NEW GAME 2022!! Realism Invictus Mod

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My own fault for not checking the saves, but if we would pick up the pace I'd be less rusty with the whole GPS procedure.
The Battle of Khion
Diodotos thought that the village of the Khionites would be easy to take, but he was mistaken.

For as his men entered the village, they heard the sound of a war cry echoing through the hills. It was the roar of the great king Phylhomenes and his warriors, who had returned from the hunt. The arrows rained down on the Armenians like a deadly hailstorm, and Diodotos knew that they needed help.

And so, with a fierce determination in his heart, Diodotos raised his war horn to his lips and blew a long, piercing blast. The sound echoed across the land, and soon, the hills were alive with the sound of marching warriors. The men of Bholuros had heard their hero's call to arms, and they were coming to his aid.

As they arrived on the battlefield, they quickly formed ranks and charged towards the enemy lines. The clash of swords and shields was deafening, and the sky was darkened with the smoke of battle. The warriors of Phylhomenes fought bravely, but they were no match for the overwhelming numbers of the Armenian army. In the end, it was Diodotos and his men who emerged victorious. The remaining warriors of Phylhomenes fled into the western mountain passes, where they took refuge at the shores of the outer sea and established a new kingdom.

And so it was that Diodotos returned to his ships with the two white horses of Khion that he had promised to his father, the Sun. The horses were a sight to behold, with shimmering coats and lightning-fast speed. Diodotos knew that his father would be pleased with the gifts, and he set sail for home.

And the people of Armenia hailed him as their hero and king, for his bravery in battle and his unwavering devotion to his father had earned him the respect and admiration of all. And though the sun continued to move slowly across the sky, time no longer seemed to stand still, for the memory of Diodotos' deeds lived on, inspiring generations of heroes to come.


An interesting point about this legendary tale is that the archaeological record confirms a rapid centralisation of power back in the Armenian homeland around this time. It seems that Diodotos may very well have become the first king to extend his undisputed rule over not just Khion, but also Armenia. There is evidence of a ruling elite residing at the hill of Bholuros in the Armenian homeland from around this time.
(this is just a belated continuation, nothing new has happened recently)
@Phylhom, seems like your turn times are getting longer - is there any chance you might be able to pick up your original pace in the future?
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Save sent, guys. Sorry for the delay. I had a lot of work these last days and I didn't get to play before.
2344 BC- Of Pearls and Pyramids

The now merged Java-Phoenician tribes lived in relative peace. Although there were periods of internal strife upon tribal leader succession, the Java-Phoenicians stood strong in their cooperation. Centuries of exploration had revealed to these tribes that they seemed to be on the only landmass(in their eyes) in the world. Living on such a small rock, rebellions and independent coups would be futile. Thus the Java-Phoenician tribes entered a new age of prosperity due to mutual cooperation. However over the years the relative egalitarian setup between the tribes of Gaib Ninim and those of Qart-Hadasht were being threatened by a buildup of political power base in Qart-Hadasht. No one could've imagined that it would be Qart-Hadasht that would prosper for the time being, compared to Gaib Ninim, despite its precious pearl economy. The seeds for an autocracy, for kingship, were slowly being sown.

The Java-Phoenicians commenced building a burial site which would also help to determine the time of the day, at Qart-Hadasht, in memory of their victory over the Javanese of Gaib Ninim centuries ago. These would come to be known as the Pyramids of Qart-Hadasht. Legends speak of the human marvel, to have been able to construct such perfectly sized pyramid burial grounds in the very swampy lands of Qart Hadasht. These are truly an engineering marvel. The upper class would often wear some sort of pearl necklaces as a status symbol, and would often be buried along with their pearl jewelry upon death. The insides of the pyramids still host a variety of jewelry, primarily with pearls, but also of gold and silver. In 2344 BC, the tribes had finally finished their centuries-old project, and were on to new things to explore. Several attempts had been made to build a type of galley that would allow them to explore further waters from home, in search of possible new land, but they hadn't succeeded yet. Would they find new land for their descendants? Only time would tel...
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2344 BC- Of Pearls and Pyramids

The now merged Java-Phoenician tribes lived in relative peace. Although there were periods of internal strife upon tribal leader succession, the Java-Phoenicians stood strong in their cooperation. Centuries of exploration had revealed to these tribes that they seemed to be on the only landmass(in their eyes) in the world. Living on such a small rock, rebellions and independent coups would be futile. Thus the Java-Phoenician tribes entered a new age of prosperity due to mutual cooperation. However over the years the relative egalitarian setup between the tribes of Gaib Ninim and those of Qart-Hadasht were being threatened by a buildup of political power base in Qart-Hadasht. No one could've imagined that it would be Qart-Hadasht that would prosper for the time being, compared to Gaib Ninim, despite its precious pearl economy. The seeds for an autocracy, for kingship, were slowly being sown.

The Java-Phoenicians commenced building a burial site which would also help to determine the time of the day, at Qart-Hadasht, in memory of their victory over the Javanese of Gaib Ninim centuries ago. These would come to be known as the Pyramids of Qart-Hadasht. Legends speak of the human marvel, to have been able to construct such perfectly sized pyramid burial grounds in the very swampy lands of Qart Hadasht. These are truly an engineering marvel. The upper class would often wear some sort of pearl necklaces as a status symbol, and would often be buried along with their pearl jewelry upon death. The insides of the pyramids still host a variety of jewelry, primarily with pearls, but also of gold and silver. In 2344 BC, the tribes had finally finished their centuries-old project, and were on to new things to explore. Several attempts had been made to build a type of galley that would allow them to explore further waters from home, in search of possible new land, but they hadn't succeeded yet. Would they find new land for their descendants? Only time would tel...
Damn! Was just about to start on those. Hope you can find new lands with your galleys, else this will be a long game 😅
Damn! Was just about to start on those. Hope you can find new lands with your galleys, else this will be a long game 😅
There's a part of me that feels like I'm definitely isolated. Can't wait to meet one of you guys in 2028!
So, I've taken Phylhom's last city. I think he still has a scout left or something, so he's still in the game. @Phylhom I can see you've been online without taking your turn, does that mean you're out? Or do you want to continue?
I just played my turn. I have one scout, but he is wounded and there are some barbarian warriors around, so, my extinction is imminent.
It's done. My Scout was defeated and now I'm out of the game. Nighthawk has the game's email password. So, he can change the forwarding rules to reflect my elimination of the game.

Nighthawk, notify me if you need help with that.

Good game for you, guys. It seems this game will be very interesting.
Nighthawk has the game's email password. So, he can change the forwarding rules to reflect my elimination of the game.

I have already done that, so you all can continue to send your saves to the pbem's email. Nighthawk, it is your turn.
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