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Nero02-no science - Emperor

I checked the current trades in civassist, so also don't have a clue.
This will make things very difficult...
Mathias said:
Nero didn't log a DoW on Russia. Since the attack was the only action logged after buying Chivalry in 50 BC, I would guess that it was a 'sneak attack' or otherwise seen as RoP rape.

Hmm, that's got to be it. Nerovats, do you recall how you declared on them? You mentioned in 110 BC they kicked you out of their territory. Did you do that again and let them declare? Just curious. It doesn't really matter as we can't do anything about it now.

We need to keep our gpt up so we can keep a lot of cash in our treasury. We can still do it, just need to adjust our trading plans.
Yes that's what happend, they demanded me to leave and I declared. But that doesn't cause a rep hit, or does it?
Any declaration of war with troops in enemy territory is RoP rape, and that definitely causes a rep hit.
Oh I'm up, that goes fast with 3 players and 1 of them skipped :)
Will play tonight, unless Mattias get's it before me.
Should I ask for some more players in the SG thread?
Methos didn't complete his turnset.
change St Regis to duct
Mayans approach Yekaterinbrug, decide to risk it (just 2 vet AC should be no problem). Do move some more units north.
Mayans did declare and even managed to kill a vet knight.
They move in loads of units, but half of them are warriors (leader fishing time).
counterstrike no promotions.
Yokohama flips.
have some bad luck counter striking from Yekaterineburg rush pike.
IBT loose Yekatrin
rush some galley's
IBT get kicked out of Ottomans territory
make peace with India for some gold.
IBT mayans approach Orenburg
Take out almost whole m=Mayan force
IBT japan sign alliance with Mayans
Ottoman is approaching
Salamanca Knights Templar->knight
Get alliance with Ottomans against Japan for 260gold (was affraid they would attack to, sing against Japan as Japan is weaker then Maya, so we will be allowed to sign peace with maya without rep hit).
Maya's are now down to a warrior and a longbow.
send fleet to Yekatrin
IBT Ottomans land a spear
land near Yekatrin
Take Yekatrin back.

Keep an eye on the Ottoman spear I don't know what it wants, and don't want to risk a war booting him. Fortify close cities just to be sure. I would take the 5 galleys and 10 knights to the Mayan homeland and take a good bite before making peace. As we're supposed not to war too much we'd better take advantage of this one.

Mathias UP
Methos on deck
300 AD (0)
IT: Lose a knight to Mayan AC
Renew peace with Inca
Inca complete Sistine Chapel
Russia is building Leonardo's

310 AD (1)
Maya and Ottomans have Education
Kill AC

IT: Netherlands extort 85 gold

320 AD (2)
Load galleys and head for Mayan territory

IT: Russia forces our galleys back
Netherlands sneak attack: Two knights attack and capture Yekaterinburg, spearman captures and disbands 4 workers.
Maya ally Inca against us, Inca unloads their lone warrior.

330 AD (3)
I don't have time for this much war, and I'm not sure how we want to proceed, so I stopped here.
This is what caused the loss of TGOMTG. The world went to war, became fascist, and greater knowledge went out the window.

The Mayans are willing to accept peace if we pay them 40 gold.

I like having the tight northern section since we’re able to herd them in with a smaller area. Plus I hate to invade as we’ll slow down their economies which weakens are path to space. What if we leave our land as is and only defend our lands when invaded?

The main problem I see with my suggestion is it’ll drag the wars out which also slows down progress for them. Either way, all these wars aren’t helping.

The loss of gpt deals is really going to hurt us now. Giving gpt to the AI typically keeps them from attacking. I’m not for sure if just giving them tons of cash for techs is going to keep them off our backs.

Edit: The only other thing is just to totally wipe one out and try and get the others to start researching.
I won't have time to play again until Monday.
I'm not quite finished yet, but should be done tomorrow. This is taking forever with all these wars. As soon as I end one another starts back up. My wife and I are going out of town tomorrow afternoon so I'll post what I have before we head out.
I’m not for sure how it happened, but after I made the deal with the Mayans I was able to make gpt deals again. I’m confused.

Pre-Turn: Mayans: We get peace; we give 40 gold.
Maya: We get Gunpowder; we give 888 gold
Ottomans: We get Chemistry; we give 17 gpt and 730 gold
IT: Japan asks for peace but I decline. I don’t want to get a rep hit for it. Especially as we can make gpt deals again. Still don’t understand that one.

340 AD (1): We re-take Yekaterinburg. Our eCurragh gets hosed by a galley.
Ottomans: We get Metallurgy; we give 64 gpt and 222 gold
Russia: We get Education and 1 gold; we give Metallurgy
IT: The Ottomans declare on us! Looks like we just got a couple techs extremely cheap.

350 AD (2): Re-take St. Regis and get back our horses. Since our MA deal with the Ottomans is null and void I do this:
Japan: We get 21 gold; we give Peace

360 AD (3): Maya: We get Military Tradition; we give 179 gpt and 488 gold
Arghh!!! No one else will give us gpt! That was a wasted deal.

I'm a little confused. Before I made the deal with the Mayans I checked and the Russians and Japanese had money available for gpt deals [184 and 221 respectively, or something close to that]. Yet they wouldn't even give me so much as 1 gpt. If our rep is bad I don't see how it would affect them giving us gpt.
Also, why did all of a sudden our ability to make gpt deals come back?

Here's the save.
take out some units, upgarde a couple of knights.
try to hold border,
make peace with Inca we get 140 gold.
Orenburg flips to russians.
move in on Aydin
Make peace with Netherlands, get 15 gold
Capture Aydin
trade iron to Japan for furs and Printing press (we need luxes, this wil yield 55gpt for us).
Ottoman is willing to talk but decide to attack Iznik first, almost get it just 1 HP musket left, but we get leader.
Take Iznik

Must decide on what to use leader on now, army or FP. With an army we should be able to take Edrine and claim the Gems, but since t's very close to their capitol it'll have a big flip chance. I prefer a FP, maybe in Iznik?

I also think we should build some more cities around Orenburg and rush culture to make it flip back. Might even take it and St Peter (spices) by force, but I think we should try to make people like us again.

Haven't finished this turn. Ottomans won't give tech or city for peace and don't have a lot of cash.

We have a strong army now, but might consider disbanding some warriors as we are 10 units over budget. Or at least replace them with cav's. Then we should be attacked less.

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