New Unit: Atlas Missile

Originally posted by Krayzeenbk
A preview (this is only some of the animation, to keep the size down):

There are some things I'm unhappy with, such as the speed at which the strap-ons detach [...]

... Um, I don't think "strap-ons" is quite the term your looking for :satan: Perhaps "boosters" is a better choice?:D

They're called strap-on boosters, with either nick used in rocketry circles. You're both right ;)
well this explains that you are obssesed with nukes and other weapons of mass destruction. maybe you should make a chemical missle, or biological missle
@Krayzeenbk - Which Nuke do you recomend for my Imperialism mod to use as a cold war version of the ICBM? :)
All ICBMs in use up to today were deployed or designed during the cold war. Which country/countries are you looking to arm with rockets?

EDIT: PM me ;) no need to revive this thread (yet), I think this missile is ugly and am seriously considering remaking it as I get more and more experience.
looks cool I currently don't have any need for this type of missle but maybe in the future i will looks great though good work.
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