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new here: Signature?


Dec 29, 2012
Hey everyone, I'm new here. Looks like a good forum. :) Where can I make my signatuer?

Civilization V (-Gods & Kings
-Mongols, Genghis Khan)
Civilization IV (-Colonization
-Beyond the Sword
Civilization III: Complete Edition
Moderator Action: Moved to Site Feedback.

After you've been registered for 5 days and have made 5 posts, you'll be able to create a signature under My Account -> Edit Signature.

Please note that we have some rules for signatures, e.g. they are not allowed to be bigger than 5 lines of size 2 (see the rules for all options).
In case you just want to show what you've played (looks like this from your post): There are some options in your profile for that ;).
Can you use more than 5 lines if they are the equivalent of 5 lines at size 2 (by using size 1)?

If no, then the mods don't enforce this rule very well...
(see the rules for all options)

;) that part had a reason.

[URL="http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889"]Rules[/URL] said:
Keep your signature brief
This forum has a signature feature that allows you to "sign" your posts with a customized block of text. The text may include links to other sites (as long as they are within the forum rules) and emoticons. No derogatory references to other members, spoiler tags, quote tags, or youtube tags are allowed in signatures.

Signatures are limited to 5 lines of regular (size 2) text. Using smaller text (size 1) allows 7 lines of text. Larger text (size 3) allows 3 lines of text. No text size larger than size 3 should be used. The number of lines for any text size includes blank lines and room used by emoticons and is evaluated at 1024x768 resolution. Images, aside from this sites emoticons, are not allowed.
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