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Dec 13, 2008

I created a Pitboss server, should be online daily between 9 am and 23 pm GMT+1.....any1 is welcome.
Civ4 warlords
FOr me is first time to create such a game so I dont know If I missed anything,
The ip addresse is .
Any1 wants to join pls contact me on messenger id alexflorin24
You ar the first. First thing is you should try to connect to my server to see if really works before to plan more than this. Let me know if you succeed to connect or not, you have the ip addresse in my first post.
I am not sure if u need a password..but try "arabela"
I can connect with given pass, but transferring game data is extremely slow...
Also, I get warning message about different versions of warlords...
How much slow??

Yes my connection is 128kbs and is a huge map .......unleast we know is working, we can make a smaller map and what ever people like. If is really to slow for you to play like this tell me, no offence:)
The warning message i have no ideea why is coming or how to make lose it . MY game is Warlords with the last patch. Nver played before Mp...is this giving really problems?
The different game files is because you have bts while alex doesn't have it.
How much slow??

Yes my connection is 128kbs and is a huge map .......unleast we know is working, we can make a smaller map and what ever people like. If is really to slow for you to play like this tell me, no offence:)

It's not normal, actually- I got about 10% very quick, and then nothing, then 5% more, and then nothing, then 10% more, and then transfer stuck....
Perhaps I was using also the internet resources in that time, just searching on the internet a page, in that moment who ever will download something will experience slow transfer.

I know the connection is very slow and some times not stable, I prefer some1 else with better internet to organize something but cant find a game to join it.

Just for informations the server where you are connnecting is in Nigeria, Middle Africa;)

Who can make a better one please let me join it.
http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=300003 this is the last pitboss started here... Pitbosses certainly don't start often around here. I don't think asking people to start a pitboss will help anything. Anyone who can host are already hosting pitboss...
Alex - do you have BtS as well or just Warlords? Finding a Warlords game to join will be hard... in which case hosting may be your only option.

One possibility if you want to host, but your computer or internet connection is not up to the job, would be to investigate renting space on a 'virtual private server' where I believe you basically pay $$ to have remote access to a server somewhere that would host the game for you (and give you admin and remote access rights so you can admin the game).

I've no idea how much this costs or what exactly is involved, but looks like this is what hardcoded is doing (in the above link) and it seems to be working out pretty well so far (albeit it is early days) so he might be able to give you more details if that sounds interesting to you.

If you do have BtS and want to try joining an existing game first as a permanent replacement, there are usually games looking for subs and replacements from time to time. For example, I believe they are currently in need of a replacement for 'Mixa' and / or ahm52 here: http://www.tacticalgamer.com/civili...11044-ptbs-bts-gathering-storm-signup-18.html

Hope this helps. Merry Christmas. :)
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