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New Civilization: Wales


May 7, 2006
Note: the info below is for Wales for BTS, the info for Wales for Warlords can be found on the FilePlanet link (download link)

Leader: Llywelyn the Great
Unique Unit: Welsh Longbowman (replaces Longbowman)
Unique Building: Caer (replaces Castle) i


Download Link for BTS: http://forums.civfanatics.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=7864

Download Link for Warlords:http://www.fileplanet.com/174418/170000/fileinfo/New-Civilization:-Wales


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No Pontypool, someone's gonna get upset.
(apologies for the possibly unneccessary bump...)

Great job! Finally, a decent Wales civ. Although, Cardiff shouldn't really be the capital - Cardiff only became the capital in the 20th Century (1905 I think) and in fact before the industrial revolution was nothing more than a small town with a fairly nifty castle; it didn't become a truly significant place until long after Wales was no longer an independent nation. Ditto Swansea, Newport, Barry & others.

Various places were used as centers of government over the years, by different rulers, but in medieval times the largest and most important town was probably Caerfyrddin. Other important places would have included Harlech, Aberffraw, Machynlleth & others, mostly only small towns or villages today.
Sweet!!! Thanks/Bendigedig!

Various places were used as centers of government over the years, by different rulers, but in medieval times the largest and most important town was probably Caerfyrddin. Other important places would have included Harlech, Aberffraw, Machynlleth & others, mostly only small towns or villages today.

I'd hazard to say that out of all those listed, the only REAL subsitute for Cardiff,would have been Machynlleth (simply because of Owain Glyndŵrs Parliament). That said, I think the Capital should remain "Caerdydd" largely because, it's the most densely populated city in all of Wales, far larger than any other. (You are of course welcome to disagree).

One suggestion though, Esnaz, I reckon you should have had the settlements in Welsh, rather than English. It makes them far more culturally unique. :)

Cardiff - Caerdydd
Swansea - Abertawe
Newport - Casnewydd [yn wysg] (sp?)
Merthyr Tidfil - Merthyr Tyfil
Barry - Barri
Port Talbot - Not fluent enough, to know the translation i'm afraid, other Welshies know?
Cwmbran... - Cŵmbran

There are Northern/Gog cities too?


This looks good to me! Thanks for putting this together :)

I would make a couple of suggestions on the city names though. I agree with 6underground that Welsh language names are more appropriate. Also, Port Talbot and Cwmbran are quite new towns so I'd put them quite far down your list. Cwmbran as we know it today is a "New Town", largely planned in the 20th century.

Although Cardiff/Caerdydd is only the modern capital I think its the most recognisable city to be the capital in the game.

Here's a list that might work, starting with the five "cities" that exist in modern Wales:
Caerdydd, Bangor, Abertawe, Casnewydd, Tyddewi*, Caernarfon, Machynlleth, Caerfyrddin, Conwy, Penffro, Aberteifi, Caerffili, Aberhonddu, Rhuddlan, Hwlffordd, Dinbych, Fflint, Cricieth, Caergybi, Aberystwyth, Llandudno, Wrecsam, Barri, Aberafan**, Cwmbran, Merthyr Tudful, Ebbw Vale, Blaenau

* St Davids
* Port Talbot

You might also want to consider Garth Celyn as a city name, as it was the home of the Princes of Wales before the English conquest.

Hope that helps.
Owain Glyn Dwr forever, if i have to re name it.
Dont worry bout city names there simple enough to change in game if you want to and cardiffs a fine town to be going on with.
Good mod. thanks mate.
Just got back to the game

Thanks for the suggestions, I should have done that, but I'm probably not going to release a second Wales mod
THis doesn't work for BtS - would it work if I were to use another modular template and alter the details as appropriate? It's for personal use, but if it were to work i'd be happy to share it and credit it to esnaz.

I also will edit the flag and city names to Welsh.
it would work but itd be quite some work.
If you do update it id be glad if you could post it here
im currently working with a copy and pasted the names on top of a copy of the celts bts version of the mod
it would work but itd be quite some work.
If you do update it id be glad if you could post it here
im currently working with a copy and pasted the names on top of a copy of the celts bts version of the mod

THis doesn't work for BtS - would it work if I were to use another modular template and alter the details as appropriate? It's for personal use, but if it were to work i'd be happy to share it and credit it to esnaz.

I also will edit the flag and city names to Welsh.

I don't think I'm going to release a BTS version, perhaps if I get around to it, but i'm currently behind on some work due to computer difficulties :mad:
Bendigedig,Diolch!, only problem is i dont live in America?!, so how do I download it? :- 0
I could download it...

Anyway, if no-one's going to complain, I'll update this to BtS during the week. If there are any other leader suggestions, I'll try to add them in.

I already have, I'm releasing it with a couple of other civs I'm doing, plus it will be in Civgold, for BTS I think
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