lead From Behind[/size]
This game feature re-evaluates which unit will defend when you attack a stack or city. Valuable units like Generals and highly promoted units are now much less likely to be the first to defend. They now lead from behind!

You can now remove religeons from your cities! Thanks the the Inquistor unit! But beware, It can cause temporary unhappiness and increases your revolution index...

[size=+1]Barbarian Civilizations[/size]
Barbarian cities that grow big enough can now form new civilizations. They will first form a minor civilization and then once they are still progressing after a certain amount of turns they will flourish into a brand new civilization.

[size=+1]Influence Driven War[/size]
My personal favourite. This game option makes boarders change according to military victories that occur on tiles. So basically if you win battles on an enemy controlled tile you will gain X amount of possession percent of that tile. Simulating real life where armies gain control of lands after destroying their enemies!
Example, If you are persian and attack a greek unit on a tile that is 53% greek and 47% persian and WIN, you will gain percentage off the greek 53%, and this may be enough to sway the tile in your favor so you own it.

[size=+1]Improved Global Warming[/size]
Prolonged Nuclear exchanges now cause nuclear winter and pollution to drop from the skies. Terrain will no longer change to desert immediately. When global warming first strikes, it removes forests/jungers -> Removes ice -> Tundra to Grassland -> Grassland to plains -> Plains to Desert. Or alternatively the opposite way around in some areas, Ice freezes over etc.
Select Rising Seas on Custom Game menu for this improved global warming.

[size=+1]Realistic Diplomacy[/size]
Computer now considers friends as civilizations it is Friendly with, not pleased.
The below are no longer permenant modifiers in diplomacy. They will decrease their negative effect over a certain amount of turns.

You nuked our friend
You nuked us
You razed our cities
You declared war on us
You declared war on our friend
You razed our holy city
You spy was caught causing trouble
You brought in a war ally against us

[size=+1]Events with Images[/size]
Now everytime an event occurs for you, a pop up window will occur showing a image of what the event is about. You may for example have a image of an exploding volcano and the options you have available to you. Pure graphical change, no effect on gameplay.

[size=+1]BUG and BULL[/size]
There is a little Ladybird icon in the top left hand corner while in game. Click this will bring up a menu that allows you to pretty much customize every advisor, game options and the information available to you that Firaxis did not allow you to see. Its really amazing what you can do with this. Its great for micro managing your empire to get complete efficiency.

[size=+1]Better AI[/size]
The computer is now more intelligent, plans better military campaigns, understands diplomacy and better manages its empire. Be carefull, you may need to drop a difficulty.

[size=+1]New Diplomacy Option[/size]
When you enter into the diplomacy screen with another civilization, you now have the option to Refuse to talk. They do it to you, You can now do it to them. Stops them hassling you for trades and demands :D

[size=+1]Super Spies[/size]
Spies now have the ability to gain promotions when built and gain experience after successfull missions.

[size=+1]Culturally Diverse City Styles[/size]
A vast improvement on Firaxis graphics for cities. Cities from asian, european, arabic, south american...etc civilizations are now much more diverse and look superb.

So how does this all fit together is a question you must be asking yourself. Standard Beyond the Sword heavily lacks a modern era that represents our present day. There is much Firaxis missed out, well this mod corrects that. The technology tree is revamped and allows for a smoother progression through the ages. With new technologies comes new units, Not all the units listed below can be built the same time. The upgrade routes of units are now much more in detail which allows for a smoother progression when you are playing. You will find the World War One and Two eras have more features and Post World War Two to present day is particularly special in this mod. Extra care has gone into making sure everything is balanced correctly and you do not get overloaded with too much information and units. The future era has also been expanded upon the Next War mod that came with Beyond the Sword.

An excellent addition are the modern troops which can enter chinook transport helicopters and can be dropped in and out of hotzones quickly, back them up with the mighty AC130 Gunship and it can give you decisive victories. Gone are the days of spamming as many tanks as possible, Wars now require thought and a diverse army. Specials forces and modern infantry forces that posses new promotions like the javelin missile can stop tanks in their tracks. All is not lost for the tanks and mechanical vehicles, they too get new promotional options like Thermal Imaging. Some units may have a limit to how many can be built for the sake of balance, once you reach that limit you will be able to build the previous version of the unit that had been replaced.

New Units

  • F15
  • Mig
  • Strike Fighter
  • Harrier Jump Jet
  • B52
  • Stealth Fighter
  • A10 Thunderbolt
  • UAV Spy Drone
  • A10 Thunderbolt
  • and many more!
  • Modern Marine
  • Modern Infantry
  • Modern Paratrooper
  • Special Forces
  • Heroic Special Forces
  • Transport Chinook
  • Apache Attack Helicopter
  • M1 Abram Modern Armor (American unique unit)
  • Magach Modern Armor (Israeli unique unit)
  • Biological Missile
  • Humvee
  • and many more!

  • Littoral Class Battleship
  • Nuclear Submarine
  • Fusion Submarine
  • Cruiser
  • and many more!

New Civilizations

All with Unique buildings, units and animated leaderheads
  • Apache
  • Arawak
  • Argentina
  • Congo
  • Cuba
  • Iran
  • Iraq
  • Iroquois
  • Israel
  • Milaysia
  • Moche
  • Pakistan
  • Poland
  • Vietnam

New Leaders for Existing Civs
  • Hirohito (Japan)
  • Hitler (Germany)
  • Kim Jong Il (Korea)
  • Phillip II (Spain)
  • Ronald Regan (America)
  • Xerxes (Persia)
  • Cetshwayo (Zulu)

  • Democracy
  • Communism
  • Facism
  • Liberalism
  • Parliament
  • Presidential
  • Republic
  • Senate
  • Regulated Markets
  • Marxist
  • Some original civics altered

  • Area 51
  • Theory Of Evolution
  • World Trade Center
  • Big Ben
  • Cure for Cancer (Gives 5 tradeable cancer cures)
  • World Bank
  • BBC
  • Autobahn
  • Leaning Tower of Pisa
  • World News Network
  • Brandenburg Gate
  • Fort Knox (National)
  • Communication Satellites (National)
  • Research Center (National)
  • Disease Control (National)

  • Apple
  • Bison
  • Cocoa
  • Cotton
  • Diamond
  • Hemp
  • Natural Gas (Provides power with new Gas Plant)
  • Olives
  • Opium
  • Potato
  • Salt
  • Shrimp
  • Tea
  • Tobacco

  • Javelin Missile
  • Urban Tactics I + II
  • Thermal Imaging
  • Laser Guided Bombs
  • Heat Seeking Bombs
  • Chaff
  • Improved Radar
  • Spy Promotions (Yes thats right, Spies now gain promotions)
  • And some more!


Newly added techs to improve the modern era and future era technology trees.



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Ask and thou shall have answers!

I cant get Blue Marble working with this mod? A. It does work

1. Open the Neoteric World folder
2. Open Neoteric World.ini (Configuration settings) with notepad or a text editor
3. Change 'Custom Art from the user folder is not loaded' from the 1 to 0.
4. Change 'Custom XML and Python from user folder are not loaded' from 1 to 0
5. Save, Done.

I hate future techs and the Next War Mod, How do i get rid of it?

1. Go here
C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Neoteric World\Assets\Modules
2. Delete Next War
3. Done.

I get some text errors and im using Vista, Whats wrong?

1. Right click the Neoteric World shortcut
Normally in C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Neoteric World
2. Select Properties
3. Select Compatability tab
4. Check run as administrator
5. Press Ok, fixed!

I want more Leaders and Civilizations, can they be added? A. Yes, very easily.

I included high quality new civs and leaders in this mod but there are many others I did not include. If you want to see a specific civilization or leader added, it literally takes a few minutes to add. I can either do it and release it as an add on for Neoteric World or if you search the forums or pm me you can find out how to do it yourself.

I dont like Revolutions and I dont like Barbarians being able to form civilizations

1. Turn off Revolutions and BarbarianCiv in custom game menu.

Revolutions and Barbarians create too many new civilizations in the game, what can I do?

1. Look inside Neoteric World mod folder, there is a very small instruction guide to limiting how many civilizations revolutions and barbarians can create. Its 3 simple steps.

The game freezes in loading screen when making a game! Whats going on!?!

Giant and Gigantic maps can take a minute to a few minutes to generate, It will appear as though its frozen but its just a really big map to generate. Some computers will do it fast and some will not. Its worth it though, maps are masssssssssive!


Jdog5000, Dom Pedro II, Glider1, Afforess, Phungus420 and RevDCM team
Dale for DCM
Moctezuma for IDW
Solver, Dresdon and Jdog5000 for the BTS unofficial patch:
Better BTS AI Team and Jdog5000:
Bug Mod Team and EmperorFool
Trojan Sheep for Super Spies
WoC Mod Team
Avain for his many projects and ideas.
Johny Smith for his high woc-lite concept
PieceOfMind for the Advanced Combat Odds
OrionVeteran for some core algorithms in Revolutions Inquisitions
Thomas SG for the "Positions of Scores" scrollbar
Minor Annoyance for Global Warming Mod
Kael for Barbarian World game option
DaveMcW for Show Hidden Attitude Mod
GeoModder for Ethnic City Styles
Afforress for Realistic Diplomacy.
EmporerFool and Arian for Event Images
Antilogic for More Events
Uncut dragon for lead from behind
Others, who I missed? sorry

New carrier for future era.

You may need to redownload this mod if you downloaded it yesterday.
That python error is nothing by the way, a reinstall of beyond the sword or patch 3.19 would probably fix that, but its unnecessary.
can this mod use default/public maps? (example Earth 18 civs) Will download it when I get home but would love to play this on an earth map. Also, can you convert saves from standard BTS 3.19 into personal scenerios that can use this mod? (example I am playing an earth map now and have reached future tech. can I save it in the world builder as a scenerio and play it in this mod?)

Thanks looks like a great mod.

Edit: Does this mod slow down in the modern/future era like BTS can? Did not know if you did something about this.
Looks like a good mod, hope it lives up to my expectation :p

- All Links are dead -

File not found: civilizationivbeyondthesword/Neoteric World.zip
Looks like a good mod, hope it lives up to my expectation :p

- All Links are dead -

File not found: civilizationivbeyondthesword/Neoteric World.zip

File front is working. Strat informer is not, I have taken strat informer off. Try again will work

can this mod use default/public maps? (example Earth 18 civs) Will download it when I get home but would love to play this on an earth map. Also, can you convert saves from standard BTS 3.19 into personal scenerios that can use this mod? (example I am playing an earth map now and have reached future tech. can I save it in the world builder as a scenerio and play it in this mod?)

Thanks looks like a great mod.

Edit: Does this mod slow down in the modern/future era like BTS can? Did not know if you did something about this.

Slow down? Do not know what you mean. You cant load saves from standard bts games with this mod. you have to start new games with this
Ah, a new mod, I see. I'll download this then... :3 I especially like all the new resources. I always thought there was never enough.
Looks good, I'll give it a shot once you get all the bugs worked out. And when I actually get some free time of course. :goodjob:

ty. there is no critical ones and major bugs. Ive never seen that python error before, more than likely isnt caused by this mod.
Hey BobeBrown, im liking the mod, but i feel you miss the guerilla and a more modern version of the guerilla.
So in my game i made the guerilla and the later version called freedom fighter.

I know you can use other special limited units..but they are expensive and limited!
Please think about adding something like these to just fill the gap with cheap cost units with hidden nationality.

Guerilla (requires training ground)
- Hidden nationality
- Can withdraw 20%
- 20% v gunpowder
- 20% armour
- Free promo guerilla1
Spoiler :

Freedom Fighter (requires Elite Training Ground)
- Hidden nationality
- Can intercept aircraft 35%
- Can withdraw 40%
- 35% vs gunpowder
-35% vs armour
- 35% vs helicopter
- Promo urban tactics1
Spoiler :
<Description>Freedom Fighter</Description>

Elite Training Ground
Spoiler :
<Description>Elite Training Grounds</Description>
<!-- <UnitCombatProdType>NONE</UnitCombatProdType>
Hey BobeBrown, im liking the mod, but i feel you miss the guerilla and a more modern version of the guerilla.
So in my game i made the guerilla and the later version called freedom fighter.

I know you can use other special limited units..but they are expensive and limited!
Please think about adding something like these to just fill the gap with cheap cost units with hidden nationality.

Guerilla (requires training ground)
- Hidden nationality
- Can withdraw 20%
- 20% v gunpowder
- 20% armour
- Free promo guerilla1
Spoiler :

Freedom Fighter (requires Elite Training Ground)
- Hidden nationality
- Can intercept aircraft 35%
- Can withdraw 40%
- 35% vs gunpowder
-35% vs armour
- 35% vs helicopter
- Promo urban tactics1
Spoiler :
<Description>Freedom Fighter</Description>

Elite Training Ground
Spoiler :
<Description>Elite Training Grounds</Description>
<!-- <UnitCombatProdType>NONE</UnitCombatProdType>

Potentially. They would have to be a new unit class of their own because allowing them to get all promotions would make them overpowered. The special forces currently in Neoteric World are very effective in running unofficial wars and ripping apart enemy infrustructure before you go to war with them but thats why they are limited to two units. Adding more hidden nationality units could cause an easy exploit to win :/

Dont think I would add a hidden nationality plane because it would not be realistic. You dont get rogue pilots present day doing hit and run attacks over countries boarders.

Glad everyone is enjoying it and good feedback! Like hearing new ideas to update with
What I meant by slow down was late game lag/long between turns waiting time. I have played it and it does not seem to be a problem. I took out global warming completely though lol but thats just me.

I am only a very novice modder, so I was looking at the globaldefinesalt file in the xml area. There does not seem to be a way to change the max national wonders per city or place a max world wonders per city. Also I noticed that a few of the options for nukes were not there (example the nuke building destruct probability). Can I add these in by cutting and copying from the standard BTS?
What I meant by slow down was late game lag/long between turns waiting time. I have played it and it does not seem to be a problem. I took out global warming completely though lol but thats just me.

I am only a very novice modder, so I was looking at the globaldefinesalt file in the xml area. There does not seem to be a way to change the max national wonders per city or place a max world wonders per city. Also I noticed that a few of the options for nukes were not there (example the nuke building destruct probability). Can I add these in by cutting and copying from the standard BTS?

You need GlobalDefines.xml from Beyond the sword because Neoteric World does not include its own version of that. Inside Neoteric world is GlobalDefinesALT.xml, you mixing them up i think.

From that you can also reduce the probability of Global Warming to 0, by changning GLOBAL_WARMING_PROB from 20 to 0. I never play with Global warming too lol ^^ I like my nuclear exchanges to go on and on and on.

I have added Iraq and Iran but not released it yet but if anyone would like a quick release to have these civs in game then I can do that.
Hi all, i am new on this forum, i have a problem with this mod. I`ve been alredy installed it but.... i cant see a lot of names and messages (only apears empty names and messages) , also i am not able to change my civics :S anyone could help?? (i have a spanish version of this game, this could be the main problem?? ) i`d aprecite your help, and sorry for my noob .
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